Citizen clu 048


I have a little grow competition.
One Citizen CLU 48 versus the big mother of all lamps, the sun.
In my place we have had the sunniest and warmest summer ever, or at least as long as there has been records.
I have planted 2 seedlings, both Brooklyn Sunris that sprouyed at the same time.
I have grown one in my greenhouse and one in my my grow cabinet under one Clu 48 at a distanca and wattage that provides 20000 LUX acording to my Luxmeter.
This is the side by side picture.
Guess which is the sun.IMG_20180601_101102.jpg


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Sun is on the right and the month best ever is May.
We normally call May a spring month but this one has been better than any other month in recorded history.
The problem though is that the soil is very dry and thats bad for the farmers and the rest of our garden.
