Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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We are Gods Energy, so fill your mind, body and soul with everything beautiful! Find peace within yourself.


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:clap: I am not going to take a side on this. I don't want to argue one way or another but will post a little.
If Jesus was as said did he not give full knowledge to the people about the Earth, Germs and such? No matter if you are a believer or not, people in those times were not very advanced and could not handle it. If you could go back into mid-evil times with a bic lighter and try to explain how fire is made with compressed butane, Flint, a striker, and a pressure valve, you would be burnt at the stake as a witch.
I do believe that the Muslim religion has a very strong view of homosexuality...I think they kill them.
Trying to debunk a religion is like racing in the special Olympics, even if you win your still retarded.
Up to a point of hurting others, everyone has a right to believe in what ever God they want. Be it Buda, God, Alla, Mary Jane, or the tree in your back yard.
Be it that anyones "God" is real or not, if it stops people from running around like road warrior and taking and killing anyone or thing in their way, it sounds like a good stop gap to me.

I believe in something, and that stops me from putting a bullet into certain idiots I meet. I don't need that bad karma...but if I didn't believe in something, my @sshole list would be very VERY short in deed as I would have nothing to fear for my actions.

Without some sort of faith, you only have anarchy.
So I read the first few pages of this thread and just skipped down to the end to give my take on the piece... Wow, and I don't mean that as a good wow either. I'm not a Christian though I used to be. I was actively a student in the faith for many years. Ha I was the kid growing up who went to church three times a week, missions trips every summer, practiced abstinence, and was planning on becoming a youth pastor. Though I no longer believe in God, or rather "religion" would be the better word, I still have a profound respect for what it has done in our society. It creates stability for those people who need to know there is something more beyond our mortal world. It gives people perspective and understanding for why things happen. If they want to be blinded by their own ignorance so be it. You ranting or rather you posting someone elses rant, shows me that you are just as evangelistic in you're approach to prove chriatianity wrong as christians are in trying to spread the word of God. Everybody in this God damn world is annoying. You can't stick it on "christians" or any other religion for that matter. You can only hold those accountable as individuals... I have become a very judgmental person because I've realized that so many people in this world are ignorant idiots. That goes for Christians, that goes for anybody. The article more than anything seemed like a high school kid thought it up by the way it was written. I think the kid must have gotten stoned with a bunch of buddies and started talking religion and philosophy. All of a sudden because he had this conversation he is some sort of expert without doing any research putting thought into why things are said the way they are digesting the material, understanding it, and interpreting it for himself. Doesn't sound like he was "Thinking for himself" to me at all. I'm not saying the arguments aren't valid, I've heard almost everything stated before only it was better articulated and gave a much more tasteful approach. I'm just saying that the article itself lacked structure and displayed ignorance.
I'm not a Christian though I used to be. I was actively a student in the faith for many years.

The same thing happened to We the first time after I watched the movie Zeitgeist. I didn't have much faith either, until roughly one month ago. Now I know how smart the Egyptians (and most of the other older religions) were. They surely knew a thing or two, just look at the pyramids.

I used to have another name on RIU when I first joined, it was "LiveAndLetLive". When I had that name, I didn't want to indicate I was growing Herb because I thought it was unjust because growing was illegal. I switched it to "We TarDed" because I only planned on asking a few questions, but I stuck with it, until they "killed" me.

Everything is beautiful with faith!

The REVOLUTION has begun!


We love 1 stop preaching the big bang was just a theory Faith is as ignorant as athiesm both sides are just Sophism stop picking sides and be independent this isn't a trend or a fashion this is my life and my passion.
Huh? You quoted me and I hardly understood what you were trying to say... I won't have an awakening moment and suddenly come back to Jesus. I gave up on religion a long time ago. Even if I wanted to reclaim Christianity again and give my life to God I couldn't. According to Christianity God is all powerful and all knowing... He would know that I have a solid foundation of opinions about religion that I can't change. Even if I wanted to hold onto something like religion because I fell apart as a person I couldn't. You know that saying ignorance is bliss? I was ignorant to so much at one point in my life. Once I opened my eyes and started thinking for myself I slowly began to step out of the box of Christianity and formulate my OWN opinions that are a much more solid foundation than any religion or person could ever provide. Now that I feel I am no longer ignorant, I don't see how I could ever be dupped into believing something I feel is there for people who lack stability and need an explanation for why things are the way they are and what will happen after they die. Nobody know's for sure why we are here or what our purpose is. In all honesty I just don't give a fuck. Some things I truly believe we just aren't supposed to know. I find beauty in the little things life shows me day to day. I live my life as a morally just person because personally I feel like my world is brighter and runs smoother. Relax and remember that if you worry too much about the future you fail to see the beauty simple moments can bring to your life.
We can spin planets and populate other planets! Literally! Isn't faith Great!


