Considering 1st time grow!


New Member

Me and one of my friends are considering growing a few plants as the weed is very expensive and hard to get here, and its always cheap hash which is probably only about %30 cannabis and %70 chemical rubbish. So the start of we thought we'd come here for a few tips to help us make a start.

Location - An abandoned green house, it has all the windows in etc and surrounded by old flowers which have been abandoned too, so in the middle of these a vary discreet place to grow our plants. We wanna grow them as natural as we can as we have no electricity running there.

Please could you comment what we need. How much to water it. And any tips or advice you wish to give us.

Thanks S and LJ :leaf::weed:


Well-Known Member
Seeds or clones, dirt, water and nutes , but its getting late in the season to start out with seed


Well-Known Member
It's a great idea except for the part that includes the friend. Well, unless he's a friend like trust with your life, lend him your $60,000 car, leave him in the same room as your girl all night and not worry kind of friend but do these even exist? Maybe I'm just an extreme pessimist. And zubey is right, depending on your location, the timing could well be a factor.
Yes, depending on where abouts in the world you are, it's getting late in the season to start from seed. If you're not too far North, you can still pull a crop, but they won't have as much opportunity to grow as big as the would have if you'd started earlier.

You'll need water.. plenty of it. Hopefully there's a clean well or other water supply handy?
Good soil.. something loamy for preference, with a bit of horse manure dug in for good measure. :)

That's about it... if you start with good soil, you probably won't have to add any nutrients for a month or two, just water them regularly and let them get on with it. :)

If the soil is poor, then you have the choice of adding organic nutrients or chemical fertilisers.

You may find pests are a problem in a greenhouse... watch out for spider mites, particularly!

I don't think you'll regret it though.
There's nothing like smoking your own crop.
Much more satisfying than growing veggies, and just as easy. :D


Active Member
"Nutes" are nutrients, plant food basically. It sounds like you have a great spot to grow a large plant. Just make sure to water regularly. Weed will grow just about anywhere as long as you give it water, and it's not to hot or cold. Good luck guys!