China declares the war is on, and troops deployed to Mexican border

Farmers hire legal immigrants. I come from a farming community and most of the big farms ran ads in the paper and employment office. They hired plenty of workers with visas.

I'm sure some farms do hire illegals. A big portion don't and actually follow the law.
I was talking about how many were farm workers on visas.

That article doesn't say a thing about farm workers.

Only a small number in farm jobs are illegal.

And yet that small 4% did you say? pay $12 Billion in taxes they’ll never see..the door swings both ways BUT only one way at a time:wink:
I was following you up until the nationalreview article lol USDA has a completely different set of numbers.
Its just one that I picked. My personal expienece with it also leads me to believe that illegal immigrants make up other fields besides farming.

I've lived and worked in several large farming communities. They hire legal workers and follow the law on providing housing, food and such.

I don't doubt there are illegal immigrants here.

Another link that states illegals make up a small portion of farm workers.

There are more links that say similar.

From what I've seen I believe it.
I was following you up until the nationalreview article lol USDA has a completely different set of numbers.
Yep, two different statistics

National Review: 4% of all undocumented workers are farm laborers. They also say 25% of farm laborers are undocumented. This, I think comes from Pew research.

USDA: About 50% of farm laborers are undocumented.
Farmers get pissed when you mess with their illegals. Do you know how much labor costs? And if they’d have to pay benefits and yes..taxes for a legal worker?
I think that farmers get pissed when they can't find enough workers. It's consumers who get pissed when they have to pay more for farm produce when labor costs or delays in production cause price rises.

This whole attack by Republicans on "illegal workers" is both recessionary and inflationary.

Of course, tariffs and trade wars are too. Trump's simply a shitty president and so is his GOP congress.
Hmmm...China imports nearly 37% of their soybeans from us, Brazil cannot supply that demand if China cuts it and Argentina, 3rd in the world in production, has a huge shortage going on this harvest season. You cant scale farms ups quick enough...
We grow enough food to export, China doesnt, that fact alone proves what brainless hyperbole, some are offering here.
Tariffs have all been mainly on fluff items.

Most of accounts here I am guessing are of individuals fronting little ticky tacky grow related companies, that are going to have their subsidized ride ended.

Hmmm...China imports nearly 37% of their soybeans from us, Brazil cannot supply that demand if China cuts it and Argentina, 3rd in the world in production, has a huge shortage going on this harvest season. You cant scale farms ups quick enough...
We grow enough food to export, China doesnt, that fact alone proves what brainless hyperbole, some are offering here.
Tariffs have all been mainly on fluff items.

Most of accounts here I am guessing are of individuals fronting little ticky tacky grow related companies, that are going to have their subsidized ride ended.

Thank for the lecture on what nobody asked.

Tariffs are soundly rebuked as tools for balancing trade. You didn't ask but I figured you'd want to know.
your article ays nothing about the claim you guys are talking about.

you tty and pad are completely fucking lost
Never miss a chance to smear, no matter how irrelevant.

You do more hard to your causes than good- to the point where few even know what they are, just that you're the worst kind of angry keyboard warrior.
I know that a few solar water heaters on some federal buildings isn't what most would call progress.
Funny how you're AGAINST Bernie Sanders with nearly every post you can hammer out but you are far less forgiving about candidates you're FOR.

This is exactly my problem with establishment Democrats like yourself. Sling mud but can't work on solutions.

Are you a bot? Or just bought?
Funny how you're AGAINST Bernie Sanders with nearly every post you can hammer out but you are far less forgiving about candidates you're FOR.

This is exactly my problem with establishment Democrats like yourself. Sling mud but can't work on solutions.

Are you a bot? Or just bought?
I'm against calling Bernie a progressive when all he's done after 12 years as Senator is get a few solar water heaters installed on fed buildings. Senators hold a powerful office but you are happy with a few solar water heaters. You call that progress. I think we should hold our Senators to higher standards than that.

What solutions has Sanders ever managed to bring into law?

His healthcare plan that you ballyhooed didn't go anywhere either. Then again, it was a poorly written bill. I don't call that progress either.

Do you think progressive is just a label? I think it should mean somebody who makes progress.
Guess what?

They are not illegal aliens, they are Americans.

Their ancestry and rights to these lands "Trumps" any level of Patriotism most of you hold on to for dear life.
A lot of food processors use North Africans. Kansas in fact where the 3 white guys are on trial for allegedly planning attacks recently. Tons of legals and people with bad ss numbers work in slaughter houses. Funny side note a sherrif in a certain county cracked down on illegals. One of the Koch brothers businesses got raided. Chicken processing etc. 1/2 of the work force arrested. I knew 2 maintenance guys there. The next day temp services supplied workers to keep the place going. Within 3 months everything was back to normal and the local popo kept out. My friends said it was hilarious. Temps would last maybe a day. Tough work. They paid $15 and benefits plus ot. This was 7 years ago or so.
This has been an interesting week so far in Trump World USA (and it ain't over yet), seeing as China announced on Tuesday that it was imposing retaliatory tariffs on American products imported into China from the US, to the tune of $50 Billion, and accepting the gauntlet thrown down by Trump, and smacking him ( and the average American consumer) back in the face with it.

Then last night the WH announced plans it was sending thousands of National Guard troops to the Mexican border to stop further border crossings by "illegal aliens and narco terrorists", at a cost not yet determined. (We'll show that nasty "caravan" of Hondurans who their fucking with)

So, now we are in a trade war with China which will cost American companies and farms billions of dollars in lost revenue, and we are militarizing our southern border with Mexico to stop the crossing of illegal aliens like farm workers, dishwashers and landscapers, costing the taxpayer additional millions of dollars on pure shite.

What the fuck is he thinking?

Oh, I know! He's making America great again, and I'm sure the farmers that grow soy beans and the workers at Boeing and the farms in CA and elsewhere that rely migrant workers are thanking him right now.

Go Trump Go!!! (straight to hell)
you must be careful of sneaky commie tricks

as your army abuses Mexicans

Chinese sneak in by the millons in container ships

you be speaking Chinese next week ...friend

as a last and only last resort

you can quote me

heads down