Choosing a rosin press

I could not resist getting more and pressing more especially knowing they had fresher weed that would produce probably way better color rosin. Im addicted!! I had to pay more but after dabbing some harsh rosin and better rosin I know it could be even better.
So this is reading 47%rh with bag sealed which last time it was 3 months old but read 58%rh. Not sure if this is yielding more or less but looks lighter in color but is one month old but I double checked this time. Is it just an anomoly of losing RH too fast during drying and curing? How does this effect end product if it is fresh but low in RH, just same results as 3 month old weed?

Pretty nice pressing an eighth at a time, something to keep me busy and have more to press while I mix things up and learn. This time temps 200 and 195 bottom plate and just changed it to 180/175F.


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Mission accomplished. I had 4 gs kief last time but this time 2gs and I just did 800psi or 1.5 tons, is that right? Last time I did 2.5tons thinking it was like flower and realized too late. 170 temps on both plates. 3.5 mins pressing slowly.

I got it into the tin this time! Last time I flicked it into who knows where right as I was making the last scrape into the tin. Cannot wait to vape it!


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All I did was lower temp to 180 top 175 lower plate and squish all in 2.5 mins and up to 2.5 tons then release and recieve the best quality yield to date. The consistency is like 2 different kinds, oily and sugar like, oh my gosh this is good tier. I want as much as this as possible!

Thanks to who said to experiment with temps and etc! Collecting is was harder but worth it. First time I had it come out like sugar, that is crazy. Yum! Medium temp vaping this will be other worldly. But I am a fan of low thc waxes.


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Mission accomplished. I had 4 gs kief last time but this time 2gs and I just did 800psi or 1.5 tons, is that right? Last time I did 2.5tons thinking it was like flower and realized too late. 170 temps on both plates. 3.5 mins pressing slowly.

I got it into the tin this time! Last time I flicked it into who knows where right as I was making the last scrape into the tin. Cannot wait to vape it!

Platen pressure, not pressure in the line you want to figure out.
Platen pressure, not pressure in the line you want to figure out.

Very handy! I need to learn how to work that site.. I was looking for info and sometimes have a hard time, took me like a year to fimd every corner of this forum lol. But I am an anxious person I tend to have fun first then read when I get bored.
Very handy! I need to learn how to work that site.. I was looking for info and sometimes have a hard time, took me like a year to fimd every corner of this forum lol. But I am an anxious person I tend to have fun first then read when I get bored.

That site is a bit of a pita but I think most of the good info can be found on its "blog" link.

All I did was lower temp to 180 top 175 lower plate and squish all in 2.5 mins and up to 2.5 tons then release and recieve the best quality yield to date. The consistency is like 2 different kinds, oily and sugar like, oh my gosh this is good tier. I want as much as this as possible!

Thanks to who said to experiment with temps and etc! Collecting is was harder but worth it. First time I had it come out like sugar, that is crazy. Yum! Medium temp vaping this will be other worldly. But I am a fan of low thc waxes.
Okay and remind us again, this press was 3.5gm dry flower stuffed bottle-tech style?

Thanks for all the postings on this!
Okay and remind us again, this press was 3.5gm dry flower stuffed bottle-tech style?

Thanks for all the postings on this!

Yes but it barely fills the bag, I cut more than half off for eighths but after a double 7g bottle neck blow out I feel better about the eighths, its extra work but feels like it is really hard to get a blow out so I am liking it.
Yup Yup Yup

I think I found a sweet spot for the rest of the bag of weed unless I should keep trying out new temps and styles but this is killer rosin. I wonder if I could of had that consistancy with my last weed used, probably! My first run here with this weed had me thinking I cam only make the rosin I was up til now.


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Pics show how I positioned this run along with paper. The simplest double fold parchment paper. Two 1/8th pucks. Pic of total collect and overall 3 runs kept together. Then a pic to better show as it cooled, the very milky color from being cake like.

