Concealed-weapon owner shoots hatchet-wielding attacker in Wash. 7-Eleven


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Concealed-weapon owner shoots hatchet-wielding attacker in Wash. 7-Eleven

A masked man burst into a 7-Eleven near Seattle early Sunday morning, swinging a hatchet and slicing the store clerk.

Before the masked man could seriously hurt anyone, though, a customer who was drinking his morning coffee pulled out a concealed weapon and fatally shot the attacker.

Authorities did not name the attacker or the customer, but they did hail the concealed weapon owner as a hero.

“This could have been disastrous,” King County Sheriff Sgt. Cindi West told KIRO7. “Had this guy not shot, who knows what would have happened? We might have a dead clerk right now, and instead we have a dead bad guy.”

The clerk, Kuldeep Singh, suffered minor cuts to his stomach. He, too, thanked the customer for saving his life.

“He [was] killing me,” Singh, 58, said of the hatchet-wielding attacker. Singh added that the customer was a “nice guy.”

West said that the incident will be investigated fully but that the 60-year-old customer was currently being considered a Good Samaritan.

The “customer, the shooter, is shaken up but from everything that we see right now from the scene – there’s no wrongdoing on his part,” she told King 5. “In fact, he probably saved a life in this case.”

Good guys with guns DO save lives. An armed society is a polite society.
Good guys kill bad guys all the time, as it should be. Many home invasions lead to the injury or death of the bad guys. Here's one of my favorites, Joe Horn, considered a hero by many for shooting 2 black guys with his shotgun while breaking into his neighbor's house. Later scorned by the Black Panthers (who would have thunked it) who got run out of the neighborhood by some tough Texan bikers when they tried to march the neighborhood where the shootings took place.

Good guys kill bad guys all the time, as it should be. Many home invasions lead to the injury or death of the bad guys. Here's one of my favorites, Joe Horn, considered a hero by many for shooting 2 black guys with his shotgun while breaking into his neighbor's house. Later scorned by the Black Panthers (who would have thunked it) who got run out of the neighborhood by some tough Texan bikers when they tried to march the neighborhood where the shootings took place.

By "all the time" you mean more frequently than mass shootings? You dont.

I totally support gun ownership but the gun law status quo is as ridiculous as the gop circus.
@ClaytonBigsby "an armed society is a polite society".

Statement of a fucking barbarian nitwit. Polite? You mean paranoid, dysfunctional, toxic, delusional its anything but polite. Your assbackwards idiocy is what breeds palins, trumps, romneys....rejected losers.
So rare it's front page news. Meanwhile The United States accounts for nearly 75 percent of all children murdered in the developed world.
Yeah guns