Well-Known Member
Dude nobody here has a problem with Canadians. One of the main mods is Canadian. I personally love Canada and wanted to move their years ago.
WhAt we all have a problem with is your shitty attitude. You were wrong about your statements on taking clones from clones and you got called out. Get over it and actually listen to what was said and you might learn something instead of still trying to defend you incorrect idea about the topic. No one has argued about any other topic. You keep trying to change the subject to wet and dry cycles and have gotten annoyed and people havnt bitten and argued with you about it. But this thread was about clones.
Never once have I said the degradation of clones comes from perfection pal, I was saying my old outdoor dealer had it happen b4 and I’ve seen it happen b4 in other places. That’s IT dude nothing more nothing less