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I wish to make it clear that my criticism of Israel is not associated with white nationalist, antisemitic or or any other bigoted views. I actually care about Palestine.

Racist... If you have the same views that another group has... that means you are the same as them...
Fucking bigot Nazi anti-Semite!

Caring about Palestine is the same as hating Israel. Same as being proud of ones Scottish heritage means they hate anyone that isnt' Scottish.
Racist... If you have the same views that another group has... that means you are the same as them...
Fucking bigot Nazi anti-Semite!

Caring about Palestine is the same as hating Israel. Same as being proud of ones Scottish heritage means they hate anyone that isnt' Scottish.

You poor oppressed white male.
You'll also remember we were discussing them in a historical context, i.e. militia groups of the 90's etc....


yep, just a bunch of white nationalists talking about the latest developments in white revolutions in a totally detached, historical perspective.

i'll wager you guys were also puffing fine tobacco from long, ivory pipes while adjusting your monocles, just passing time before discussing the latest economic developments in the asian-pacific rim.

no, that's not how it went at all. it was just a bunch of white nationalists discussing the gathering momentum for their "white revolution".

either you think we are all dumb, or you have some sort of a supremacy complex.
Where is this thread anyway? I've been hearing the Nietz racist stuff for a while. I'de like to see what all the fuss is about.

Maybe it's just me... but the search function on RIU has not worked for almost a week now.
either you think we are all dumb, or you have some sort of a supremacy complex.

He actually does seem to think he is smarter than others. He clearly wants the rest of us to think so, hence why he tells people that he teaches philosophy at a college. This is typical of a Nietzsche acolyte.
He actually does seem to think he is smarter than others. He clearly wants the rest of us to think so, hence why he tells people that he teaches philosophy at a college. This is typical of a Nietzsche acolyte.

No.. I don't think I'm smarter than others... just smarter than you and Uncle buck.
Come prove me wrong.
The invitation is still open.
And as I stated before.. I no longer teach. That was during my graduate program.
No.. I don't think I'm smarter than others... just smarter than you and Uncle buck.
Come prove me wrong.
The invitation is still open.
And as I stated before.. I no longer teach. That was during my graduate program.

Please don't teach, especially children. There are too many white nationalists as is.

You aren't smarter than anyone except the people who disagree with you? Cool story bro.
Please don't teach, especially children. There are too many white nationalists as is.

You aren't smarter than anyone except the people who disagree with you? Cool story bro.

Actually, I did teach another class. An American Government and Social Studies class for adults. It was a volunteer thing. And I feel like a tool for mentioning it, but it was a class of Hispanic and Latino men and women which took place at a Hispanic church. I did this while working with an Immigration and Refugee Rights group.

No, I'm just smarter than a couple of idiots. I'm not really making a huge claim.
let him defend Israel all he wants at the end of the day he's but a ger toshav... Which makes his fapping even funnier...
funny. we have so many who put down their own country, but never offer to leave it. maybe, its because unlike america, and its liberaly brought on problems, we let em in. they dont. if you are feeling guilty, for being white, as the libs preach, (amoung other assinine bs), feel free to kill yourself. one less problem, now. i dont agree with many things. but i dont say "hate america". its been the light for many. why do u think, they all are willing to die to come here? cause they want to move to a bad place? i cant even relpy on here, as my "second amendment rights" have not been returned yet by our communist in learning. thats what commies do. they control the media. they remove what they dont want others to see. stock up on ammo. or, do what the libs do, (when they are not sucking from the system, all the while badmouthing the ones who give it to fools!), and that is, lie down, and assume a fetal position, and wait for the attack to stop. well, folks, box cutters are not one to do this with. if u feel guilty about liveing in the best nation on the planet, then at least do your best to leave. dont be a hippocrite. in other countries, if they hear you say u want to leave, well. you never will be allowed,.
isreal are not the terrorists. why this sudden like of the taliban? is it because they want america dead, and this is bacisclly what our demented left wants, also?
And I take full credit for calling things like I see it. War mongering douche bag.

I can't speak for everyone because as much as you would like to lump a bunch of people you disagree with into one category we are all different people , have differing views so Ill speak for the one in bold. You bring up the holocaust a lot since the once time I did. I questioned the number of the death toll , time frame and the ethnic groups slaughtered. Whats wrong with questioning and studying history? Because your married to someone jewish you can censor anyone? Yet they can speak about anything else just not jewish. You seem to only care about one group of people even though people from all over the world died during WW2. How do you feel about the worlds biggest genocide that happens during The Russian Revolution Why no outcry? Doesn't suit your peoples interests?

Keep crying because you can't censor members Your list keeps growing.

Yes red notice how is he trying to kiss your ass now for some support never mind the fact he labeled you and tossed whatever at you every time he disagreed with you. lol

the tacoburrito group has been gone for a bit. I can't speak for him I believe nietz got tried of your cry baby trolling and decided to shut it down.

No worries tho buck this group is still there for you to cry about in fact your one of the main reasons I made the group so people can talk about whatever without being called names , having there thread spammed and closed. It pisses you off knowing you can't censor what is in there. 1+ to Main Site Admin for keeping free speech alive and not allowing idiots to censor everything. 12 members and growing. I must have some kind of super xray vision to tell their skin color through the internet because according to you its a racist group. :grin:

ting lol

Maybe you should look in the mirror m8. Threads get closed when you start your name calling bullshit. That is your main way to censor poltics you disagree with. Had I been saying israel is great and Palestine is bad you would of been trying to be my best friend. I guess in your mind people on a website on the internet can say whatever they want but only if buck agrees.

Go back to reading about your hero Genrikh Yagoda .

I have also had labels put on me by a few certain individuals on this site, that know nothing about me. See these people's agenda is to shut down people that are able to think critically for themselves. See when you question these things and it does not align with what they were taught that is when you get attacked. These folks confuse education with intelligence. As far as the post being shut down, I do not agree with that. I believe that only gives these few what they wanted. I applaud these fools when they start there nonsense, it removes all doubt.
No.. I don't think I'm smarter than others... just smarter than you and Uncle buck.

remember back when tacoburrito was sill open, and potroast dropped by to tell you that you were free to spout your nonsense, but don't act surprised when people smarter than you called you on it?


i remember that.
He seems much smarter then a narrow minded fool like yourself. Hell you know it yourself that is why you backed out of a civil debate with him.

Your quick to scream racism how about the flyers you were posting depicting Indians saying Europeans go home is that not racist? Or your thread asking for videos of only White racists getting people up like they deserve. Not racists of all colors just White. But you know I'm the racist bigot lol.

Anyone with a open mind can see buck reads straight out the JDL playbook with his might is right stance for israel's war crimes and defending of pedophiles.

White nationalism, yes or no, do you love it?
"let's have a civil debate about how your wife's family didn't really die in the holocaust and you're just making it up to justify your illegal and murderous regime, war monger pedo snitch"
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