Cid Stories

swim tripped in hoboken NJ where this guy stands in the video (literally a few feet from him) One of the best views of NYC.

SWIM tripped at night and we got tripped out by a long line of blinking lights. Realized it was a caravan of cops for what must have stretched for half of nyc
Great info Sr. Verde. I made the "mistake" of dropping some L last time spur of the moment. Although I tripped, it could have been WAY better. We just sat in a house, the same room, with the same people for 6hrs then I had to make myself leave. Just picked up two more doses tonight, waiting for a buddy to get back in town on Friday from school. Glad I know this info, and my past experience to help out with my next adventure.
Finally, after waiting since high school (10 years) to try it, SWIM might get my first chance at trying some cid. I say might becasue it still has to make it through the mail, and it has to be real cid. SWIM wants to hear all the stories you guys can come with, that way SWIM can say he was as prepared as possible for the voyage.
SWIM is mostly interested in things I he might want to do to prepare for the trip like drinking water or taking vitamins. SWIM is also interested in agonists and things that might make the experience more intense. SWIM doesn't want to drink a glass of orange juice and then find out the hard way that it's gonna seriously kick up the high. SWIM was able to control himself and his mind on mushrooms but is worried that the cid experience might be to powerful for him to keep a safe grasp of reality. Basically SWIM wants to know what he should do in preparation for the trip, and what he should do in case of emergency freak-out. Like, ie is there any antagonists SWIM can get ahold in case things don't turn out to plan?
AND, I'd like t hear stories about the drug trip itself (audio/visual hallucinations, emotions etc).
Thanks dudes.

And as far as advice goes, Acid is alot less of an emotional trip. Shrooms sacrifices lows (like an awkward time where no one is saying anything) for incredible highs like a funny joke that applys to the trip.

If you survived shrooms ull do just fine on tabs. Tabs is similar but all about your senses. The way you feel, see, and hear mostly and ull be too distracted by this to even think negatively

Nearly dodged a bad trip recently and heres what happen and what i learned from it

3 of us had tripped a bunch before but the 4th hadnt. He was out of control with questions and it was bumming out the 3 of us. We thought the trip was gona suck but out of nowhere him buggin out became a topic of comedy and actually made the trip

The key to dodging a bad trip is making it through the tough times by making conversation a distraction and always try to turn a Negative into a positive

Also try to find xanax if your really worried. Take 2 and you will no longer trip and pass the fuck out

I found that having the xanax also makes you not worry about having a bad trip cuz its like having insurace

Oh and have a competition with yourself to see how normal you can act. Its hard and nobody likes being asked a question that makes no sense

Last thing i promise... The way you feel on acid is half of how everyone feels. Dont be selfish on acid and ull have a better trip. For example if my friend is buggin im automatically buggin that hes buggin
Yeah I always try to have a xanax bar or two for tripping, or ecstasy rolling. Brings yah down enough to at least sleep
Dropped L for the 3rd time today. Was some "115 mics" my friend got at a Big Gigantic show. Ate probably 1-2hits worth... Somewhere in that range.

All I can say is WOW. What a release of energy today. Literally feel like I was reborn. No crazy visuals, but definitely was feeling it. Patterns and shapes morphing together, enhanced lighting, CONSTANT laughter. For the most part it was like when you first start smoking and everything is really... Real. Back then I would be scared of how high I was, but I wasn't scared at any moment in the trip. Long straight roads appeared to be stretched like puddy and looked like they were never ending. Pine trees looked fuzzy, as if they were constantly vibrating. Loved how this looked for some reason.

We went to an older historic house that our friends live at, and its like a funhouse. Floors slanted this way and that. Old brick walls and hardwood floors, they had a lot of surfing posters that are just amazing to look at and a lot of "counter culture" art. Perfect for the roaming-mind.

After the main part of the trip was over I ate like it was my first meal. Hahaha. Downed a dozen wings like it was a cookie. Now I'm in bed, all antsy and jittery... Just alive with energy hahah. I noticed an increase in my acne after this trip, almost like all of the toxins were being flushed out. When I realized this I took a shower and it felt like the rebirth I keep speaking of. Like the old me was being washed away.