Cowardly New World: Alternative Media Under Attack by Algorithms

Bernie is a fool. Oh, not in the sense that he doesn't have good positions on many issues. Nope, he is a fool because he is incapable of getting anything done. You love to bash hillaryy, but at least she had actual accomplishments. When she lost to obamma, she actually healed her pparty and brought along the vast majority of her supporters.

Not Bernie. He is a fool because he was too petty and butt hurt to do what was best for the country and heal wounds. Instead, he and his supporters fell in with gop and russian talking points and split the fractures wide open.

Now he and his supporters are trying to destroy the party. I don't know what they hope to accomplish except loosing more house and senate seats.

Nobody is forgetting his role in electing trump. He will never be elected if he runs. Trump or whoever replaces him will eat his lunch.

Find a solid candidate who isn't poison. They are out there. Get behind one. The list doesn't include sanders.
Bernie is a fool. Oh, not in the sense that he doesn't have good positions on many issues. Nope, he is a fool because he is incapable of getting anything done. You love to bash hillaryy, but at least she had actual accomplishments. When she lost to obamma, she actually healed her pparty and brought along the vast majority of her supporters.

Not Bernie. He is a fool because he was too petty and butt hurt to do what was best for the country and heal wounds. Instead, he and his supporters fell in with gop and russian talking points and split the fractures wide open.

Now he and his supporters are trying to destroy the party. I don't know what they hope to accomplish except loosing more house and senate seats.

Nobody is forgetting his role in electing trump. He will never be elected if he runs. Trump or whoever replaces him will eat his lunch.

Find a solid candidate who isn't poison. They are out there. Get behind one. The list doesn't include sanders.
Pretty much every single thing you said here is false

-Sanders is incapable of getting anything done

He's passed 90 amendments through congress. In contrast, Hillary Clinton has passed zero

"According to this analysis, Sanders has either met or exceeded expectations during his tenure in the House"


-Clinton healed the party and brought along the vast majority of her supporters

"Another useful comparison is to 2008, when the question was whether Clinton supporters would vote for Barack Obama or John McCain (R-Ariz.) Based on data from the 2008 Cooperative Campaign Analysis Project, a YouGov survey that also interviewed respondents multiple times during the campaign, 24 percent of people who supported Clinton in the primary as of March 2008 then reported voting for McCain in the general election."

"Two surveys estimate that 12 percent of Sanders voters voted for Trump. A third survey suggests it was 6 percent.

First, the political scientist Brian Schaffner analyzed the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, which was conducted by YouGov and interviewed 64,600 Americans in October-November 2016. In that survey, Schaffner found that 12 percent of people who voted in the primary and reported voting for Sanders also voted in November and reported voting for Trump."

So double the amount of Clinton supporters voted for McCain in 08 instead of Obama than Sanders supporters voted for Trump instead of Clinton..

-Now he and his supporters are trying to destroy the party

Sanders and his supporters are doing everything in our power to unite the Democratic party under actual progressive leadership. We've already got dozens of progressive organizations aligned with us. The only holdouts are members of the Democratic establishment because they would rather lose to Republicans then let progressives win. That should tell you all you need to know about the Democratic establishments agenda.

You failed on each of your points. What you said was either completely false or projection.
Sanders and his supporters are doing everything in our power to unite the Democratic party


because you cheated, again, we will start a 3rd party and run Sanders or someone like him as an Independent in 2020. Like I said, I don't expect to win that election, but it would absolutely disrupt any establishment Democratic strategy for someone like Kamala Harris or Corey Booker and Trump or some other, equally as terrible Republican candidate would win....we will bury you. That's not a threat, that's a guarantee.

let's see:

1) repeating a retarded trump conspiracy theory about cheating
2) literally stating you will split the party
3) calling kamala harris "terrible" as any republican (naive fucking child)
4) saying you will "bury" us (LOL)

none of that has a thing to do with unity you retarded fucking child.

just go start your third party already with your soon to be indicted criminal fraud bernie and we'll get on with it, without racist sexist bigoted assholes like you, padaraper.

let's see:

1) repeating a retarded trump conspiracy theory about cheating
2) literally stating you will split the party
3) calling kamala harris "terrible" as any republican (naive fucking child)
4) saying you will "bury" us (LOL)

none of that has a thing to do with unity you retarded fucking child.

just go start your third party already with your soon to be indicted criminal fraud bernie and we'll get on with it, without racist sexist bigoted assholes like you, padaraper.
Keep crying

The left is united. Establishment Democrats are not the Democratic party. They're a corporate force that's coopted it to serve corporate interests at the expense of working class Americans. You will absolutely be defeated, no matter how long it takes.
Keep crying

The left is united. Establishment Democrats are not the Democratic party. They're a corporate force that's coopted it to serve corporate interests at the expense of working class Americans. You will absolutely be defeated, no matter how long it takes.

sanders will not run again and you won't start your third party. your revolution (no refunds) is over.

and please keep your racist, sexist, bigoted ass out of the democratic party you piece of shit rape apologist.
sanders will not run again and you won't start your third party. your revolution (no refunds) is over.

