Hey there 6'ers, long time!
How's it going Dutchie, Jig, Doob and everyone else? Whodat......niiiiiiice plants my friend

. And D it looks like a belated congratuations are in order. That's very cool, heck everyone else was doing it lol. I'm sure your a great dad.
Tough year in the cave. All of my plants sowly went downhill over the course of the past year to the point where the finished product was crap and pretty much unsmokable. Lost some nice genetics. I misdiagnosed the problem numerous times. Finally got it nailed it a couple of weeks ago...broadmites. They are microscopic and much smaller and much tougher to get rid of than their cousin the spider mite. Their saliva is toxic to cannabis and they feed on the plant. Everyone is on the road to recovery and looking much better. Gotta lock the hippie in the closet and break out the big guns with these little buggers.
Hope everyone is well
puff puff pass>>>>>>>>>grape apollo x blue dream aka gracies delight>>>> : !)