Chewberto's Secret Hash...

I would think quartz, but i really don't know whatever you think man.
We will "season" it while i am down there i am sure. LoL, i really have no idea what you are talking about with all that, but i am sure we can figure it out.
Quartz it is...more durable, and usually costs a little more than glass, but I can get em for the same price (pretty sure)

When I say ” season”... It's the same principle as” seasoning” a cast iron cooking skillet.

It produces a more suitable surface area to vape the oil off of.

I personally haven't tried quartz yet, but I've heard many times that it tastes like ass until it's seasoned properly.

Then they love it, I suppose one could achieve the same results just taking a few dabs.

But, as I'm typing this...I figure I could just season the nail myself, simple process...I'll just burn off some old second run oil off it, and she will be ready to roll.
I have a few extra quartz nails from various TI upgrades if you'd like one for the rig. I have some seasoned and some not for the taking.
I hear ya! I've been looking at Vacuum purging kits on eBay with chambers and pump for around 300! I might do that soon! I have been letting the cookie sit out in open air since I made it! I tried it and was not impressed to be honest, the flavor profile is a bit odd compared to my past runs! I don't know if its the oil slick pad permeating into the oil or cause the product was pulled a bit early, but I am so picky I will probably just gift it to people in need, or try and figure out some cooking with it! 1 gram hash brownies :) maybe lol I don't know! But I'm a sucker for the flavor and this has a slightly kush slightly peanut butter flavor that isn't very becoming! I'm thinking it was way too early cause after drying it had that spicy smell to it!

If you're the ambitious type, a ghetto vacuum pump can be fashioned from a refrigeration compressor. Just be aware that they don't like humidity and they won't last forever running without oil as they would in the original system. I got one from a junk gas station beverage cooler that I use for evacuating automotive A/C systems. It will draw them down to about 28-29" Hg, which is not bad considering it was free and a perfect vacuum is 29.91" Hg.
If you're the ambitious type, a ghetto vacuum pump can be fashioned from a refrigeration compressor. Just be aware that they don't like humidity and they won't last forever running without oil as they would in the original system. I got one from a junk gas station beverage cooler that I use for evacuating automotive A/C systems. It will draw them down to about 28-29" Hg, which is not bad considering it was free and a perfect vacuum is 29.91" Hg.
Very interesting, I would love to see it...a thread with a tutorial would probably be very helpful to some as long as its not super dangerous... Lotta ambitious stupid folks alive today!
^...I second.

I want to see this for sure..

My jaw is on the floor, waiting for ” more input”

” More Input”
It's only dangerous if the pressure side is accidentally connected to the vacuum chamber.

There's not really anything to doing the "conversion." You leave the compressor's high pressure side open and use the inlet as a vacuum source. I flared the end of mine and use a common aircraft (-AN) fitting on it. They use copper tubing, so you could even solder a brass hose barb onto there.

” more input”

^ unfortunately, im not comprehending how it works or looks.

Could you possibly post a pic, with a legend explaining what you mean?


But I'm really intrigued by this idea, and currently looking for a new pump.

” more input”

^ unfortunately, im not comprehending how it works or looks.

Could you possibly post a pic, with a legend explaining what you mean?


But I'm really intrigued by this idea, and currently looking for a new pump.
"disassemble Johnny 5"
Just want to brag that I just won a $500 kush scientific oil rig on Instagram! From sin city seeds..... Fucking great day for ol Chewberto....stay tuned for pics....