Clone or a clone of a clone

Dude nobody here has a problem with Canadians. One of the main mods is Canadian. I personally love Canada and wanted to move their years ago.

WhAt we all have a problem with is your shitty attitude. You were wrong about your statements on taking clones from clones and you got called out. Get over it and actually listen to what was said and you might learn something instead of still trying to defend you incorrect idea about the topic. No one has argued about any other topic. You keep trying to change the subject to wet and dry cycles and have gotten annoyed and people havnt bitten and argued with you about it. But this thread was about clones.

Never once have I said the degradation of clones comes from perfection pal, I was saying my old outdoor dealer had it happen b4 and I’ve seen it happen b4 in other places. That’s IT dude nothing more nothing less
Obviously if your prepared Nd know what your doing you can keep clones forever literally, hence why we smoking on a thousand diff strains fuckkk
even though the plants were super healthy looking 24/7 , that specific cut lost it’s insane potency and vicious growth it had in previous years, according to them
The vigor and potency was lacking in certain strains so they restarted from seed, he has a nice cut rn though
i was talking in general. ive had plenty of cuts get old and weaker then they used to be. I try to keep the same mother but i end up replacing her every couple years.
sorry i only read the first page or two before posting into a MESS. my bad
Like I said up there, I started off as a petty dealer I was buying oz’s of good outdoor for like 100-140 an oz when I was 15 yrs old N selling it str8 out 10 a gram man, 5-6 yrs later supplying half the city having to pick up 5lb of dro fer 10k weekly, + some outdoor least 20 ounces a week... but once I had that AAAA+ for 180 a bag 650qp 1250hp 2400 per lb, all the half oz outdoor buyers began to pay 90 instead of 60/65 fer the outy rite, but I still had the old men that would rather a qp for 340-400 (was payin 4K for 5lb roughly, or a grand per pound) 2 grand an less per pound for the premo , if I only baught 1 it would be 2250-2400 though when I first got the connect
Nobody cares about your stupid stories. Everybody thinks you're a clown. How are you not understanding this?
Nobody cares about your stupid stories. Everybody thinks you're a clown. How are you not understanding this?

I don’t give a fuck what u think dude, you don’t even cycle dawwwgg keep drowning I will b here worrying about the smell of weed half way down my rd for the next 13 days until I harvest.. according to you guys I’m the only one that grows weed strong enuff to make it smell 100 feet from the house it’s growing in, apparently when u have filters it has 0 smell lmfao
I don’t give a fuck what u think dude, you don’t even cycle dawwwgg keep drowning I will b here worrying about the smell of weed half way down my rd for the next 13 days until I harvest.. according to you guys I’m the only one that grows weed strong enuff to make it smell 100 feet from the house it’s growing in, apparently when u have filters it has 0 smell lmfao
I understand proper ventilation and odor control. That's why you can stand right outside my front door and not smell a thing.

You fail so fucking hard.
Nobody cares bout my little ‘legal tent grow’ man, foreal I’m a small fish in a big ass pond dude there’s probly 20 more ppl on my road with the same tent (probly not growing the same potency but) I’m just a nerd man all I like to do is grow weed ever since I was 14/15 I became obsessed , I’m a true country boy
I understand proper ventilation and odor control. That's why you can stand right outside my front door and not smell a thing.

You fail so fucking hard.

Ou yeaaa I’m failing brotha.. that’s why I have a lineup of ppl drooling waiting for me to cut it down so they don’t hafto buy from NB cannabis anymore
Nobody cares bout my little ‘legal tent grow’ man, foreal I’m a small fish in a big ass pond dude there’s probly 20 more ppl on my road with the same tent (probly not growing the same potency but) I’m just a nerd man all I like to do is grow weed ever since I was 14/15 I became obsessed , I’m a true country boy
nobody cares? thats what i thought. You seem to forget the job of pigs. they would much rather fuck you over then your crack dealing buddy down the road....much easier.