Canada Grows to the 4 Plant Limit

Brushless Motor DC Pumps
I'm a big fan of brushless DC motors when it comes to pumps, here's why they are so dependable, have such a long lifetime and are a good choice for cooling grow lights.

Here I have a small fountain pump disassembled, you'll notice that the pump impeller and the rotor for the brushless electric motor are one piece, it rotates inside a sealed plastic winding housing and is lubricated and cooled by a thin film of water, only one moving part. The $12 CDN ebay circulating pump on the right works the same way and pumps a high volume to over 10 feet of head height. I'm using two of these pumps in a common reservoir each with it's own chiller, one for each lamp in the flower room.

Pumps are as dependable as fans, cost less and you don't need as many, I could have used a single 12 volt circulating pump to cool the entire flower room lamp system if I wished, since it moves more than enough water.

Selling Water
Did I mention ...
Air takes up 829 times more volume and has about 4 times less heat capacity than water.
829 x 4 = 3,316 times more air needed than water for the same cooling.

Water is an order of magnitude better for cooling than air.
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cost less and you don't need as many
Some aircooled led light set ups need > 5% of total power for their air fans.

I use also a brushless pump 2,3 W / 200L/h / 10 feet head height .
Cooling 2 lamps (veg. and flower room) up to 1000W with 2,3 W. ---->
i only need 0,23% of my system power for active cooling. --->
with much better ( lower temp.) performance.

Watercooling can increase light efficiency ~ 10-15% only by lower Tj of the led chip and more economical cooling method.

There is no doubt that watercooled led light will always be a champion in efficacy.
Using the light heat cogeneration to prepare your daily hot water needs - can increase
energy efficacy of your watercooled lamp easiely up to 85%. (aircooled = 25%)
Some aircooled led light set ups need > 5% of total power for their air fans.

I use also a brushless pump 2,3 W / 200L/h / 10 feet head height .
Cooling 2 lamps (veg. and flower room) up to 1000W with 2,3 W. ---->
i only need 0,23% of my system power for active cooling. --->
with much better ( lower temp.) performance.

Watercooling can increase light efficiency ~ 10-15% only by lower Tj of the led chip and more economical cooling method.

There is no doubt that watercooled led light will always be a champion in efficacy.
Using the light heat cogeneration to prepare your daily hot water needs - can increase
energy efficacy of your watercooled lamp easiely up to 85%. (aircooled = 25%)
Hot water and home heating. Possibly hot tub. Dehuey in darkened growing spaces. Warming the garage to keep the electric car battery at best charging efficiency and to reduce the need to spend onboard electrical power to heat the car in winter. Water heating circuit for the dog house. The chicken coop. The aquaponic pond. Just brainstorming here, but the list of uses for 'excess' or 'waste' heat is endless!
Water heating circuit for the dog house

(: Me and my little poodle - we are looking for a place to spent our holidays in a relaxed and affordable place - can you tell me more about your prices for a single shared room (20feet² is enough) / breakfast incl. ? (:
(: Me and my little poodle - we are looking for a place to spent our holidays in a relaxed and affordable place - can you tell me more about your prices for a single shared room (20feet² is enough) / breakfast incl. ? (:
That's less than 6x3'... I'm afraid I don't do torture cells, LMAO!
That's less than 6x3'... I'm afraid I don't do torture cells

don`t worry ! - me and my poodle are great fans of masochism (my poodle is from North-korea
and i like Guantanamo a lot... sadly they are still overbooked.)
If you agree... we would like to dispense with the breakfast incl.... and have some free waterboarding in the morning... to enjoy our vacation 100% (:
don`t worry ! - me and my poodle are great fans of masochism (my poodle is from North-korea
and i like Guantanamo a lot... sadly they are still overbooked.)
If you agree... we would like to dispense with the breakfast incl.... and have some free waterboarding in the morning... to enjoy our vacation 100% (:

Du bist total verrückt! Und deiner hund!
total verrückt

Another cross post...
Health Alert:clap:
Was just reading this online...
If ya wanna stay sharp, stay high! Pot might not be so great for young folks brains, but if yer over 50 (if yer not now, you will be, if yer lucky), it's a different ball game. Lot's of new research coming out on the health benefits, particularly for older folks. It may slow down or stop not just alzheimer's, but general age related neural decline, you won't have a 1000 yard stare and drive at 10mph in a few years. When it comes to pot, I think it'll end up as, "Old Farts Rule"! Imagine what the media/political reaction will be to a successful clinical trial for alzheimer's, the health websites, TV, health magazines and newspapers will be all over it. Why even ole Jeff Sessions will be high, either that or watch his brains run outta his ears. Other research shows there's every indication that it is highly effective for brain injuries too by preventing brain cell death and aiding recovery. So there's good news for the youngins after all. They've done (and are doing) a lot of work with old folks and pot in Israel and recently greatly expanded medical access.

The number one cause of individual brain cell death is excitotoxicity. Basically they become over active and burn out. Cannabinoids built up between the synapses act as basically a voltage regulator and prevent it. Exactly the opposite of the "your brain on drugs" PSA.
The number one cause of individual brain cell death is excitotoxicity. Basically they become over active and burn out. Cannabinoids built up between the synapses act as basically a voltage regulator and prevent it. Exactly the opposite of the "your brain on drugs" PSA.

MSG is one of the worse things as exitotoxins and it's the glutimate that causes the problem and is hidden under many names like protein extract etc. So many names and unless you know what to look for you're getting it in many processed foods.

In Canada here High Fructose Corn Syrup is labelled Glucose-Fructose and it's in everything! Want diabetes or obesity then eat lots of that with artificial sugars. Nothing like a Super-Sized Big Mac meal with a diet coke! LOL

MSG is one of the worse things as exitotoxins and it's the glutimate that causes the problem and is hidden under many names like protein extract etc. So many names and unless you know what to look for you're getting it in many processed foods.

In Canada here High Fructose Corn Syrup is labelled Glucose-Fructose and it's in everything! Want diabetes or obesity then eat lots of that with artificial sugars. Nothing like a Super-Sized Big Mac meal with a diet coke! LOL


If you haven't already you should watch the documentary"Sugar Coated". It was on Netflix when I saw it.
Some aircooled led light set ups need > 5% of total power for their air fans.

I use also a brushless pump 2,3 W / 200L/h / 10 feet head height .
Cooling 2 lamps (veg. and flower room) up to 1000W with 2,3 W. ---->
i only need 0,23% of my system power for active cooling. --->
with much better ( lower temp.) performance.

Watercooling can increase light efficiency ~ 10-15% only by lower Tj of the led chip and more economical cooling method.

There is no doubt that watercooled led light will always be a champion in efficacy.
Using the light heat cogeneration to prepare your daily hot water needs - can increase
energy efficacy of your watercooled lamp easiely up to 85%. (aircooled = 25%)
Yer my kinda guy!