Colin Kapernick is the face of Nike's Just do it campaign. Old white men burn shoes. Too funny

Waiting on that egg roll, grasshopper !

No egg roll. But I can make you a spring roll. If you insist on a cat egg roll may I suggest.

You told us to leave putin alone after he attacked our country to install his puppet

You’re a traitor or a Russian. You choose, nazi

You act exactly like what Republicans did when protestors burned their draft cards. So you're a Republican.

I would've butned my draft card too and mailed back the ashes.
I want to guess he is either Russian, Korean, or Chinese. They hate Buddhists. He keeps saying he’s Asian, after all.
Buddhism is a major religion in Korea. It was the military dictatorships that suppressed Buddhists in the 1980's due to resistance to their policies. Protestant Christians, just like those here, have recently caused the most problems for Buddhists. Unlike here, this is causing a backlash against Protestant Christianity.

I have no understanding of the differences but Korean Buddhists have their own interpretations about the philosophy/religion.
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Borscht ruins beet's nutritional value by cooking it and I therefore only shred it as part of a salad.
Fascinating, do you have a terminal case of virtue signalling? Is your body a bhuddist temple, do people need to remove their shoes before entering you?
Buddhism is a major religion in Korea. It was the military dictatorships that suppressed Buddhists in the 1980's due to resistance to their policies. Protestant Christians, just like those here, have recently caused the most problems for Buddhists. Unlike here, this is causing a backlash against Protestant Christianity.

I have no understanding of the differences but Korean Buddhists have their own interpretations about the philosophy/religion.
I just figured in the North, it was more about the Supreme Leader, but yes, you’ve caught me on my ignorance. Thank you for keeping me honest.