and please keep your racist, sexist, bigoted ass out of the democratic party you piece of shit rape apologist.
Sanders has been making moves to run again since Clinton lost the election. You're either too stupid or naive enough to think otherwise. Everyone but you accepts he's the defacto leader of the Democratic party, even if he calls himself an Independent. You'd be humiliated if you had the actual human capacity for humility.
Sanders has been making moves to run again since Clinton lost the election. You're either too stupid or naive enough to think otherwise. Everyone but you accepts he's the defacto leader of the Democratic party, even if he calls himself an Independent. You'd be humiliated if you had the actual human capacity for humility.

obama is the leader of the democratic party, bernie will be indicted for bank fraud and be 83 years old in 2020, and the DNC will not waste a penny on him or let him run as a dem next time around.

but hey, if bernie hadn't lost, then bernie would have won.
obama is the leader of the democratic party, bernie will be indicted for bank fraud and be 83 years old in 2020, and the DNC will not waste a penny on him or let him run as a dem next time around.

but hey, if bernie hadn't lost, then bernie would have won.
Obama isn't a politician. How do you think the DNC will prevent Sanders from running as a Democrat in 2020?
Bernie is a fool. Oh, not in the sense that he doesn't have good positions on many issues. Nope, he is a fool because he is incapable of getting anything done. You love to bash hillaryy, but at least she had actual accomplishments. When she lost to obamma, she actually healed her pparty and brought along the vast majority of her supporters.

Not Bernie. He is a fool because he was too petty and butt hurt to do what was best for the country and heal wounds. Instead, he and his supporters fell in with gop and russian talking points and split the fractures wide open.

Now he and his supporters are trying to destroy the party. I don't know what they hope to accomplish except loosing more house and senate seats.

Nobody is forgetting his role in electing trump. He will never be elected if he runs. Trump or whoever replaces him will eat his lunch.

Find a solid candidate who isn't poison. They are out there. Get behind one. The list doesn't include sanders.
When the Democratic Party actually starts representing me, I'll support them. Until then, why do I owe them any loyalty? WTF have they done for me?
I have no problem with Bernie. This has already been said but I have a problem with many of the people who support him and their penchance for being as bad as the alt-right in their comprehension and understanding of politics. The article you posted is a weak opinion piece written by people who are mad about their incomes being diminished - so pure.

You are being played like a fiddle by those you most detest. It is kind of sad. I have two hopes; there are either not enough of you to matter, or you will come to your senses eventually. I find the former more likely.

The only things I can even be accused of "bashing" Bernie about is the fact that he has had a long career in the Congress and has little to show for it as far as concrete achievements. Nevertheless, I like the guy. I suspect he is probably as mortified by some of his followers as we all are.
Democrats don't give a shit about the economic situation of most Americans. Democrats are getting crushed Nationwide. Why should I support them if they don't represent my interests? They aren't the only game in town. Whatever happened to them actually earning my vote?

The DNC has doubled down with the Big Money Interests. And the cheaters. They'll take care of you if you're rich but I know you aren't.
so apparently counterpunch was infiltrated by kremlin spies. they published the work of russian spies.

A Russian troll writing under the pseudonym "Alice Donovan" managed to convince a number of American editors to publish their work for the past two years, a new Washington Post report detailed on Monday. In February, 2016, the individual reportedly wrote an email to the left-leaning publication CounterPunch with a simple message: “Hello, my name is Alice Donovan and I’m a beginner freelance journalist." Initially, the troll's articles published in CounterPunch and some 10 or more other online publications didn't have much to do with domestic politics. But as the 2016 election intensified, Donovan began to target Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile, the FBI tracked Donovan's work—part of a bureau counterintelligence operation with the codename "NorthernNight." More than a year after the FBI identified the troll, her work was still being published in CounterPunch, often critical of American policy in the Middle East. Jeffrey St. Clair, CounterPunch’s editor, later tried to get more information out of the troll to verify their identify but received no such substantive information.
I had a post on here but I guess it made too much sense and now it's gone.
But in keeping with the "phantom post" theme..........

Why Is Alphabet CEO Eric Schmidt Technically Serving In The Department Of Defense?

Authored by Eric Lieberman via The Daily Caller,

Eric Schmidt, chief executive of Google parent company Alphabet, was appointed chairman of a Department of Defense program in 2016 that was established by former President Barack Obama's administration.

A staunch supporter of the Democratic Party and critic of President Donald Trump, Schmidt still continues to lead the Defense Innovation Board (DIB), even well after the new administration took over in January. This begs the question: should Schmidt's history of partisan advocacy and condemnation of Trump be a worrisome prospect for the current White House?
I had a post on here but I guess it made too much sense and now it's gone.
But in keeping with the "phantom post" theme..........

Why Is Alphabet CEO Eric Schmidt Technically Serving In The Department Of Defense?

Authored by Eric Lieberman via The Daily Caller,

Eric Schmidt, chief executive of Google parent company Alphabet, was appointed chairman of a Department of Defense program in 2016 that was established by former President Barack Obama's administration.

A staunch supporter of the Democratic Party and critic of President Donald Trump, Schmidt still continues to lead the Defense Innovation Board (DIB), even well after the new administration took over in January. This begs the question: should Schmidt's history of partisan advocacy and condemnation of Trump be a worrisome prospect for the current White House?

no one likes you.