Cid Stories


RIU Bulldog
Finally, after waiting since high school (10 years) to try it, SWIM might get my first chance at trying some cid. I say might becasue it still has to make it through the mail, and it has to be real cid. SWIM wants to hear all the stories you guys can come with, that way SWIM can say he was as prepared as possible for the voyage.
SWIM is mostly interested in things I he might want to do to prepare for the trip like drinking water or taking vitamins. SWIM is also interested in agonists and things that might make the experience more intense. SWIM doesn't want to drink a glass of orange juice and then find out the hard way that it's gonna seriously kick up the high. SWIM was able to control himself and his mind on mushrooms but is worried that the cid experience might be to powerful for him to keep a safe grasp of reality. Basically SWIM wants to know what he should do in preparation for the trip, and what he should do in case of emergency freak-out. Like, ie is there any antagonists SWIM can get ahold in case things don't turn out to plan?
AND, I'd like t hear stories about the drug trip itself (audio/visual hallucinations, emotions etc).
Thanks dudes.
Emotionally for me lucy just makes me happy as I ever could be and gives me a sense of wonder about everything and a deeper understanding of myself and everything around me. I never used anything to enhance the trip but I have always smoked a lot of bud at some point during my trip. Preferably once I actually started tripping.

I would stock up on fluids before you trip just because at least I don't really think about eating or drinking when I'm tripping and I usually regret it the next day.

I would recommend starting at a small dose just so you don't overwhelm yourself. One hit or two max would be good for your first time. Make sure you have everything set up nice and safe and are relaxed and not anxious or anything so your trip is good.
Emotionally for me lucy just makes me happy as I ever could be and gives me a sense of wonder about everything and a deeper understanding of myself and everything around me. I never used anything to enhance the trip but I have always smoked a lot of bud at some point during my trip. Preferably once I actually started tripping.

I would stock up on fluids before you trip just because at least I don't really think about eating or drinking when I'm tripping and I usually regret it the next day.

I would recommend starting at a small dose just so you don't overwhelm yourself. One hit or two max would be good for your first time. Make sure you have everything set up nice and safe and are relaxed and not anxious or anything so your trip is good.
Cool man cool. That's good. I wanted to fry at my best friend and his girls house but when I talked to him, he got all self rightious about it say oh 'there's not good reason to do acid' and telling me to be careful in a very condescending tone. So now I'm worried that they're gonna ruin it for me and end up making me paranoid. If I can't do it with them, there's no one else I would trust, so I'd have to do it by myself at home. Is that advisable?
Don't worry. Find a good safe and comfortable place and go with it. When we used to trip alot we made it a ritual to eat the cid and then start cleaning the house. Sounds strange but not only did we get a little cleaning done but it killed the anticipation. The waiting to go up sometimes actually kills the beginning of it. If you can eat it and then find a way to forget you ate it you'll soon be having a great time. Pick some good music (Grateful Dead, Shpongle) something where the artists knows where your going. Enjoy
Cool man cool. That's good. I wanted to fry at my best friend and his girls house but when I talked to him, he got all self rightious about it say oh 'there's not good reason to do acid' and telling me to be careful in a very condescending tone. So now I'm worried that they're gonna ruin it for me and end up making me paranoid. If I can't do it with them, there's no one else I would trust, so I'd have to do it by myself at home. Is that advisable?

sounds like you have a dick for a friend

but honestly id trip with a gooood friend

definition of one of those is one who don't give a damn what you do just as long as your safe :D
Yah sucks your friend is throwing bad vibes :/ Personally i pick up on those really easily when im on lucy so if you think itll be awkward/uncomfortable i wouldnt suggest tripping with anyone whos not down.

