Chunky Stool
Well-Known Member
It's my understanding that the disease is spread mostly by reusing dirty pots and cross-contamination during pruning.Well, you were the one to point out my dudded Fatso cut, which screwed up my entire garden.
You certainly know what's up.
Do you believe the nematodes are a carrier of the virus, or maybe there is no virus?
You should PM me your user name over there, I would like to learn more.
It can also be spread by contaminated runoff and non-sterile clone machines.
Is that accurate?
I'm going to start a new grow soon from seed and really want dudding to be nothing but a bad memory.
I've culled most of the Tony Green GG4 recombinant plants, so $100 just went *poof*
The 'chem cookie trip' plants by Useful are also looking suspicious.

This is really starting to suck...