Couple newb questions


Active Member
How do you know when it is time to start the flowering process and how can you tell if a plant is a "hermie" and if a hermie grows should it be thrown away?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you can decide when to flower based on several things -
- when the plant is half the height you want it to finish at
- when you want a harvest within 8 -12 weeks
- when the plant naturally matures based on showing alternating nodes.

most people go by one of the first two methods

as for hermies, you'll see that the same time you see males or females, usually within a couple of weeks of the start of flowering.

if you keep hermies, they will fertilize your females as well as themselves - keep if you want seeds, destroy if you don't


Well-Known Member
Yup.. also sometimes on a 18/6 light cycle the males after the fifth week will start to show their balls.. if this happens, pull them and then you know that you can start flowering the rest of the plants whenever you're ready cuz the rest will probably be females.. the longer you wait the bigger and stronger the plants will be so they will be able to support larger and larger buds .. BUT the plants double in size during flowering so like desertRat said.. its your decision when to start flowering.. good luck!