Love lucy it always gives me great energy and thoughts. If youve tripped on other stuff i think you can easily handle a low dose alone.
No matter what you choose have fun sir :P Gain some insight
Acid is very fun and is also a drug that could be used for various occasions. Cool things that go along with acid include:
-Drinking like a champ. A thirty rack will feel like 4 beers in lucy land, and beer makes you fry harder. Really a win win. I enjoy taking one hit and drinking a lot o beer very very much. And recommend to anyone who's against only taking one hit.
-Smoking weed... of course.
-Sassafras (or Molly if sassy is had to come by). Candy flipping is fun when you want to be more social/talk to people you don't know.
Here's some times on acid that I have found fun in order:
5) Acid parties/ just any ole party. These always have the potential to be at number one, but about every 1/20 times there's a domino effect that goes down. What does that mean? Someone starts having a bad trip, then s/he starts freaking out and tells his/her friends about it and they start freaking out, and eventually half of your party can't handle their shit anymore. If it's just a regular party and you and your friends are kickin' it on acid then it will be fun.
4) Bar hopping. As stated earlier, if you stick to one hit you should be fine. You'll fry really hard the more drink (assuming you took the lucy first), and everyone will approach you for some odd reason. Has literally happened to me the 3 times I've tried bar hopping on acid. Probably b/c of the giant smile you have on your face.
3) Concerts! Listening to music on acid is one of the greatest times ever. The first time I did acid was at a concert and I had such a fucking awesome time. HIGHLY RECOMMEND this for your first time.
2) Walking around the Vegas strip. Probably not an option for most people. But I was in Vegas not too long ago, and I thought it was a piece of shit sober. Super artificial, weed is considered the devil it seemed, and watching all the people waste all of their money on hookers and gambling made me sad. Then I took some acid and looked at all the lights and was sippin' on of those giant alcohol slushies. I think me and two friends put 5 hits in one of those slushies and explored. And I now love Vegas. I realized I just can't be sober there... ever.
1) Music Festivals!!!!! You are out in a field surrounded by LOUD music and a shit ton of people who are fucking down to fry. Why wouldn't you?
sounds like you have a dick for a friend

but honestly id trip with a gooood friend

definition of one of those is one who don't give a damn what you do just as long as your safe :D
Ah well, he's just concerned for my safety... :P
I think he's just scared and he doesn't want to admit it. When I asked him why he said among other things, he's afraid of "losing his mind".
Whatever that means... :lol:

Yah sucks your friend is throwing bad vibes :/ Personally i pick up on those really easily when im on lucy so if you think itll be awkward/uncomfortable i wouldnt suggest tripping with anyone whos not down.

Love lucy it always gives me great energy and thoughts. If youve tripped on other stuff i think you can easily handle a low dose alone.
No matter what you choose have fun sir :P Gain some insight
I hear you there. I'm always reading into subtle signal even when I'm sober. If I feel like he's judging me, it's gonna make me angry and that'll probably send me down a bad road. I'm hoping I can talk some sense into him in the next few days.

Acid is very fun and is also a drug that could be used for various occasions. Cool things that go along with acid include:
-Drinking like a champ. A thirty rack will feel like 4 beers in lucy land, and beer makes you fry harder. Really a win win. I enjoy taking one hit and drinking a lot o beer very very much. And recommend to anyone who's against only taking one hit.
-Smoking weed... of course.
-Sassafras (or Molly if sassy is had to come by). Candy flipping is fun when you want to be more social/talk to people you don't know.
Here's some times on acid that I have found fun in order:
5) Acid parties/ just any ole party. These always have the potential to be at number one, but about every 1/20 times there's a domino effect that goes down. What does that mean? Someone starts having a bad trip, then s/he starts freaking out and tells his/her friends about it and they start freaking out, and eventually half of your party can't handle their shit anymore. If it's just a regular party and you and your friends are kickin' it on acid then it will be fun.
4) Bar hopping. As stated earlier, if you stick to one hit you should be fine. You'll fry really hard the more drink (assuming you took the lucy first), and everyone will approach you for some odd reason. Has literally happened to me the 3 times I've tried bar hopping on acid. Probably b/c of the giant smile you have on your face.
3) Concerts! Listening to music on acid is one of the greatest times ever. The first time I did acid was at a concert and I had such a fucking awesome time. HIGHLY RECOMMEND this for your first time.
2) Walking around the Vegas strip. Probably not an option for most people. But I was in Vegas not too long ago, and I thought it was a piece of shit sober. Super artificial, weed is considered the devil it seemed, and watching all the people waste all of their money on hookers and gambling made me sad. Then I took some acid and looked at all the lights and was sippin' on of those giant alcohol slushies. I think me and two friends put 5 hits in one of those slushies and explored. And I now love Vegas. I realized I just can't be sober there... ever.
1) Music Festivals!!!!! You are out in a field surrounded by LOUD music and a shit ton of people who are fucking down to fry. Why wouldn't you?
All that stuff sounds like a blast. I
ll probably take the bus down to the strip and try not to get hit by traffic while starring at the millions of lights... Or imagine the Fremont St. Experience on acid?
tell him ive lost my mind before

i just found it the other day!


just let him understand that your strong willed
As far as something to have for an emergency antipsychotics will stop trips dead. Think of the part in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas when he finds the attorney had just eaten all the acid and he's like you'd better pray to god that there's some Thorazine in the kit. It doesn't matter what the antipsychotic is, they all will work, and none of them should be specifically avoided because of toxicity or anything. I'd try to get a second gen one (Clozaril, Seroquel, etc) as opposed to a phenothiazine (Thorazine and it's cousins). But if I was freaking out and needed to stop I wouldn't turn a phenothiazine down.

