Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

Yeah it's snowing right now and it's definitely cold in my garage but problem is I don't think any of this is smokeable. It's a bunch of these fuckers. I'll go out there and take a picture of one but this is what they look like

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Edit: second picture is my actual bud. I think they all died and fell to the bottom of the bag, but there's this all over the buds. Either larvae or shit. I can't tell.
You can still use it for making concentrates,kief,hash....or just decarb it and eat it!...its NOT going to hurt anything but your ego!....:>)
You can still use it for making concentrates,kief,hash....or just decarb it and eat it!...its NOT going to hurt anything but your ego!....:>)

What about smoking it? Mother in law is the one that procured the bag from a friend of hers and she has no interest in making anything with it.. I could, but I doubt she'd want me to.
In mexican brick pounds I would find feathers, rocks, bugs, and twine mostly. Once had a spoon in the middle that was bullshit and once I pulled a pound in half in my parents laundry room and an oz of seeds packed in the middle fell out everywhere that was fun
Anybody here George Carlin's take on a rookie undercover cop buying pot on the street?
I'll try to dig it up.
Race to see who does it first!!!!
Wait, are we talking about weed or Wendy's chili?

I hold a grudge against Wendy's and won't eat there as 20 years ago I found a handful of fries in my soda.

Little plastic action figures was the weirdest thing I found in brick weed.
I had this skunky something from someone and in the bud there was like this gooey brown resin about half the size of a hazelnut. It was definitely resin like. The smell was very sweet like molasses. Could it be from too much molasses in the grow maybe??
A roach, and not the cock kind, but the I rolled one up out of your bag and here’s what’s left kind. It kind of made that sublime song lyric make sense to me, “finding roaches in your pot”
Found 3x 9mm rounds once. It was in a bag with maybe 1.5 lbs of regos. Called my guy, all fired up about it, askin if it was a mistake or a message lol. Made him bring me the weight of the rounds in product and gave him 3x .44 mag rounds when he came. Told him to get a bigger gun.
Not super crazy but have found several sesame seeds in street weed. Sad thing is that I ended up smoking it :(
Back in the days of brick weed by the pound, I once picked up 8 lbs that ended up being full of little black rubber O-rings. They were over half the weight. You couldn't see them from the outside, but they started shooting across the room as soon as I broke the bricks open.
I've grown my own meds for a few years now, so the craziest thing I've found in my weed in that time is a seed. lol

Back in the day, we found rocks, wood, straw, plastic, bugs, etc... I think the worst experience we ever had was someone sold us an ounce (in the most shady of ways, ride with me and sit in the car for an hour while I go inside)... They brought out a compressed brick that was like triple wrapped in plastic. I was already upset with the situation (for having to wait so long) so I just kept my mouth shut and never talked to that person again. When I got home, of course it was a compressed brick of alfalfa or catnip or something... We never found out exactly what it was, lol..
I’ve never found anything crazy in my weed but, last year I bought cilantro from a local Stater Brothers, and as I was chopping it up to make pico de Gallo, I noticed some very familiar shaped leaves. No bullshit, I had a marijuana branch or stem mixed in with my cilantro. This Stater Brothers is the closest grocery store to my neighborhood and I’ve been shopping there for over 20 years. Not wanting to cause a big stink about it, I pulled the produce guy to the side and told him he might want to check their current batch of cilantro very carefully before an asshole find the wrong type of lettuce in their tacos and have that shit on the evening news.