I'm unsure as to which parts you are talking about. I don't know if you posted picture but it's not showing up here
Indeed... something seems to be wrong with the image service. I can't upload any pics either, but it was there earlier.
This was the text I was referring to:
The observed reduction in surface warming trend over the period 19982012 as compared to
the period 19512012, is due in roughly equal measure to a reduced trend in radiative forcing
and a cooling contribution from internal variability, which includes a possible redistribution of
heat within the ocean (medium confidence). The reduced trend in radiative forcing is primarily
due to volcanic eruptions and the timing of the downward phase of the 11-year solar cycle.
However, there is
low confidence in quantifying the role of changes in radiative forcing in
causing the reduced warming trend. There is medium confidence that internal decadal
variability causes to a substantial degree the difference between observations and the
simulations; the latter are not expected to reproduce the timing of internal variability. There
may also be a contribution from forcing inadequacies and,
in some models, an overestimate of
the response to increasing greenhouse gas and other anthropogenic forcing (dominated by the
effects of aerosols).
{9.4, Box 9.2, 10.3, Box 10.2, 11.3}
When I see that, my "error radar" goes off. But that's why I need to look at the report proper where they should have a more detailed explanation for these issues. I suppose for policy makers, it is irrelevant.