One of my favorite experiences on LSD was during my jr year of high school. I ate like 4 hits before school (this was not at all uncommon) and we were reading The Crucible in English class and were on the part where they're accusing the girls and I was hearing this like demonic chorus when the adults were questioning the kids. It was so fucking intense. I really enjoyed reading the play aloud. When I got home my dad was home from work and we had an awesome conversation. In retrospect he must've known I was tripping balls. I was seeing people moving around in paintings on the walls. I don't usually get full on A/V hallucinations but more of a change in perception and thinking that's hard to explain any better than just saying I was tripping.
As far as something to have for an emergency antipsychotics will stop trips dead. Think of the part in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas when he finds the attorney had just eaten all the acid and he's like you'd better pray to god that there's some Thorazine in the kit. It doesn't matter what the antipsychotic is, they all will work, and none of them should be specifically avoided because of toxicity or anything. I'd try to get a second gen one (Clozaril, Seroquel, etc) as opposed to a phenothiazine (Thorazine and it's cousins). But if I was freaking out and needed to stop I wouldn't turn a phenothiazine down.

One of my favorite experiences on LSD was during my jr year of high school. I ate like 4 hits before school (this was not at all uncommon) and we were reading The Crucible in English class and were on the part where they're accusing the girls and I was hearing this like demonic chorus when the adults were questioning the kids. It was so fucking intense. I really enjoyed reading the play aloud. When I got home my dad was home from work and we had an awesome conversation. In retrospect he must've known I was tripping balls. I was seeing people moving around in paintings on the walls. I don't usually get full on A/V hallucinations but more of a change in perception and thinking that's hard to explain any better than just saying I was tripping.

tripping in school is ROUGH
Benzos kill a trip almost immediately. Take one xannax and you'll stop tripping.
Why do I not believe you? :lol:
It just seems that xanax always makes thing
Really though? Xanax?

Thanks for the anti psychotic idea. That's good to know.
yes xanax will kill a trip or atleast bring you way down if your starting to freak out.(you stated you were good on shrooms so you should b straight on L as it feels alot cleaner).. my advise would be have some xanax handy(or other benzo) but wait till your trip is complete and take them b4 bed to help you sleep. (also liquor work quite nice)

how much are you planing on taking? do u know the ug by chance?-- i say no less then 2 hit or around 200ug..i say this bc your first experience is always the best, atleast in my case anyways bc your not to shur what to expect and its even better than what you could have dreamed of...when you trip every time after the first as soon as the L kicks in it will feel familiar.

if you have enuff find a companion and share, its always funner when your around someone on your same level..--unless your taking a heroic dose then you need a babysitter who has alot of experience with cid.

if you cant find anyone to trip with id do it solo.. bc u already feel the bad vibes coming from your friend and if they've never trip b4 they wont understand.. tho i dont think this will make u have a bad trip!... i feel like whatever situation your in you are going to have a ball!! thats just how this wonderful drug works, even from ones first time...

as far a preparation, i feel theres no need.. dont take it on a full stomach but eat a light meal around an hour b4 dosing, this has always been how i prepare if i have the chance.. personaly all my best trips have never been planned.. just keep water around, and if you go out on the town rock some shades even at night. (this brings me peace of mind when around strangers)

Last but not least just enjoy yourself, and b safe lucy will take care of the rest!!
Benzos are anti anxiety and anti schizo prescriptions. What's a better way to describe yourself on a bad trip than being an anxious schizophrenic? I've personally never had a bad trip really, and I've tripped quite a bunch. I did take a xannax while tripping once to see what would happen though and I ended up almost sober. Since I unintentionally killed my trip I wasn't too happy. Tripping solo takes some strong will power. You're going to be overwhelmed with thoughts and emotions and if you have no one to talk to about them... well... you'll get antsy.
By the way, I showed that video to a bunch of my friends and now we have a new reason to go to Vegas!
This happened a month or two ago, but I took 2 hits of these alex grey shiva blotters that I had bought. That stuff was by far the best lsd I have ever eaten.. It was just so clean and strong, I had a couple crazy nights on these but the two hit night was insane. I took a half pill of 2c e with this it was 10mg. Jesus christ.. But I took the first tab and the 2c e, then went to this gas station like 2 and a half hours later. We were fryin balls lol.

So my friend gets out to go shit and there is a dude outside who worked there with his head in his hands and this other guy walked out of the store and was talking to him about something.. I couldnt really hear but it sounded like something crazy just happened. So my buddy gets back in the car and I start driving and was like damn dude something crazy just happened I think. Then about 3 miles down the road a cop gets behind us.. I was freaking out because I had my other tab on my tongue, then this stop sign comes out of nowhere (its very notorious for being an asshole), and I have to slam on my breaks..