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"We" just know that Jesus died for Our Sins, and every new day you can be saved again!

Only He is infallible!

Your body is your temple! Our body!


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We have infinite possibilities once We open up Our mind up to possibilities!

We are Our environment!



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Any number divided by Zero equals infinity! Become a Zero!



The REVOLUTION has begun!



Why was we'ed* illegal?

*(we would) I'm don't think children should smoke!


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We should start planting on the moon! We can do it! Lets spin it!

We should evaporate Our salt water in big "distillers"- that use the Suns energy*- to collect fresh water to irrigate the Earth or other planets. That way We don't have to worry about rising water levels! (When transporting water over long distances, it might be better if broken down into Hydrogen and Oxygen.)

Add vitamins to the water and not fluoride! I hope I am painting a good picture!

*(Collect the runoff water)


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Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant, its the building blocks of life!

Atmospheres regulate a planets temperature.



The REVOLUTION has begun!


I'm pretty surprised at how many avid Christians smoke/grow ganja.:joint:

Your fellow parishioners would probably crucify YOU if they ever found out, lol!

Some may. Most are more conscious than that.

I run a website dedicated to Christians who are Cannabis friendly.

One of my pastors condemned me (practically) for it. And another pastor (my favorite of all time pastors always), told me endearing stories of his father who smoked.

The Bible does not conflict with Cannabis usage though, quite the contrary.

Your fellow parishioners would probably crucify YOU if they ever found out, lol!

They already "killed" We! We're still here, and will be forever!

I believe Jesus died for Our sins, so We are saved! YOU just need to believe!

The Bible does not conflict with Cannabis usage though, quite the contrary.





The REVOLUTION has begun!



Its been something like this, except I've been growing Herb! You guys have no idea what my life has been like! No guns though, just ~peace~! I don't believe We are against machines, but rather Evil!


Neo (The Matrix - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The character Neo lives in the world of the Matrix, an illusory construct in which humans are neurally connected to a gigantic computer system which simulates the world of the late 20th century. Those who live their entire lives connected to the Matrix are unaware that their reality is not in fact real, nor that there is a human rebellion by the few 'free' humans in the city of WE. From time to time, individuals are freed from the Matrix, a risky and complex operation. There is a legend or prophecy amongst free humans (which some believe and others scorn) that there is a human who, when connected to the Matrix, can override its computer-created simulated rules, and perceive and manipulate its code directly, and thus seemingly, within the simulated reality of the Matrix, they would appear to be able to perform miracles. This person is called in legend, "The One." His or her discovery is the subject of a lifelong quest by Morpheus, an admired ship's captain of Gods fleet, assisted by Trinity and the rest of his crew. It is said in legend that The One will bring the perpetual war between Man and Machine to an end.

When the nature of the Matrix is revealed to him, Neo becomes part of the human resistance and he is revealed to be 'The One'. The Matrix film trilogy explores his abilities as The One to manipulate his computer-simulated reality to his will, and his messianic mission as the savior of mankind.
The word 'Neo' is an anagram not only of the word 'one,' but also for 'eon'. Neo is also Greek for 'new,' suggesting messianic overtones for his mission in the Matrix. In Gnosticism eon's, or aeon's, is a kind of superhuman being with supernatural powers.

"Anderson" is one amongst billions of humans asleep, neurally connected to the Matrix, unaware that the world he lives in is anything other than it appears. In this simulated world, he lives a double life.In his legitimate activities, he is a quiet Herb grower so he could try and pay off his IRS taxes, at his house in ME. Anderson is also a computer hacker who penetrates computer systems illicitly and steals information, under his hacker alias "Neo". During his time as a hacker, Anderson has learned about something known only as "The Matrix." It is described by Morpheus as a vague notion that Neo has felt his whole life; "there is something wrong with the world."

