
fuck ice cream cone head and his whole "snitch" bullshit. This isn't the county lockup, you asshole. This is global politics at the highest level.

You are so fucking stupid.

This is a national shit show and you're on the edge of your seat over it.

Whoobs stuped?
police consider anyone who doesn’t provide info as obstructing justice.

That is incorrect.

If the police ask you what you saw and you say nothing, even when they know full well you saw it, there is nothing they can do. You're not obstructing justice. You're simply refusing to testify. You could still be subpoenaed to testify before a grand jury if they had sufficient probable cause to believe your testimony under oath would be worthwhile.

Obstruction of justice is when you TAKE ACTION to prevent the discovery of a criminal act. For instance, you hide material evidence or give false testimony (such as an alibi for someone that isn't true).

President Trump is guilty of obstruction of justice with ease. He not only attempted to coerce the head of the FBI into "letting it go" and "removing the cloud", he fired him when that director refused to do so. He did that with the sole purpose of derailing the investigation into the matter.

That is the textbook definition of obstruction.
Poor donny. What an idiot. Supported by self serving smart billionaires as well as profound idiots like you see supporting him here. The dumbest of the dumb. Most broke-ass of the broke -ass. The most useless of the useless.

Again, it's a shock as to how many of these losers there are.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R., Ark.) asks Mr. Comey whether he believes Mr. Trump colluded with Russia.

"That's a question I don't think I should answer in an open setting," Mr. Comey says. But he adds that he's not trying to imply anything "nefarious"—just that he wants to be careful discussing individuals in an open hearing.

I wonder what Comey thinks...

Appropriate answers (2):
  • I have seen no evidence that would lead me to believe so. (No)
  • I can't talk about it. (Yes)
We got our answer, all right. LOL!
I wish i could bat my eyes and cry and get what ever i wanted. Men are held to a higher responsibility. If a man and a woman commit the same crimes get the same lawiers, then go before the same judge i gaurantee you the mans gonna get fucked way harder. Im not sexist thats just reality

Cry me a river.

Women are paid .80 on the dollar to men, for the same job.

Tell me what it feels like to have a man 'hook' himself onto your pussy because he's a man..I'll wait.

That's just reality.
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Poor donny. What an idiot. Supported by self serving smart billionaires as well as profound idiots like you see supporting him here. The dumbest of the dumb. Most broke-ass of the broke -ass. The most useless of the useless.

Again, it's a shock as to how many of these losers there are.

Proof money can't buy everything..including couth.
That was embarrassing. He really needs to step down. It was clear he was completely confused, had no idea what the hell he was talking about and trying to make a point so far out of touch with the facts that it defies belief.

I think his mind is gone. Completely.
"I prefer the ones that didn't get caught" (referring to Viet pows) Donald j Trump (draft dodger, ankle wanker)
That was embarrassing. He really needs to step down. It was clear he was completely confused, had no idea what the hell he was talking about and trying to make a point so far out of touch with the facts that it defies belief.

I think his mind is gone. Completely.

If you look at McCain lips he's actually humming "bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran" to a Beach Boys song during the hearing. One of the guys behind him is a ventriloquist.