We get pulled over it was fucking terrible. I was trying to see how dialated my pupils were but I couldnt see because the cop lights were so fucking bright that I couldnt see.. The cops face was doing very strange things, but I was convinced that lsd gave me some kind of guardian angel and Id be okay(very illogical thinking lol), but it gave my confidence and I didn't freak out, and he asked us if we were at the circle k a few miles back, and we just responded yes, oh also keep in mind neither of us have our wallets at the time that was a very hard thing to explain to the cop. But he tells us that the circle k just got robbed, and I was like shit we have a lot of weed and pipes in here.. But for some reason he didnt search us and let us go it was crazy..

The rest of that night was awesome so much fun.. But the very end was pretty cool too, we were laying on my rooms floor which was completely covered in blankets, to pad it up, then we chilled on the ground and turned on some crazy music and smoked resin, theres a reason its resin though. I had this pipe that I only smoked legal weed out of for some time and one thing thats insane about legal weed is its resin.

One hit will send you fucking flying. Its crazy, its hard to even smoke the normal stuff in the first place. Anyways we smoked it and got through like 3 hits each, this was insane. Most intense visuals Ive ever seen in my entire life. there were rainbows and stars and weird stripes and banners flying through the air. And I kept figuring out all this shit and having mindbending epiphanies, and this just made me crack up laughing because it was so generic. It was like an ideal acid trip. 2 hits never sent me that high, the smoking is really what did it. But to get what happened in my room that night, it would take me like 5 doses.. Me and my friend were laughing so fucking hard and couldnt stop. I had just the worst case of hick ups after the high went away lemme tell ya
I've probably dosed 50+ times... I don't know, I don't count...

Anyway, here are some things that took a LONG time to learn on LSD :lol:.... Preparing a good acid trip is an art, only learned by repetition!

1)Start preparing a few days before... it's not necessary, but you get in what you put out..... It's a 12 hour experience, might as well get the most out of it.

Go to the grocery store, pick up some good healthy snacks, food, drinks & water... Orange Juice, apples, bananas, cucumbers with ranch, chicken, pineapples, bread, bagels, etc. Or simply go to SUBWAY.. it's great!.... But you definitely don't want a whole bag of doritos on an acid trip, you want a well balanced nutritious meal... Your body will thank you, your brain will thank you.... Food is really secondary on LSD... You can eat, you have an apeteit, but you don't want to DEAL with it... You just want to trip... So realize that, and make sure you are eating well the day or two before your trip.. This way, your body is loaded on nutrients and calories that it can use later... You don't want to fast before an L trip! :)

2) Make a plan..... The worst thing is when your really having a good trip, and you have this desire to GET OUT THERE..... is when you have no means or plan!

So set up a ride if your trying to go somewhere, invite some friends along with you before you dose... The more people you TRUST the better!

Personally on acid I really like wheels..... Bicycle, skate board, rollerblades... whatever - if you can roll on it youll have an awesome time on acid.... sunshine, wind, clouds, outdoors, people watching.... these are all great on LSD.... Walking is cool, but you always have to move your feet if you want things to keep moving around you..Which sucks.. With wheels it's much more relaxed and safe than a car -... On a biycle you can pedal really fast, and coast as you look around at the things melting around you... but at the same time you won't be going fast enough to kill yourself or others... if you fall off expect some laughs accompanied with a few scrapes or boo-boos :).

3) Take care of your body!

On LSD it's easy to forget about important bodily processes until your within 10 seconds of doing them.... be sure you take a nice huge shit the morning of your trip.... make sure to drink plenty of water, and keep yourself urinating... If your peeing once every 2ish hours you can pretty much assume your body is hydrated... If your only peeing once or twice within your 10 hour trip, you are not hydrated.....
If your in the heat, be aware of the SUN... It will give you a sun burn, give you heat exhaustion, and really fuck your body up... So prepare for the weather too.

4) Have some delicous cannabis around..... Cannabis food, or joints or blunts go great with some acid... It's also a good way to loosen up your mind, and be a little more open with people in your discussions.....

Basically on my trips, ill be hydrated, stocked with water and snacks in a backpack... Sitting on a bike, with a weed lolly pop in my mouth, coasting down the road headed to a park 8 miles of biycicle paths away.... ill get there, cruise around, chill in some good spots, and ride back with i'm 2/3 the way through my water.....

Hope it helps! LSD is as harmless as a butterfly....... If you want to have a good trip, and you want to take some L... and you have some L... You WILL have a good time........ If your friend pressures you into taking it, and you don't actually want to take it - you won't have a great time. LSD is all about mindset, and setting.