I really try to do good and im not giving her any crap about anything. On one side it was nothing just thoughts and she loves the shit outta me but thats just words, i dont feel it. On the other side there is deleted text messages and a guy named Anika :/ Phone calls that cant be taken when im around. But thats like a week ago. Cant just see good all day with stuff like that in mind she wont explain or cant..
I dont think she wants to cheat. She's seen me in rage probably 3 times in 10 years.
Its just hard and right now i choose to put all those thoughts aside.. Were kinda good right now other than i dont trust her and really lack some loving. Not sex were funny enough awesome there almost daily.. But at the end of the day if im not high as a kite i start thinking and get sad.
Screw this for awhile! Sry guys!
Back to growing
I am never eating chilli with more than a million scoville's ever again....
Bhut Orange Copenhagen is just evil. Loss of speech and burning so painfull i cant really picture it even tho it was yesterday. I just know never again. Ive been on the toilet once since and are just holding it as long as i can, cause burning ring of fire got 2 real to me!
We were 4 sharing that orange one. Errrbody crying fighting about the milk. I brought my own youghurt
But still it only eased for 5 seconds and the pain was right back. Been there done that. Not for me.