Colorado Massacre, Fishy business

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Well-Known Member
RC7 pulled the gloves out... me likey... I did like the consiparcy video that you posted... especailly the lil wayne stuff... I'm not sure one way or the other but I still believe in my first post that some ppl just want to see the world burn... me??? I just want to see my weed burn... stay high

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Yeah and you can play know it all all you want but let's see you your first post in this thread was calling me a retard. Who is the idiot here? IF you want to go ahead and make sense of the situation please do, but we all know you are going to run away now like a bitch just as they always do. If you were so sure you would use your brain and post your theory. Go ahead show us what you got smart one.
This is the reason I called you a retard:

If you actually do some research on 9/11 you would know that it was impossible to take down such a huge built to last structure, with an airplane. It collapsed the way a building would with demolitions planted throughout. People knew of it, the fire fighters told people to get out of the area they knew.
I actually have done some research and I understand all of the basic underlying physics. Not only is it entirely physically possible, I watched it happen. If you would care to refute this please provide me with some information and I will check it out. As much as I would love to be right, I would like to know the truth more. This goes for all of my beliefs. I base/change my beliefs to reflect the facts.

Finshaggy should never be taken seriously. I absolutely believe he has some kind of mental retardation. If you want to see what I am basing that belief on simply check his post history. Warning: You will lose several IQ points for each post of his you read.

I am going to bed now, but I will favorite this thread and be back to see all the convincing 9/11 evidence.


Well-Known Member
It's now obvious that the clown has no response. I won't waste anymore time arguing with the actual retard, the same guy who jokes about cannabineer being locked in prison. Maybe the feds will go throw his ass in jail then it won't be so funny to joke about then. What a fuckin clown

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
And I will not formulate a theory on why or how this shooting happened for several reasons. I have done absolutely no research into the accused gunman's life, and have done very little reading about the event itself. I am not qualified to formulate a theory on why this happened. Sometimes things just happen. People are crazy, people are psychotic. It happens. I never claimed to know everything.


Well-Known Member

Finshaggy, RC7, Mellowfarmer, and Kaendar... if you are not trolls, you are dangerous retards.
Are you blind and illiterate, only capable of going off of what you hear on the news?? Anybody with a clear mind can sort through the facts and see what we are talking about. Enjoy your life as a sheep.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
It's now obvious that the clown has no response. I won't waste anymore time arguing with the actual retard, the same guy who jokes about cannabineer being locked in prison. Maybe the feds will go throw his ass in jail then it won't be so funny to joke about then. What a fuckin clown
Look above you I did respond. Also I said he was in jail, not prison. And are you implying the feds are going to throw me in jail for lying in the toke and talk section of RIU? Or just that you think it would be some kind of cosmic justice if I coincidentally got arrested after making a joke? Either way, I smell a conspiracy theory.


Active Member
This is the reason I called you a retard:

I actually have done some research and I understand all of the basic underlying physics. Not only is it entirely physically possible, I watched it happen. If you would care to refute this please provide me with some information and I will check it out. As much as I would love to be right, I would like to know the truth more. This goes for all of my beliefs. I base/change my beliefs to reflect the facts.

Finshaggy should never be taken seriously. I absolutely believe he has some kind of mental retardation. If you want to see what I am basing that belief on simply check his post history. Warning: You will lose several IQ points for each post of his you read.

I am going to bed now, but I will favorite this thread and be back to see all the convincing 9/11 evidence.
9/11...I always heard the theory..."It was an inside job! Jet fuel can't melt the metal that the towers were built out of!"
Everyone always forgets one really big factor, a commercial airliner crashing into the center of a top heavy structure. My blood can't melt a jenga block, but watch what happens when I karate chop the center of the jenga tower.


Well-Known Member
9/11...I always heard the theory..."It was an inside job! Jet fuel can't melt the metal that the towers were built out of!"
Everyone always forgets one really big factor, a commercial airliner crashing into the center of a top heavy structure. My blood can't melt a jenga block, but watch what happens when I karate chop the center of the jenga tower.
That has nothing to do with the fact that controlled demo charges went off before the building conveniently collapsed in on itself.


