Well-Known Member
I don't know if you're just trying to fill up a page, or if you are trying to send a sincere message.
But in response to your magic mushroom relationship. Most of my website is dedicated to Cannabis in Religion.
I truly believe that cannabis has been used in Christian and Judaic annointings for many years.
You can see some of the topics that I post on my blog are directly related to true and ancient history, and found in the writtings of famous Rabbis.
This is an interesting book that Roger Christie from THC Ministry shows us.
It is a Hebrew to English dictionary written by a famous Rabbi.
The contents relating to the annoiting oils in the Bible shows that cannabis was a main ingredient.
The Living Torah
Its supposed to be very Hebrew correct.
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Also, here is another video for you:
Lost Kings of the Bible
One part of many..
yes of course cannabis was an important part of life and still is in some of the world, but the aminita muscaria mushroom was the 'sun of god'