Refusing to co-operate with the agents, he has an electronic bug implanted within his Matrix-simulated body, so that his actions can be tracked and those seeking to make contact from the free world can be traced and destroyed. However, they have underestimated his importance. He is contacted by Trinity, freed from the bug.

Aeon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The word aeon, also spelled eon or æon, means "age", "forever" or "for eternity".

End time - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

End of days are the eschatological writings in the three Abrahamic religions and in doomsday scenarios in various other non-Abrahamic religions. In Abrahamic religions, End times are often depicted as a time of tribulation that precedes the appearance or return of the Messiah, a person who will usher in the Kingdom of God and bring an end to suffering and evil. Various other religions also have eschatological beliefs associated with turning and redemption.

Second Coming - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We means Yes, in French!

One = neO (Did I tell you guys that I was a fisherman?)


The REVOLUTION has begun!


I read 1 paragraph of it, and realized they are talking about the preachy christains. just another form of prejudice. don't like what a portion of a group does, so they think the whole groups like that. it's bullshit. not all chritians are like that. I ain't like that.
Anyone who lives in the United States knows what they are!

Sadly most do not. Most can not tell you when Isaiah (one of the most notable prophets from the Bible) lived, or what his message was.

Most can not tell you about Jesus, that he was known as a "winebibber" who frequently drank with so-called heathens or so-called "low-lifes", such as prostitutes and such. Who might even join us stoners for a session if He were on earth with us. Jesus didn't condemn like SOME modern day "Christians" do. That is a human trait not a Jesus trait.

Most can not tell you about the creation as accounted for in Genesis. They bring out teachings about a 6000 year old earth, which is found no where in the Bible. They tell you about a 6 day creation, yet make no reference to several passages in the Bible that clearly state that God's time is much different than ours.
In verse particularly in Proverbs that says 1 day with God is like a 1000 years to us. (notice the term "like". Meaning, not literally, but it would be like a thousand years to us even though non of us have lived that long. It's just a non-literal comparison)..

Many of these people do not spend much time learning what they fight so hard against, or are so offended by. And for that matter, so-called "Christians" who don't know squat about their Bible, and only listen to what their right-wing nut-job leaders tell them about gay marriage and marijuana, without learning for themselves what they REALLY subscribe to in Christianity.

The U.S. has become a conveinent store society, where if it doesn't come conveinently then it isn't worth while.
That is a sick and sad truth about modern society.

That's why George Bush got re-elected. Because people follow blindly rather than testing and proving all things (as the Bible instructs in the Book of Titus).

There is nothing worse that a preacher that doesn't know his Bible, accept for a disident that knows even less than the uninformed preacher!!

If you are going to be a disident, then atleast be familiar with the subject matter. (not to any specific person, that is a blanket statement).


BTW- Here are a couple of things that I have posted on this topic in the past:

Christianity X Cannabis

Christians for Cannabis X Cannabis
RAmen brother...

I guess this explains why many think John McCain would be the best candidate to elect in to office. During his term most likely, he will be able to take up the White House in the sky and maybe reverse all these disasters that are happening.

LOL @ Idea of an afterlife.

This is in line with the way a lot of Christians think.
Just because u proved one thing does not mean that you disproved another.

We just unified the universe! We one!

We are accelerating light Energy! We are God matter! AMEN!

(A sideways eight is an infinity sign. 8 )


The REVOLUTION has begun!


honestly i agree 100% with this article. depending on the time and location of your birth you may have been brought up to warship the sun, and in that situation i'm sure you would rep the hell out of it. -peace
I feel that any intelligent human being knows that they cannot debunk Christianity in it's entirety; rather a critical thinker approaches the Bible and deciphers truth from fiction. because really - the Bible is not all fiction and it's not all truth. can we agree that Jesus was a real person? probably. not that he was the son of God or that he performed miracles in the volumes described in the Bible. Christianity is the faith that Jesus is the savior of mankind...that cannot be proven nor can it be proved false. even stephen hawkins approached the Bible this same way.
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