eye exaggerate
Well-Known Member
In short, the sun was cooler and less intense in the past and demand for co2 was higher, however c02 is not the only driver of climate change. If you wish to read an in depth explanation, go here.
I don't think anyone is taking the position that human are 100% responsible for climate change. In addition, I don't think anyone serious is saying that human contribution is 0%. Nature does a good job of cycling the co2 it makes, unfortunately humans do not. The co2 produced by volcano's and forest fires ect. is easily absorbed back into nature. A good deal of human co2 emissions are also absorbed by nature, maybe as much as half. Unless humans do something to offset the rest, a rise in level seems likely. A rise in co2 level has a direct effect on climate. Again, a more in depth explanation can be found here.
I'll agree with those who say carbon credits are a sham solution. I am not a fan of 'green guilt'. Many people care about the environment and any time there is a subject people feel passionate about, there are scam artists waiting to take advantage. I don't however equate those situations to the whole concept being a fraud. As I said, I think these are fine questions to ask, however when I look at the answers evidence based data gives us, they make sense. When I look at the words of those claiming to be opposition, they don't make sense, they make mistakes.
...I wish I could find the article - a writer was saying something to the effect of "one year's worth of volcanic output in co2 was equivalent to what we've done as a race." I wonder if that could be substantiated in any way. It could be a stretch, but it sits well in the belly... so-to-speak