Knows his shit, mid afternoon. Lol
Nothing says respect like shooting dilaudid in rural NB
Dude, this orphan is my backyard, literally. Embarrassed is understatement.
There's big goddamn difference between overcoming addiction and glamorizing it.Hahahaha, that was actually a good one.. but just to let u know some of the most powerful ppl in the world have addiction bud!
Dude, this orphan is my backyard, literally. Embarrassed is understatement.
Yessir but if this was real life and we were face to face rn I gurantee non of yas would say a fucking word! On my life u wouldn’t
DONE, u guys are hilarious tho sometimes. I can almost know what kind of person u are in real life but I’m still unsure haha, but keep it up with the hate for Canadians we will just be right there when world war happens to carry your fat asses out of the trenches and back to mommy
How tf ima shorten my ducting man, good idea but how? I have a tent in the basement that has one exit for ducting about 12ft from the tent, I had to duct two lights together out the top of tent and it’s ziptied to the ceiling til it goes out a hole under my pool deck.. there’s only one exit out, I’m fine for veg cuz I run one MH, once I get temps regulated in that room I will be okay.. the ducting is mediocre and good enough for the job the problem rn is Mother Nature this end of Canada is being a bitch as usual and throwing me 25 degree temp rises from one day to the next (Celsius literally lol)
Ive seen no hate to Canadians on this post except for yourself.
I’m deleting my account on here right after this post for real and never coming back on here u guys win (trust me it’s nothing special anyways this site lol) i has an account on here since 2010 I think? First post was few months ago and I’m fuckin done wit it already it doesn’t make my weed any more powerful it just learned me that ppl are stubborn as FUCK in a super pathetic way, thanks to about half a dozen to 8 of you idiots I’m OUT..considering I know now I will never be enjoy any post I ever put up on here anyways.. call me a crybaby do what u want I’m still laughing (not rly quite agitated with the Canadian remarks tbh) fact is I’m just done with this stupid game of you guys knowing damn well I’m right but you want to get a rise out of me so anything I say you say the opposite lol, U guys truly believe u have one over on me but anyone (probly everyone else literally) that reads this shit Will know who was right and who was wrong, the true OG’s on this site know what the fuck is up, yeaaa OG I just said (doesn’t mean I think I’m a gangster kids)
What Canadian remarks?
I’m deleting my account on here right after this post for real and never coming back on here u guys win (trust me it’s nothing special anyways this site lol) i has an account on here since 2010 I think? First post was few months ago and I’m fuckin done wit it already it doesn’t make my weed any more powerful it just learned me that ppl are stubborn as FUCK in a super pathetic way, thanks to about half a dozen to 8 of you idiots I’m OUT..considering I know now I will never be enjoy any post I ever put up on here anyways.. call me a crybaby do what u want I’m still laughing (not rly quite agitated with the Canadian remarks tbh) fact is I’m just done with this stupid game of you guys knowing damn well I’m right but you want to get a rise out of me so anything I say you say the opposite lol, U guys truly believe u have one over on me but anyone (probly everyone else literally) that reads this shit Will know who was right and who was wrong, the true OG’s on this site know what the fuck is up, yeaaa OG I just said (doesn’t mean I think I’m a gangster kids)