It dawned on me I can still get 1 gram or close to 1 gram with less risk of blow out and utilizing the bigger size plates.

Oof, I just need to yield me some weed and forget about it! This is quickly turning out to be the awesomest thing I could do since I like wax.


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I repressed 4 of those yummy yielding pucks to get a dabs worth. A labor intensive dab but still close to same quality. I just double stacked them in two piles. I am going to use the smashed pucks for edibles, I am sure plenty of thc left behind for mild edibles.

I tried a 7g bottle neck just to chance it and got the same quality and close to a gram or a gram.


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The last run I just made yesterday went better in yield, I got up to .3 to .5 extra rosin per batch. So the eighths were able to yield close to a gram or over a gram and a quater yielded over a gram, up to 1.3. Added some pics of how it vaped up to where I needed to vape it. It was awesome!

Tastes great and am a happy camper. What gave me more yield this time? Low temps and fresher weed despite it being dryer than last? Or is it just the temps..

It is like playing match the pic to the same pic game but to summerize if you cannot match pics to what is what run, I think I had better results doing an eighth at a time and two eighths at once, bottle necking a quater oz this time did not amplify yield, the eighths did though.

I did not weight one of the eighth runs, needed to chill again, turning oily and do not want to lose yield trying to weigh it.

Edit I am zooted off the best tier I have, it vapes so clean like crumble/sugar and frankly is just as good or better than what I was buying and enjoyed so much. The labor is low and satisfying every step of the way.

You need fresh weed sure but growing weed is fun too, now it couldn’t be any more fun. I can officially say all that after last run. That I could totally see myself providing my own product but I need to step up my growing skills.


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does this seem right? My question is the ram radius, the site says diameter of 1.53” but is it talking about both 10 and 12 ton? It is seemingly giving info about both in one. Is the press club calculator filled out right therefor? I just diveded in half since it listed as diameter.

If this is correct I think I surely over did it but how does that effect the end product?


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does this seem right? My question is the ram radius, the site says diameter of 1.53” but is it talking about both 10 and 12 ton? It is seemingly giving info about both in one. Is the press club calculator filled out right therefor? I just diveded in half since it listed as diameter.

If this is correct I think I surely over did it but how does that effect the end product?

You have a hydraulic ram. Not pneumatic.
You have a hydraulic ram. Not pneumatic.
View attachment 5323829

Im bad with these things, I looked up my press and dab press said it was pneumatic but even then, I guess I got it now but just don’t understand why the psi drops with doubling the surface area. I need to take a moment to learn the math and psysics behind it unless it simply means more surface area to absorb pressure.
Im bad with these things, I looked up my press and dab press said it was pneumatic but even then, I guess I got it now but just don’t understand why the psi drops with doubling the surface area. I need to take a moment to learn the math and psysics behind it unless it simply means more surface area to absorb pressure.

A larger snowshoe can carry more weight. It puts less psi onto the snow.
15.8gs = 2.6 grams same quality yield. Every 3rd press it would turn extra cake like and dry off into a lighter color, it is my favorite tier of this bag of weed pressed. Need to take a break for few weeks as this is store bought so 30-40$ a gram. Mind blowing that it could be 3$ a gram if I yield a pound.

1/8th pucks and one 5.3g as it was the rest of weed left.

I said it is hard to switch from high to lower thc wax but I am quickly adjusting to my rosin and want to vape it till it is gone. It is totally up my alley.


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Getting close to my first harvest in a long long time. It is a tiny plant but am working my tail off getting setup to get a thing going down and really put some wear on the press.

So some questions. What if you got a few seeds in the bud when you press? What are some things that can go wrong at drying that would affect the end product rosin? What if there is a nanner or two in there?

Getting anxious but trying to remember what I was told, dry cold and slow. I am about 3 weeks from chop on this one which is going well so far, no mold. Hoping for close to an oz which I think it is by eye balling it but that is hard to do. I may push it an extra week or two if it is still stacking.


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