corrupt-a-wish game

Hell yea do it all the time...especially when I work out. .my nail be slipping and sliding and digging all around my meat ring.
You CAN, go to the cup Cinderella, but the venue has been changed to Bruges, so you'll probably die of boredom.

I wish there were some more slates on my hovels roof and/or it wasn't raining this much.

Your wish is my command your hovel is now covered in a new slate roof but 24 hours later. Your house is destroyed in a 10.0 earthquake and you are buried under a pile of new roof slates and it's raining again !

I wish the History Channel would take Appalachian Outlaws off the air and replace it with The life and times of Uncle Buck !
Your wish is my command your hovel is now covered in a new slate roof but 24 hours later. Your house is destroyed in a 10.0 earthquake and you are buried under a pile of new roof slates and it's raining again !

I wish the History Channel would take Appalachian Outlaws off the air and replace it with The life and times of Uncle Buck !
Wish granted but unclebuck really is fins dad and he is on the show all the time as well.

I wish for a 9 inch dick
Wish granted but unclebuck really is fins dad and he is on the show all the time as well.

I wish for a 9 inch dick

Shazam! A nine inch wide pecker that is almost long enough to direct towards the bowl when you pee...but not quite.

I wish I could get the images in my head down on paper without them completely loosing the original shape, colour and aesthetic. I think they call it drawing..?
Shazam! A nine inch wide pecker that is almost long enough to direct towards the bowl when you pee...but not quite.

I wish I could get the images in my head down on paper without them completely loosing the original shape, colour and aesthetic. I think they call it drawing..?
Wish granted, unfortunately all the images in your head now look like this:

I wish I had my brain back.
Wazaaaaaam your brain is back motherfucker!! Unfortunately it came back with so much force that when it slammed back into you it lodged itself in your chest and now all you can think about is your own big juicy tits! You can't stop thinking about them, and they turn you on so much you've thoroughly pounded your vagina with your fist until you prolapsed your vag, leaving you with a pink sock hanging down to the tops of your knees. You've turned your brainy lust towards your rusty balloon knot, and have now begun to bash your leather Cheerio in as well. Only time will tell if it will hold out or be obliterated like your ruined vagina.

I wish I had more time to fuck off every day.
wish granted but youve got time because youre down for life in prison rooming with 4 big brothers that fuck off on you daily...

i wish i lived an immortal life of peace and bliss...

Wish granted. You get into a horrible motorcycle accident that crushes your skull. The surgeons have no idea how you survive, and although you're now in a life long coma, you show dream-like brain activity and you don't physically age. They keep you alive always, as a medical marvel to be studied (and experimented on) throughout the ages. You have a permanent, dumb grin on your drooling, disfigured face...

I wish my penis was larger...
Martha Stewart agrees to be your personal live in chef under the condition you give her anal sex everynight and eat her asshole afterwards.

I wish i could control the worlds weather from my iphone.
yeah the government hooks you up with your own personal haarp app..Then Jessie ventura tracks you down, kills you with his dick and rips your heart out of your chest.. I want to be free..
You are free from earth's gravitational force and float off into the vacuum of space. I want to date Miley Cyrus.

Edit: I wish I was dating Miley.
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