Finally found a live carnivorous plant at the local hardware store. Tropical pitcher plant (nepenthes ventricosa). I need to pick up some peat moss so I can fill the pot a little better. Will be nice to have a security guard on duty

Also went and picked up some new soil that's made somewhat locally. Spent a couple hours driving, but I enjoy road trips. Got 2 different kinds, Garden Soil and Survive and Thrive, planning on using a mixture of both.
"Survive and Thrive" is a blend of pine fine soil conditioner, mushroom compost, leaf compost and a little sand with mycorrhizal fungi. This soil is alive and loaded with beneficial microbes and fungi that stimulates root development and increases micronutrient availability. Totally organic! No biosolids (sewer sludge)!
Garden Mix is alive with beneficial bacteria, fungi and other microbes that stimulate root growth and assist in uptake of essential nutrients. Our Garden Mix is an organic blend of nutrient rich, high grade loamy topsoil, worm castings, high concentration of mushroom compost, leaf compost, pine fines/soil conditioner and a touch of sand for drainage. The mix then goes through a thermal composting process for heat stabilization, material maturation, and microbial inoculation. Expect a high yield!
Sounds like pretty good soil, and it was priced right. $8 for a cubic foot bag of either kind.
Couldnt wait any longer, popped a few more seeds. 100% germination rate from
@JBCSeeds so far, I'm at 7/7. 3 Dracarys, and 2 more Sour Bubba. I like the number 7, so I figured that's how many plants I would have. I'm going to experiment with some training on a couple of these. I'd like to try to mainline 2 of the Dracarys.
Starting to get quite a bit of smell from the plants. They've got a strong coffee scent to them, its wonderful.