Colorado Massacre, Fishy business

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Well-Known Member
like i said i'm sure they were but the search didn't intensify until after 9/11... way to read a post... stay high

It may have intensified, but it was already intense.
Don't get ahead of yourself.

2 buildings is nothing compared to an attempt on a president :dunce:


Well-Known Member

It may have intensified, but it was already intense.
Don't get ahead of yourself.

2 buildings is nothing compared to an attempt on a president :dunce:
2 buildings???? :dunce: um do a lil more research there were more than 2... and a pentegon... stay high


Well-Known Member
but we are all getting ahead of ourselves... this is about the 24 yr old neurological grad student that killed 12 ppl and injured 58 others at the hands of the local police... right??? stay high


Active Member
if it was a conspiracy
and honestly a conspiracy is just as believable as some kid buying 20k in guns and shooting a cinema up....
but if it is a conspiracy its at a gov level.. for gun control laws...
if the gov has guns and the populous doesn't... then citizens cant fight back.

whether it is intended to do this or not, i believe this is what will happen
gun laws are obviously going to come out of this making the citizens less powerful and unwilling to fight back, it just takes a corrupt person in power to do the rest
and you know what they say about power..

a random screen name

Active Member
The bad part about disarming law abiding citizens is that the criminals will still have or at least have ways to get weapons. Now they almost can guarantee that their home invasion wont be met by any opposition.. smh


Well-Known Member
The bad part about disarming law abiding citizens is that the criminals will still have or at least have ways to get weapons. Now they almost can guarantee that their home invasion wont be met by any opposition.. smh
It's not the street criminals you need to worry about, it's the ones in uniforms.


Well-Known Member
Seriously.. if your not a convicted felon go and buy as many guns as you can afford. You will need them in the years to come.


Well-Known Member
some of it had to do with the flame retardant that was on the steal beams... the building was actually built to take an impact from planes, the flame retardant that was on the beams broke off/flaked off... there is now a new retardant that is being used that won't or shouldn't flake off... I saw this on a show... i think it was best evidence. stay high
I think this quote is the best evidence that a LOT of folks still need to Wake Up.


Well-Known Member
There's something I forgot.

One way they could have convinced him to do it, and can let him sit to rot in jail.
They probably got him addicted to pills, then promised him a bunch of shit if he went through with it. So he's basically one of the girls on the movie Taken, but they gave him guns.
I think Manchurian Candidate?


Active Member
my honest opinion is that if the shooter had anything to do with free masonry then it was all a set up. They did it so the gov would push even more to stop the second amendment and we will soon not be able to have firearms to protect us from whats to come in the near future. Brace yourself people.


Well-Known Member
this is about the 24 yr old neurological grad student that killed 12 ppl and injured 58 others
No matter what he was, there are TRAINED MILITARY marine demolition experts who say they couldn't accomplish the SAME feat, without a team or inside help.


Well-Known Member
whether it is intended to do this or not, i believe this is what will happen
gun laws are obviously going to come out of this making the citizens less powerful and unwilling to fight back
In a state rampant with Freemasons (not trying to sound conspiratorial, but I've seen the multitude of FreeMason lodges in the Denver area), with an INTERNATIONAL Freemason Airport(look up the memorial plaques in Denver IA, not just the Mural).

And with a police department who's heads are OPENLY seeking a 10X bonus (300,000 compared to 3,000,000 is 10X, which means they can give themselves 10X the paycheck and still have 10x the money to pay their street "soldiers" and regular costs)
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