Climate Change? Of course. Which way?

What level of ignorance does one need to go to where actual climate scientists are available to explain and debunk the noise from the deniers?

Oh well, sorry for the noise. Raining on your parade? Actual scientists, huh?

It's just that cn was asking for specifics. That's the cheering section.
CFMIP/GCSS/EUCLIPSE Meeting on Cloud Processes and Climate Feedbacks
Monday 6th June 2011 – Understanding, evaluating and improving the representation of clouds and cloud feedbacks in global models

It's a very deep dive. Just to say, Cloud Effect has been discounted as too weak. Lot's of stuff.
Just being fair. Not at all against honest peer-review. Take your pick.
Global warming is a bunch of bs. This kind of thing has been going on for the longest time we are just making it happen faster.

The government just wants to push new tech stuff because they want more money from taxes people pay that will pad their butts witch isn't going so well.
It's been awhile. I put up some current thinking. Anyone dispute that Cloud Effect is still not understood?
And if that's so, "Global Warming" is not a done deal? We still don't know if the long term trend
is cooling or warming, right?
Its all about the sun spots man

Well, maybe not "all." :)

Aren't we swirling through galactic weather, as well? Dark matter, gravity waves, etc?
Many unknown factors affect the heat transfer mechanisms of the atmosphere. We don't know the
what, so we don't know the 'why....' unless we are carbon credit traders or after new grants, maybe?
All of you man made global climate change nay sayers:

do some research on a now defunct organization called the GCC or Global Climate Coalition. This organization of "affected industries" took it's methods from the disinformation campaign of cigarette manufacturers and had a stated purpose of introducing "doubt" into a previously strictly scientific debate. The reason the organization disbanded is because it was judged to have worked after having injected millions into the public discourse. You have been duped. Research grants are worth perhaps billions - the energy status quo is worth trillions, if you follow the money, who do you think is the more influenced?
All of you man made global climate change nay sayers:

do some research on a now defunct organization called the GCC or Global Climate Coalition. This organization of "affected industries" took it's methods from the disinformation campaign of cigarette manufacturers and had a stated purpose of introducing "doubt" into a previously strictly scientific debate. The reason the organization disbanded is because it was judged to have worked after having injected millions into the public discourse. You have been duped. Research grants are worth perhaps billions - the energy status quo is worth trillions, if you follow the money, who do you think is the more influenced?

RED HERRING. We aren't talking about the money of research grants.

You said it, however. Follow the money.

The "new energy" economy is worth Quadrillions. And upsetting the power structure of the world, to benefit the "new few?" Priceless.

It's a power shift play. Of course, you don't and, I'd say, can't refute Cloud Effect. Without understand that, we don't know
WHAT affects the energy budget of the atmosphere.
RED HERRING. We aren't talking about the money of research grants.

You said it, however. Follow the money.

The "new energy" economy is worth Quadrillions. And upsetting the power structure of the world, to benefit the "new few?" Priceless.

It's a power shift play. Of course, you don't and, I'd say, can't refute Cloud Effect. Without understand that, we don't know
WHAT affects the energy budget of the atmosphere.

Hey Doer... why-o-why? I was just reading a bit on cloud effect and found in my travels:

God particles, Isis, Atlas and Alice... Starts to look like a new myth after a while.
RED HERRING. We aren't talking about the money of research grants.

You said it, however. Follow the money.

The "new energy" economy is worth Quadrillions. And upsetting the power structure of the world, to benefit the "new few?" Priceless.

It's a power shift play. Of course, you don't and, I'd say, can't refute Cloud Effect. Without understand that, we don't know
WHAT affects the energy budget of the atmosphere.

PR is not a red herring, nor is the amount of money the status quo has invested in the system and is hell bent on preserving even in the face of imminent disaster (not global warming but peak oil, global warming can be dealt with). As I said, check out the GCC - it is the source of all following debate and pseudo (it's the sun) science.
isnt that what the climate change people are saying?
Not really most people are saying its all caused by humans but they never thing its also caused by natural causes like forest fires caused from hot weather or lightning strikes and other natural stuff. Alot of people also don't think about the problems that are caused from the sun spots to.
I am doing my part with reducing my greenhouse gas foot print by going solar.

If I can find a peace of land by a creek or river I would also do micro hydro.
PR is not a red herring, nor is the amount of money the status quo has invested in the system and is hell bent on preserving even in the face of imminent disaster (not global warming but peak oil, global warming can be dealt with). As I said, check out the GCC - it is the source of all following debate and pseudo (it's the sun) science.

It's still worth mentioning. Cloud Effect. You can say what you want about the PR wars. But, this is a Science thread.

Let's see your science to refute Cloud Effect as a closed loop feedback control. No matter how much you spin in the emotion, the clouds are still there.
Not really most people are saying its all caused by humans but they never thing its also caused by natural causes like forest fires caused from hot weather or lightning strikes and other natural stuff. Alot of people also don't think about the problems that are caused from the sun spots to.

forest fires have nothing to do with global warming, The carbon released from the fire is carbon that was sequestered in the trees and will be again.