Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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I don't know if you're just trying to fill up a page, or if you are trying to send a sincere message.

But in response to your magic mushroom relationship. Most of my website is dedicated to Cannabis in Religion.

I truly believe that cannabis has been used in Christian and Judaic annointings for many years.

You can see some of the topics that I post on my blog are directly related to true and ancient history, and found in the writtings of famous Rabbis.

This is an interesting book that Roger Christie from THC Ministry shows us.
It is a Hebrew to English dictionary written by a famous Rabbi.
The contents relating to the annoiting oils in the Bible shows that cannabis was a main ingredient.
The Living Torah
It’s supposed to be very Hebrew correct.
Join the forum discussion on this post

Also, here is another video for you:
Lost Kings of the Bible

One part of many..

yes of course cannabis was an important part of life and still is in some of the world, but the aminita muscaria mushroom was the 'sun of god'
I'll look into your mushroom theory.

Meanwhile, I am just now finishing production on a video that addresses the issue of stoners vs. Christianity.

I happen to be a stoner that has a relationship with Christ. But that's nothing new. Marely, Tosh, Buffet, Isaacs, were all dedicated believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Im just saying, people talking about mushrooms or cannabis being a part of ritual and blessings, I can totally see how that would work.

I'll post my latest video when Im done with it. It's probably an hour away. If you're interested.
I'll look into your mushroom theory.

Meanwhile, I am just now finishing production on a video that addresses the issue of stoners vs. Christianity.

I happen to be a stoner that has a relationship with Christ. But that's nothing new. Marely, Tosh, Buffet, Isaacs, were all dedicated believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Im just saying, people talking about mushrooms or cannabis being a part of ritual and blessings, I can totally see how that would work.

I'll post my latest video when Im done with it. It's probably an hour away. If you're interested.

it's not my theory, but after my study of allegro's work i have come to believe that his theory's were correct. christianity was a fertility cult that worshiped hallucinogenics above all other thing accept their concept of god as the big penis in the sky.

there never was a jesus christ accept for the mushroom mentioned earlier
Thats not plausible. But if that theory works for you. All I can say is that it takes all kinds.
Thats not plausible. But if that theory works for you. All I can say is that it takes all kinds.

how is it that you can have a king who leave no real evidence of ever existing, like oh i dont know a signature or something as radical as that. the guy was supposed to be a high tech worker as in a carpenter and a king but no trace hmmmmm.

you need faith for that until you have experience of course, experience replaces faith cause once you have experience you no longer need faith. unless you chose to ignore the experience and there are a lot that do.

it certainly does not take all kinds to continue believing in such deception as the untraceable story you are so fond of.

if either of us has a theory to be described as "not plausible" it is surely your's
"how is it that you can have a king who leave no real evidence of ever existing, like oh i dont know a signature or something as radical as that. the guy was supposed to be a high tech worker as in a carpenter and a king but no trace hmmmmm. "

No trace? In historical books of His time Jesus was written about, by such people as famous Roman historian Flavious Josephus.

Jesus was poor, he "had no place to lay His head". He was a homeless vagabond. It's not as though he had an empire, and remains of cities and temples that He Himself built.

But Solomons temple, and many historical references to Jesus exist. There are homes that have been unearthed from that era of time that mention Jesus also.

There is a lot of historical evidence for the Bible, and even for Jesus. I have listed only a few of those references. There are plenty of others too.

Did you watch the videos that I have posted so far?

I mean, the theory, the design, and the relationship all make sense (to me), without all of this awesome evidence. But just for your own humor and entertainment visit places like

It's all just trivial. But I get lost for hours researching that stuff. It's pretty right-on!
"how is it that you can have a king who leave no real evidence of ever existing, like oh i dont know a signature or something as radical as that. the guy was supposed to be a high tech worker as in a carpenter and a king but no trace hmmmmm. "

No trace? In historical books of His time Jesus was written about, by such people as famous Roman historical Flavious Josephus.

Jesus was poor, he "had no place to lay His head". He was a homeless vagabond. It's not as though he had an empire, and remains of cities and temples that He Himself built.

But Solomons temple, and many historical references to Jesus exist. There are homes that have been unearthed from that era of time that mention Jesus also.

There is a lot of historical evidence for the Bible, and even for Jesus. I have listed only a few of those references. There are plenty of others too.

Did you watch the videos that I have posted so far?

I mean, the theory, the design, and the relationship all make sense (to me), without all of this awesome evidence. But just for your own humor and entertainment visit places like

It's all just trivial. But I get lost for hours researching that stuff. It's pretty right-on!

you seem very confused friend, the guy was supposed to be a carpenter and that was a high tech job of the day, now add int eh king thing and you would have signatures like most of the other important characters of the day.
like i say with faith you can ignore experience and evidence of the glaring lack of it.
Hahaha. Jesus was from a working class family. High tech or not, he was still working class. He would be like the son of the boy who's dad works at Boeing. Good job, but so what!

From the beginning of His ministry he was homeless "had no where to lay His head".

And this "king thing"?

Well, yes. The Romans put a plaque above His head that said "King of the Jews".

What is your point here? Should we be finding evidence such as Palaces, and cities made in His name?

Well. For reference, Solomons temple was built for Jesus before Jesus ever came to earth as a mortal. And we have found Solomons temple. Just FYI..

But you are asking for more than the text ever write about. What EXACTLY should we be finding archeologically for Jesus? Is there something written about in the Bible that I am missing? If so, what earthly treasure should we find of Jesus' that we haven't already found?
Well, Im half way done with rendering this video. I'll just upload it to When I get it wrapped up.

I'm just letting you know that Im tapping out for the night. I waited around for awhile before I quit, but you never replied.

But Im done with my online shiznit tonight, Im going to go enjoy the evening.

before the "no where to lay his head" bit, the character in the story was trained as a carpenter, which was a high tech job in the day. this person would have been schooled and would have left traces such as a signature...thats all i am looking for just one lousy signature, just one.

the rest of the story is so preposterous is hard to bother discussing it at all. there is no word of god. the voice of god is thunder and the hand is lightning but there is no word. bob marley said it well.....a mighty god is a living man. you can fool some people sometime, but you cant fool all the people all the time...
"mighty god is a living man."

I totally agree with Bob.

For a peak at what Christians believe regarding Bob Marley's notion. Check out Genesis 18.

Here is a music video that is very explicit on the context and the doctrinal aspect of it.

Genesis 18

YouTube - IF YOU ARE a MUSLIM or JEW...This is for you

This explains who that "living man" is.

i think we are both interpreting "living man" in different contexts but hey im not hear to change your mind about anything. my father was a full on christian and the idea of jc being a mushroom and the sun being the head of god's dick was never going to work for him and we butted heads for 30 years give or take
"it matter not one bit to me"

Seems like you pay an aweful lot of attention to it despite how much it matters to you.

Best wishes with your pursuits.
Agreed. I find a lot of interest in other faiths. Definately things to learn from in all culture.

Which is why I draw my conclusion that while religion seems to be a major factor in war. It doesn't seem like it's unique to any one religion.

I like to muse on that idea. Because it seems like people just want someone to lead them, and it also seems like humans enjoy following someone.

I observe the faith traditions and doctrines of Christianity. But I can't and won't use Christianity as an excuse for bad behavior.

Religion is fascinating. Some good, some bad, but one thing is for sure... It's all over the place.
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