
What are you going to do now?

Loretta Lynch, the former attorney general under Barack Obama, pressured former FBI Director James Comey to downplay the Clinton email server investigation and only refer to it as a “matter,” Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday.

Comey said that when he asked Lynch if she was going to authorize him to confirm the existence of the Clinton email investigation, her answer was, “Yes, but don’t call it that. Call it a matter.” When Comey asked why, he said, Lynch wouldn’t give him an explanation. “Just call it a matter,” she said.

Comey added later that he was concerned about that direction as it was false. He was further concerned because it aligned with the Clinton campaign’s spin on the investigation.


But guess what I still think he's a waste and should have been fired. Even if he did blow holes in all BS the libs have been focused on. Everything they speculated he would say to support their BS claims he disputed! Shouldn't that be the end of this clown now? Let the fool go away far far away.
What are you going to do now?

Loretta Lynch, the former attorney general under Barack Obama, pressured former FBI Director James Comey to downplay the Clinton email server investigation and only refer to it as a “matter,” Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday.

Comey said that when he asked Lynch if she was going to authorize him to confirm the existence of the Clinton email investigation, her answer was, “Yes, but don’t call it that. Call it a matter.” When Comey asked why, he said, Lynch wouldn’t give him an explanation. “Just call it a matter,” she said.

Comey added later that he was concerned about that direction as it was false. He was further concerned because it aligned with the Clinton campaign’s spin on the investigation.


But guess what I still think he's a waste and should have been fired. Even if he did blow holes in all BS the libs have been focused on. Everything they speculated he would say to support their BS claims he disputed! Shouldn't that be the end of this clown now? Let the fool go away far far away.

That's really not funny. That sounds like collusion to me. But all good democrats quote the same exact verses everyday. I tell you that's the only thing I admire about Dems. They all sure read from the same script word for word! Unless it's nancy pelosi. She can't even keep bush and trump straight. But that bozo should have been retired long ago. But some how the people in California keep electing her. Talk about dementia!
That's really not funny. That sounds like collusion to me. But all good democrats quote the same exact verses everyday. I tell you that's the only thing I admire about Dems. They all sure read from the same script word for word! Unless it's nancy pelosi. She can't even keep bush and trump straight. But that bozo should have been retired long ago. But some how the people in California keep electing her. Talk about dementia!

Sorry, but I believe Comey over Trump, it's a credibility thing.
asking everyone to leave the room so you can pressure the director of the FBI to not investigate the compromised foreign agent you knowingly hired.

remember when you lost your mind because bill clinton rode in a plane with loretta lynch?

this is a thousand times worse. but you are a racist neo-nazi two-face, so there's that.

interesting, I never mentioned lynch and clinton on a plane once and yet that certainly came up today now didn't it?

now delusionally mention how I list my mind about Seth rich and maybe that will be figured out magically tomorrow.
Remember when all the was just fake news, and the trump campaign had no contacts , and nothing to do with Russia?

More importantly, Why isn't Trump more concerned with the election attack and infiltration of foreign agents into his administration, hmmm?
becuase they didn't effect a single vote! Obama meddled in Israeli elections. He told the U.K. if they passed brexit they'd be put to the back of the line!

Since when would you trust any news put out by Russia? Don't believe for one second those who voted for trump did so because of fake news. We were tired of deals with Iran, failing required health care, his handling of the JV squad known as ISIS, sick of lack of enforcement of the red line he drew, deals to get back traitors like bergdahl, lack of protection for the Ukrainians, repeated attacks on police, lack of endowment of our borders, bringing in 10s of thousands of unvetted Syrian refugees, his abuse of the IRS against opposing party, failure to deal with sanctuary cities, and the list doesn't stop there but I'll end with letting guns go to Mexico that killed Brian terry.

I won't list the problems that came HILLARY! The Dems wouldn't have even had that candidate if their nomination process wasn't TOTALLY rigged against the communist. But even the insane Dems know running a communist in a democracy is a bad idea. Unfortunately many of the Dem voters aren't wise enough to realize that themselves. But rigging the election to avoid it. That's not good optics to say the least. Maybe they didn't abuse the Bernie supporters she would have won more elector vote! So after all that I still don't know how all the Dems didn't know she was DOOMED to lose.

Did you see the VP debate? Tim Kaine acted like a complete idiot! Add that to your list of reason the election results were so crushing. She didn't even go to states. CNN even said last week Russia cloaked Wisconsin so she couldn't find it!

But Hillarys not to bright. It looks to me like she thinks she can still win and is preparing to run again. I'd love to see her try! She's blaming everyone now. Even the dnc and democratic voters. That's a great way to keep your base together.
becuase they didn't effect a single vote! Obama meddled in Israeli elections. He told the U.K. if they passed brexit they'd be put to the back of the line!

Since when would you trust any news put out by Russia? Don't believe for one second those who voted for trump did so because of fake news. We were tired of deals with Iran, failing required health care, his handling of the JV squad known as ISIS, sick of lack of enforcement of the red line he drew, deals to get back traitors like bergdahl, lack of protection for the Ukrainians, repeated attacks on police, lack of endowment of our borders, bringing in 10s of thousands of unvetted Syrian refugees, his abuse of the IRS against opposing party, failure to deal with sanctuary cities, and the list doesn't stop there but I'll end with letting guns go to Mexico that killed Brian terry.

I won't list the problems that came HILLARY! The Dems wouldn't have even had that candidate if their nomination process wasn't TOTALLY rigged against the communist. But even the insane Dems know running a communist in a democracy is a bad idea. Unfortunately many of the Dem voters aren't wise enough to realize that themselves. But rigging the election to avoid it. That's not good optics to say the least. Maybe they didn't abuse the Bernie supporters she would have won more elector vote! So after all that I still don't know how all the Dems didn't know she was DOOMED to lose.

Did you see the VP debate? Tim Kaine acted like a complete idiot! Add that to your list of reason the election results were so crushing. She didn't even go to states. CNN even said last week Russia cloaked Wisconsin so she couldn't find it!

But Hillarys not to bright. It looks to me like she thinks she can still win and is preparing to run again. I'd love to see her try! She's blaming everyone now. Even the dnc and democratic voters. That's a great way to keep your base together.
Hillary! Emails!

Fucking SAD...

3% bitch.
Don't believe for one second those who voted for trump did so because of fake news.

wait for it.

We were tired of deals with Iran, failing required health care, his handling of the JV squad known as ISIS, sick of lack of enforcement of the red line he drew, deals to get back traitors like bergdahl, lack of protection for the Ukrainians, repeated attacks on police, lack of endowment of our borders, bringing in 10s of thousands of unvetted Syrian refugees, his abuse of the IRS against opposing party, failure to deal with sanctuary cities, and the list doesn't stop there but I'll end with letting guns go to Mexico that killed Brian terry.

this is literally all fake news.

pick any one claim and i will tear it to shreds, retard.

Did you see the VP debate?

the one where mike pence repeatedly lied over and over and over again about easily verifiable statements trump made?

yeah, i saw that endless lying.