Colorado Massacre, Fishy business

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Also, hopefully someone will do a professional test and post the results on Youtube then.
there have been test done... that is why i made the comment that I did on the fire retardant being blown off... but I was called stupid for it... or at least blind to the facts... which I'm still waiting to see stay high
there have been test done... that is why i made the comment that I did on the fire retardant being blown off... but I was called stupid for it... or at least blind to the facts... which I'm still waiting to see stay high
I was gonna say something about that as well.. alot of tests have been done and put on the tube already..
from what I saw (again I think it was on best evidence) that the type of flame retardant that was coated on to the steal beams was basically blown off when the planes impacted... there is now a new retardant that is being used that doesn't flake off, it's the new standard... I'll try and find the video at another time... stay high
from what I saw (again I think it was on best evidence) that the type of flame retardant that was coated on to the steal beams was basically blown off when the planes impacted... there is now a new retardant that is being used that doesn't flake off, it's the new standard... I'll try and find the video at another time... stay high
Flame retardent or not, an impact to the top of the building would not cause the whole thing to implode.
that lil wayne shit was wierd only when they were in the theater with the 12 skeletons. an i wanna know how dude got all them guns an ammo if he didnt have a job. its kinda hard to steal those weapons i would imagine. esp the ar15
that lil wayne shit was wierd only when they were in the theater with the 12 skeletons. an i wanna know how dude got all them guns an ammo if he didnt have a job. its kinda hard to steal those weapons i would imagine. esp the ar15
He was white, which means im sure he had some access to money somehow or from a family source. Guns arent that expensive. I can go to the store tomoro and buy an AR brand new for $500.
He was white, which means im sure he had some access to money somehow or from a family source. Guns arent that expensive. I can go to the store tomoro and buy an AR brand new for $500.

uhhh i doubt he had a .22 cal ar which is the only ar you gonna get for 500. the .223 ar15 is gonna run you atleast 800 to a rack dependin on the brand. a shotty is gonna be around 300, the .40cal at least 400 an they said he had another hand gun which would range dependin on what kinda an cal. also the gas mask an all the damn riot gear. an where did this dude get tear gas? i doubt you can go get that from academy. it was 20k worth of shit...i mean i wish my fam would just loan me that kinda money an me not have a good ass reason to why i needed it.
This is what is mainly bothering me. How did he get captured? I mean, I'm a pissed at the world full of hate white dude with a carrot top who can only shoot up a movie crowd to feel something close to better? and I am not happy with life At All so why am I captured? Death by Cop all the way why face this?
My mom told me he had 26k of student loans, haven't looked this up but my mom has no reason to say stuff out of no where lol.
9/11 is up for debate and i doubt we will ever know the truth...

this incident i don't believe to be a conspiracy however i believe the government will take advantage of the situation.
guy called himself the joker, remember what alfred said about the joker in the dark night?

"some people just want to watch the world burn"

i think this guy was just crazy

my personal beliefe on 9/11............
conspiracy, all the way. more than a decade later and they still wont release any video of the pentagon getting struck.
thats just a red flag though not really evidence.
you want evidence you say?? how about the thermite found all over the scene of towers. not just thermite but demolition grade thermite.
how about building 7 coming down? still many people have never even heard of this.

but i believe it was a conspiracy not because of the circumstantial evidence of the actual event, but rather the things and events that led up to and are happening after 9/11. have you heard that the freemasons recently claimed Israel... thats real shit for ya
My mom told me he had 26k of student loans, haven't looked this up but my mom has no reason to say stuff out of no where lol.

hmmm that would e[FONT=arial, sans-serif]x[/FONT]plain it. i thought i read somewhere maybe it was on here that he was a college grad. how was he still gettin loans? coulda been that tho...the research begins.
9/11 is up for debate and i doubt we will ever know the truth...

this incident i don't believe to be a conspiracy however i believe the government will take advantage of the situation.
guy called himself the joker, remember what alfred said about the joker in the dark night?

"some people just want to watch the world burn"

i think this guy was just crazy

my personal beliefe on 9/11............
conspiracy, all the way. more than a decade later and they still wont release any video of the pentagon getting struck.
thats just a red flag though not really evidence.
you want evidence you say?? how about the thermite found all over the scene of towers. not just thermite but demolition grade thermite.
how about building 7 coming down? still many people have never even heard of this.

but i believe it was a conspiracy not because of the circumstantial evidence of the actual event, but rather the things and events that led up to and are happening after 9/11. have you heard that the freemasons recently claimed Israel... thats real shit for ya

the only reason i have a hard time thinkin 9-11 was a govt job is cause you'd have to be a fucked group of americans to kill other innocent americans just to start a war.
I don't think they showed any video of it actually getting struck because I don't think they had any around rolling but they did show the pictures of the aftermath.
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