Clackamas Coots is cookin!! 3 cu ft of lava rock, 3 cu ft of peat moss, 3 cu ft of compost, 1 cu ft of worm castings, 10 cups of malted barley, and the ammendment/mineral mix from KisOrganics. Used an old futon frame and some wire cloth as my soil cooker. Ill make a cover for it tomorrow. Need to mix a little more and add some water, ran out of daylight today. When I ordered my lacewings and nematodes, I also ordered beneficial insect attractant seeds to use as a cover crop in the living soil.
Coots Kit
Cover Crop
The mainlined plants are growing like crazy. Staryed flipping them into flower last Saturday, shortened daylight by an hour and a half each day until it was down to 12/12.
I got nematodes and lacewings in both cabinets. Put the envelopes with lacewing eggs in 2 days ago, noticed the first larvae crawling onto branches today. They say they have a hell of an appetite as larvae, i hope its true. The big girls in flower really need the help, more of a preventative measure in the small cabinet. Still have ladybugs in the small cabinet. Im gonna order another 150 when I make the living beds in the cabinets. I think with the cover crop and the canopy from the plants, the lights won't effect them as badly, theyll have somewhere natural to go.
Im gonna mix up the nematode powder I have left and mix it into my coots soil, as well as putting a hundred or so worms in there.
The big girls are hanging in there. Ive been spraying the leaves top and bottom daily with water, seems to have stopped the damage from getting worse, but I know the thrips are still multiplying. I put quite a few lacewing eggs in the packets. Hopefully by tomorrow evening I'll have a hundred or so on each plant munching away. Need to get the glue traps out of there.