"Cinco De High-O" cabinet grow

Women are so dramatic, here's Miss Pouty Face after her transplant into her new home.


The other plant never skipped a beat. Both looking great today, soaking up rays and putting on weight :mrgreen:
8 days from breaking soil, got the set of 3 leaves out, looks like my next set is on it's way.

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I've got a 288 b-spec on it's way from HLG, probably be here Monday. Will just be waiting on the driver then. Driver says it will be here Friday, might be when I switch them from fluorescent to led. Hopefully the 3rd set of fan leaves will be open and soaking up rays by then. Any tips for the switch? Increase/decrease water before/after, shade with screen one day, apply spf50 to the leaves :razz:

They look very very good . Happy little girls.
First speed bump in the journey. Some low life dirt sucking critter thinks my sweet caroline is a buffet. And Big Bertha is getting a little wrinkle in her top fan leaves. Lifted the light up a bit. Doesn't appear to have any discoloring yet, but they definitely dont look normal. The plant that has a bug bite doesn't have any wrinkling that I can see, only the taller plant. I tested my well water again after sitting open for a couple days. Appears to be around 7. Probably nothing to worry about, but you know us new fathers are a little paranoid :lol:
Havent fed any nutrients, and theyve been averaging about 12oz of water each every 2-3 days for the last couple watering cycles since being repotted into 2 gallon smart pots. They were taking about 8oz every 2 to 3 days in the jiffy pots.
Should I get some peppermint extract for the cabinet to battle the bugs, or hit them with some neem oil? I see very few bugs on my glue boards, and the undersides of the leaves dont appear to have any hitchhikers.

My heatsink and driver showed up today for the 288 b-spec, hopefully get that going soon.

I'm not sure, dont really see anything in the soil. Never seen a bug on the plants. But who's to say a moth didnt sneak in when I opened the door. The veg cabinet isnt sealed air tight, guess that's what I'll do tonight.
Could be. Hopefully so. At the hardware store picking up stuff for another project. Should I grab some spanish moss or something to cover the soil in my pots as a preventative measure? I'm thinking about spraying the room the cabinet is in with that Essentria ic3, as well as around my cabin.
Thanks @Budzbuddha and @Mr. Cheetah for the prompt responses and suggestions! I've got some Garden Safe Fungicide 3 that has a touch of neem oil in it. I got it for my vegetable garden that got assaulted last weekend. But it being a fungicide makes me think it could be harmful to my mychorrizae fungus. I'll try to locate Captain Jack's dead bug, in the meantime I'm gonna keep a watchful eye and get the cabinet sealed up. Thanks again!
Awesome, I'll be up in a town that has a Home Depot later this week, I'll drop in and grab some :mrgreen:
I've got some of this I use in the yard for mosquitos and other pests. I used to kill bugs for a living and this was a popular product. Basically a mixture of essential oils that are deadly or a nuisance to bugs. Might spray some around the house, smells awesome.
Awesome, I'll be up in a town that has a Home Depot later this week, I'll drop in and grab some :mrgreen:
I've got some of this I use in the yard for mosquitos and other pests. I used to kill bugs for a living and this was a popular product. Basically a mixture of essential oils that are deadly or a nuisance to bugs. Might spray some around the house, smells awesome.

That can be done in a simple small spray bottle ..
treat border edges of grow area ( inside / out ) essential oils are more deterrent. Even around base of pot . Spinosad can be on plant directly , but leaf test for sensitivity .. and ALWAYS read the label of anything you use.
Thanks for the info!! I'm gonna lay down a couple more glue boards, apply the essentria around, and keep and eye on it. I'll grab some of Captain Jacks stuff when I'm near home depot this week in case the damage continues
Going to try to get the cabinet sealed up this evening, really need to paint the inside as well. I'm busier than a queen bee during mating season right now!
If my led amigos could chime in I would appreciate it. Finally got my driver and heat sink in. This driver has 2 adjustments on it. HLG-120H-54A. What is the process for dimming this type of driver? I havent had much luck searching, but if you could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

Snagged a piece of carbon filter for $10 as well. Going to put it in between air intakes where light is leaking through.
I was able to find a thread where someone had given some numbers for my driver, running a 288 I believe. Voltage maxed out at 54, and Io at minimum input produced 37 watts. Voltage maxed out and Io maxed out gave 150 watts. So I took these numbers to give me a rough estimate of wattage with Io at 25% (69watts), 50%(98watts), and 75%(128watts) based on a wattage swing of 123. I figure this will get me in the ballpark of where I want to be. I set the voltage at maximum, and the Io at 25%. I'll adjust as needed, but seems like a good place to start. Any glaring problems with my estimates?
An assassin showed up today. Brought her up to the cabinet and she climbed right on a plant, they must have been calling. This thing has been all over, tops and bottoms of leaves, up and down the stem. Hopefully getting a belly full of whatever munched on my leaves. Gonna keep my eyes out for a few more to bring here.

Finally got the veg cabinet into a useable state, and got the b-spec mounted to its heatsink and wired up. Still need to seal the cabinet up with my tape, but this will work for now. I got an 8" fan mounted to the wall blowing over heatsink and onto plants, should keep things nice and cool.


The assassin is still hanging around, hopefully I can find a few more to help with the cause.

This light is crazy bright even with Io @ 25%, hopefully the plants love it!