Colorado Massacre, Fishy business

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Active Member
I have seen zero facts supporting a government conspiracy, just wild theories so convoluted they bboggle the mind. Al Qaeda had long been targeting the US and it's allies, killing people and causing major destruction. They claimed credit for it, it was confirmed their operatives were the ones who were aboard and hijacked the planes.
Here's what gets me: why didn't they scramble jets to intercept the fighters? This is the same Air Force that's supposed to respond within seconds to a Russian attack. How could they just fail to do anything for such a long period of time?

Troops were mobilized in August. The US narrowly voted down an invasion proposed several years prior by oilmen before Congress (during the days of Clinton), and told the Taliban they could have a "carpet of bombs" or a "river of blood." It all depended on tolerating military bases in the strategically important region (Central Asia, perfect to counter China, a rising power), the safety of a major oil pipeline connecting to the Caspian region, and the trillion dollars or more worth of valuable minerals (including rare earth metals, important in hybrid car batteries and phones - China has a monopoly on these metals).


Well-Known Member
Here's what gets me: why didn't they scramble jets to intercept the fighters? This is the same Air Force that's supposed to respond within seconds to a Russian attack. How could they just fail to do anything for such a long period of time?

Troops were mobilized in August. The US narrowly voted down an invasion proposed several years prior by oilmen before Congress (during the days of Clinton), and told the Taliban they could have a "carpet of bombs" or a "river of blood." It all depended on tolerating military bases in the strategically important region (Central Asia, perfect to counter China, a rising power), the safety of a major oil pipeline connecting to the Caspian region, and the trillion dollars or more worth of valuable minerals (including rare earth metals, important in hybrid car batteries and phones - China has a monopoly on these metals).
The military was having an eerily similar drill at the exact time and didn't know it was real or so they say...

What were the Air Traffic Controllers doing is my major question?

And yes, we invaded Afghanistan to put in the oil pipeline the Taliban had said No too; the signed deal was on W's desk before the first plane hit.


Active Member
Man you Americans are like mushrooms if you can't see the Al Qada didn't planed 9/11.
1 how did they get box cutters on the planes?
2 how come no one stoped them cunts gona kill me they fukin better be prepared for a fight?
3 why did the American government fund the Al Qada in the 80s?
4 how come after the first tower got hit how did the plane get near the pentagon?

Ohh yeh JFK shot him self.


Well-Known Member
On my phone so can't post it, but possible accomplice got a call during movie opened emergency exit, possibility he threw a 2nd canister of tear gas, according to eye witnesses... stay high


Well-Known Member
On my phone so can't post it, but possible accomplice got a call during movie opened emergency exit, possibility he threw a 2nd canister of tear gas, according to eye witnesses... stay high
here is the video I was talking about earlier...
stay high


Active Member
always down for a good consperiacy theory... hell the shooter even called himself the joker... maybe the joke's on us... some ppl just want to see the world burn... I think it was Alfred that said that.... stay high
I had a conversation with my girl about that quote the night before I read the headlines while I was on vacation this weekend. I feel like his motive was simple, he hates the world.
As far as a means, credit cards, savings, rich parents, who knows. I find it more unbelievable that he was unemployed and had his own apartment.


Well-Known Member
I never said this is definitely a conspiracy 100% but lets say about 99% of it doesn't add up at all, the same way tons of other events the government has attempted to cover up have do not.You can call me a retard all you want but if you truly believe everything you are shown to believe then you are truly the dangerous retard who has his head in the sand. Keep living your life as a pawn who is totally ok with whatever the government decides is best for you next. Last time i checked a grown man should not be controlled by anybody and should live a life of freedom if he is not hurting anyone else. The same government you put so much faith into is constantly trying to take your rights away in sly ways, although they are still clearly in front of everyone. If shit hits the fan people like you are really going to eat your words REAL hard. You don't have to live your life in fear and misery, but you damn well better wake the hell up before its too late if you actually appreciate being somewhat free.82513911.jpg82646805.jpg


Well-Known Member
I never said this is definitely a conspiracy 100% but lets say about 99% of it doesn't add up at all, the same way tons of other events the government has attempted to cover up have do not.You can call me a retard all you want but if you truly believe everything you are shown to believe then you are truly the dangerous retard who has his head in the sand. Keep living your life as a pawn who is totally ok with whatever the government decides is best for you next. Last time i checked a grown man should not be controlled by anybody and should live a life of freedom if he is not hurting anyone else. The same government you put so much faith into is constantly trying to take your rights away in sly ways, although they are still clearly in front of everyone. If shit hits the fan people like you are really going to eat your words REAL hard. You don't have to live your life in fear and misery, but you damn well better wake the hell up before its too late if you actually appreciate being somewhat free.View attachment 2267867View attachment 2267868
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to RC7 again.


New Member
I never said this is definitely a conspiracy 100% but lets say about 99% of it doesn't add up at all, the same way tons of other events the government has attempted to cover up have do not.You can call me a retard all you want but if you truly believe everything you are shown to believe then you are truly the dangerous retard who has his head in the sand. Keep living your life as a pawn who is totally ok with whatever the government decides is best for you next. Last time i checked a grown man should not be controlled by anybody and should live a life of freedom if he is not hurting anyone else. The same government you put so much faith into is constantly trying to take your rights away in sly ways, although they are still clearly in front of everyone. If shit hits the fan people like you are really going to eat your words REAL hard. You don't have to live your life in fear and misery, but you damn well better wake the hell up before its too late if you actually appreciate being somewhat free.View attachment 2267867View attachment 2267868
I don't believe in everything of course but this isn't a conspiracy to me.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I never said this is definitely a conspiracy 100% but lets say about 99% of it doesn't add up at all, the same way tons of other events the government has attempted to cover up have do not.You can call me a retard all you want but if you truly believe everything you are shown to believe then you are truly the dangerous retard who has his head in the sand. Keep living your life as a pawn who is totally ok with whatever the government decides is best for you next. Last time i checked a grown man should not be controlled by anybody and should live a life of freedom if he is not hurting anyone else. The same government you put so much faith into is constantly trying to take your rights away in sly ways, although they are still clearly in front of everyone. If shit hits the fan people like you are really going to eat your words REAL hard. You don't have to live your life in fear and misery, but you damn well better wake the hell up before its too late if you actually appreciate being somewhat free.View attachment 2267867View attachment 2267868
I never said I believe everything I was shown, or that I put any faith in the government. I am however capable of taking information in from multiple sources, thinking about, and coming to my own conclusions. Based on your comments I don't trust your ability to do the same. You can post cool quotes all you want, but that doesn't mean the are applicable to this specific situation.


Well-Known Member
Yeah and you can play know it all all you want but let's see you your first post in this thread was calling me a retard. Who is the idiot here? IF you want to go ahead and make sense of the situation please do, but we all know you are going to run away now like a bitch just as they always do. If you were so sure you would use your brain and post your theory. Go ahead show us what you got smart one.
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