New Member
Mythbusters is a show on a major media network. They would never tell the truth.
Lol, wow. It's on Discovery which is on of the most trusted Networks I can think of, same with National Geographic, they don't lie, they just get he facts and call it how it is.


Well-Known Member
Lol, wow. It's on Discovery which is on of the most trusted Networks I can think of, same with National Geographic, they don't lie, they just get he facts and call it how it is.
I dont think you understand how conspiracies work. The actual truth about the government killing over 3000 of its own ppl would never be allowed to be broadcast.. and all the producers and anybody involved would be getting lots of visits by men in black suits.. its already happened more than once. Alot of the survivors from that day have been silenced or simply dissappeared because they were willing to speak out about what actually happened. Even if a team of professionals did a test, and they concluded with the truth, the results would never be published. Except maybe on an internet conspiracy site where it wud just be written off as more x files conspiracy theory BS.


New Member
Well if I ever get rich enough, I'm gonna build a mini scale model and have my own test, I'll send ya my results. Don't wanna get kidnapped!


Well-Known Member
Well if I ever get rich enough, I'm gonna build a mini scale model and have my own test, I'll send ya my results. Don't wanna get kidnapped!
Make sure that you hire mini demo experts to rig the buildings ahead of time. Also dont forget to plant fake passports and IDs for terrorists, and dont forget to have a mini presidential family thats whole agenda revolves around invading Iraq.


Well-Known Member
This is the reason I called you a retard:

I actually have done some research and I understand all of the basic underlying physics. Not only is it entirely physically possible, I watched it happen. If you would care to refute this please provide me with some information and I will check it out. As much as I would love to be right, I would like to know the truth more. This goes for all of my beliefs. I base/change my beliefs to reflect the facts.
I don't know enough about controlled demolitions to say BS but what I can say is take all of the fishy facts as a whole and you have to be retardedly retarded to believe the official story.
Finshaggy should never be taken seriously. I absolutely believe he has some kind of mental retardation. If you want to see what I am basing that belief on simply check his post history. Warning: You will lose several IQ points for each post of his you read.
This is a perfect example of why the truth is so easily hidden. You say some BS about Shaggy which I know is a sure sign of someone to avoid but newbies or those less familiar with him will file that away and from now on not really know why they think shit about him.


Active Member
That has nothing to do with the fact that controlled demo charges went off before the building conveniently collapsed in on itself.
We will just end up agreeing to disagree, but what I was saying is, there was no convenient collapsing, and I can't be convinced that there were pre-planted charges that caused the building to go down. Maybe there was, I see the motive in it. Let's let Osama's boys pull this off, then we can use our mass media to convince people we're fighting for our freedom and spread "democracy" throughout the middle east, so we can ease "leaders" into power and get a better hold of our precious oil. If that was the plan, what would you gain from adding explosives? I'm a pretty liberal person, but if you fly an airplane into a heavily occupied building, I want revenge. It would've been overkill.
I don't know. I guess I feel like talking about our government going the extra mile to kill our own people, although not ridiculous in my book, is just over complicating a complicated issue.
Then again, I can understand why we were attacked. I don't agree with it, but it's not like our government wasn't asking for it.


Well-Known Member
We will just end up agreeing to disagree, but what I was saying is, there was no convenient collapsing, and I can't be convinced that there were pre-planted charges that caused the building to go down. Maybe there was, I see the motive in it. Let's let Osama's boys pull this off, then we can use our mass media to convince people we're fighting for our freedom and spread "democracy" throughout the middle east, so we can ease "leaders" into power and get a better hold of our precious oil. If that was the plan, what would you gain from adding explosives? I'm a pretty liberal person, but if you fly an airplane into a heavily occupied building, I want revenge. It would've been overkill.
I don't know. I guess I feel like talking about our government going the extra mile to kill our own people, although not ridiculous in my book, is just over complicating a complicated issue.
Then again, I can understand why we were attacked. I don't agree with it, but it's not like our government wasn't asking for it.
Building collapsed: a lot of evidence destroyed.


New Member
Make sure that you hire mini demo experts to rig the buildings ahead of time. Also dont forget to plant fake passports and IDs for terrorists, and dont forget to have a mini presidential family thats whole agenda revolves around invading Iraq.
That doesn't even make sense.
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