"he is a jew hater"
It seemed like not so long ago politics was not so full of this bs.
Telling me to ignore someone repeatedly accusing me of raping and murdering my children is not going to work.
i take full credit for this.
very recently, several members: echelon1k1, gagekko, slavenomore, nietzschekeen, and shotgun420, have all come out as very proud holocaust deniers.
that puts them in a special category of horrible human beings.
Image what type of person would justify war crimes based on a religious belief including the systematic rape, torture and murder of an entire population?
But "war is hell and might is right"... You wouldn't be mistaken in thinking such a person supporting & justifying those kinds of atrocities could be rightly labelled a nazi and would make hitler himself burst with joy
you spammed the same nonsense 4 minutes ago in the "IRS scandal" thread, a thread in which you said absolutely NOTHING about the OP.
for some reason, you took it upon yourself to spam the exact same "you are hitler, murder rape torture jew jew jew jew jew" diatribe here.
you are what the very ting that is wrong with this section recently. just chill out, you bitter, bitter creature.
I was FIRST!!! Nanner, nanner, naaaanner
Trolling here is not limited to what you can see..but what you can't..troll victim then quick edit before mod can see.
edits are never the way to go people are more pissed off when their posts are edited rather than deleted.
I wasn't suggesting "MOD" edit... What I was alluding to was the "TROLL"(during heated exchange) will actually post just long enough for "TARGETED VICTIM" to see post (and others) then "EDIT" quickly so they can't be caught..someone did this to me and I called him out on it, to which he acknowledged his specific intent to do so..was really proud of himself, too.
ah gotcha yeah now i know whart you mean kron did all the time i would copy and paste his shit so fast and post it back up in my post since he would do that ot make himself look like a sweetheart when he wasnt
Right? This one was quick and changed it before I could copy paste..but, NEXT time..oh yeeeeeeeeah.
So, my point is that things can be way more inflammatory than mod thinks or sees because of this SNEEKY editing.
Just hit "reply with quote".I wasn't suggesting "MOD" edit... What I was alluding to was the "TROLL"(during heated exchange) will actually post just long enough for "TARGETED VICTIM" to see post (and others) then "EDIT" quickly so they can't be caught..someone did this to me and I called him out on it, to which he acknowledged his specific intent to do so..was really proud of himself, too.