Could anybody recommend blacked out material to put around tent?


I have my 3x3 tent in my shed. Top of the walls has plastic seal all around and when I open my tent to water, my 400w hps lights up like the sun!

The plan is to put black sheeting around the tent, floor to roof so there's no light getting out the shed.

You can see on the picture what I mean, the orange looking plastic is the sun coming through during the day.

plan Is to put it along the beams and wall so it's kinda like a enclosed room with the tent inside, will cut a hole in the material for ducting.

N thankyou! 20210315_160039.jpg20210318_154733.jpg20210315_160259.jpg
I have done this, I built a basic wooden frame out of CLS and stapled DPM (PROOF MEMBRANE BLACK 1200GA as you need to be very thick and high quality, it will last years )on the ceiling and floor, first and then the walls and the door, easy to cut and this will stop humidity getting inside your grow room from outside.
Also helps to control the temperature.
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I have done this, I built a basic wooden frame out of CLS and stapled DPM (PROOF MEMBRANE BLACK 1200GA as you need to be very thick and high quality, it will last years )on the ceiling and floor, first and then the walls and the door, easy to cut and this will stop humidity getting inside your grow room from outside.
Also helps to control the temperature.
Thanks man, Will consider it and do abit of research into that, simple to do? Havnt got alot of room to play about as those beams on the roof have about 5cm gap each side of the tent. I was literally just going to drape some blacked out material all around from the beams and try stick it to the roof at the wall area.
Remember anything allegedly keeping moisture out can just as efficiently keep it in the grow area. Be sure to do air exchanges and keep fans going 24/7
Yes! Have a 6" hyperfan sucking air out which seems like a massive overkill! Any stronger and it would suck the tent into the fan, so that's turned down, also 4" bringing air in AND 2 clip fans on the poles AND a 10" honeywell sat on the floor. No mould getting In here!


Well-Known Member
"Great Stuff" expanding foam. Under $2 a can and installs in a hurry. Just get a quart or pint of lacquer thinner to remove any mess from tools you may use and paws. LOL.
"Great Stuff" expanding foam. Under $2 a can and installs in a hurry. Just get a quart or pint of lacquer thinner to remove any mess from tools you may use and paws. LOL.
Might be a stupid question but is it easy to remove? Is it even removable? If I was going the lazy way I was thinking something like expanding foam all around the plastic where light coming through so the whole shed building would be light proof BUT it's a rented property so landlord may not be to happy if I can't get rid of it lol


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Might be a stupid question but is it easy to remove? Is it even removable? If I was going the lazy way I was thinking something like expanding foam all around the plastic where light coming through so the whole shed building would be light proof BUT it's a rented property so landlord may not be to happy if I can't get rid of it lol
Yes if you apply it to a double layer of 3" masking tape. Otherwise permanent. How I seal 2 cheap ancient basement windows every winter yet still be used in summer. LOL.


Well-Known Member
Too many angles and surfaces to seal that route. Dollar store foam board can be cut to fit better. Just way more work.
I was just going to have a sheet on all 4 sides of the tent, hand from the beams and have a layer on the roof to completely seal the light in. Seems good idea in my head but I'm not DIY capable so it'd probably turn to shit and foam board seems like a more sturdy idea. I just need the tent enclosed in something so when I open the tent it doesn't look like I have a portable sun shining in the shed


Well-Known Member
I was just going to have a sheet on all 4 sides of the tent, hand from the beams and have a layer on the roof to completely seal the light in. Seems good idea in my head but I'm not DIY capable so it'd probably turn to shit and foam board seems like a more sturdy idea. I just need the tent enclosed in something so when I open the tent it doesn't look like I have a portable sun shining in the shed
As easy as I can ponder before I get the bubbler out is a couple cheap moving blankets and spring clips for painting. Some slits sealed with duct tape on the over head one. But just clipped on. Adds insulation. Ans if not going for light dep? Will reduce most light escaping. Most people have lights in their sheds here. My garage is 600watts LED. I'd look to keep it looking like a bit too much shop light from outside. LOL.
Thanks man, Will consider it and do abit of research into that, simple to do? Havnt got alot of room to play about as those beams on the roof have about 5cm gap each side of the tent. I was literally just going to drape some blacked out material all around from the beams and try stick it to the roof at the wall area.
Best example I could find on google
I Didn't use the tent, cut all the uprights to the same height ( for me it was 1.8 m)
And did the same for the ceiling, add a door and staple the dpm on the outside staple panda on the inside, could add earth wall for installation inbetween the dpm and the panda.
Results in a very good quality grow room, low cost and would take me a few hours to build, would last years.