Chewberto's Secret Hash...

I yielded 23.7 grams from this run! Which is roughly a 10% return! :( not bad but not great! I pressed it into a cookie using the pad, I don't know if that's bad because of smashing Terps or something but, I did it anyway!
Great job Chew.

It's totally safe to blast on the new version of the oil slick, as the silicone is solvent resistant.

Folding the oil should not be detrimental to the terp profile...

I fold my oils like crazy...haha, it's fun!
I would recommend purchasing a simple brake-bleeding pump-kit...NOT the'll work, but the plastic handle is notorious for snapping off.

The one hand pump I use is an, Acetron... Or something like that.. All metal unit.

But..this will help purge your primary solvent out more efficiently.

Running 3 oz of material...using only heat to purge can be achieved, however with such a large amount of raw oleoresin (raw bho)..

A few sessions of vac and release in a thin film will further purify your oil.

The brake pump kit will only cost about 30$, and should be somewhat efficient for runs that size.

Ideally, when I get real serious about the yields, I'll be acquiring a yellow-jacket..a 6 cfm electrical pump with a micron rating of 15.

But for now...that's way over the top for

Yellow-jackets are about 600$ lol

If you would like to try this Chewy...and need a lil advice...just let me know...

I have nailed down a nice simple technique, to vac-purge yields around 10 grams or less.

Some ” blades” claim that 10 grams of raw bho would take over a day or even two to completely purge the oil.

That is waaayyy excessive...unless just using heat, via the” low and slow” method.

Btw...this post is in no way intended to bash your tek...I hope that's evident...

As I know people, especially myself...haha...can get a lil defensive when talking about producing bho.

Fortunately, this forum has been a polar opposite of the majority of cannabis forums on the intrawebz...

No hating...I love RIU.
I hear ya! I've been looking at Vacuum purging kits on eBay with chambers and pump for around 300! I might do that soon! I have been letting the cookie sit out in open air since I made it! I tried it and was not impressed to be honest, the flavor profile is a bit odd compared to my past runs! I don't know if its the oil slick pad permeating into the oil or cause the product was pulled a bit early, but I am so picky I will probably just gift it to people in need, or try and figure out some cooking with it! 1 gram hash brownies :) maybe lol I don't know! But I'm a sucker for the flavor and this has a slightly kush slightly peanut butter flavor that isn't very becoming! I'm thinking it was way too early cause after drying it had that spicy smell to it!
Lol....I like gifts, wink..

A bit in need too, lol...not growing and trying to make home-made oil...not economical at all.

Kinda kidding...haha

You could do an ethanol wash too bro...would clean that bho up nice and purdy...

Polishing extracts...

Let me know if I can assist.
There's a million ways true! I used to just top my bong bowls with it! But I said fuck it! lets skip the bullshit! Straight domeless nail!

I went and blew all my glass money on plastic..... and i am actually happy about it. Greenhouse should be sheeted by the end of the weekend.

You could do an ethanol wash too bro...would clean that bho up nice and purdy...

I always wondered what E-85 was used for..... :lol:
Thanks for all the vibes from everyone...I really can't tell y'all enough...

This Colorado sub-forum is amazing. is the rig I want to gift you...

The pic shows with standard glass on glass traditional bong bowl, but I have the joint adapter/nail and dome...just not pictured...I'll give ya the bowl too...this little muthafuker rips hardcore for flowers also.

Coil cooling system also.

I would recommend cleaning the rig when switching up with flowers vs. just straight oil. As I find that vaping oil out of a rig that's got flower resin in the vessel seems to foul the desirable taste profile of hash-oil.

Additionally, as a general tip for oil-rigs...I find the smaller the vessel or chamber, whatever...the better, reason being; the larger the air-volume in the chamber takes away from the powerful flavors of the oil. little diffusion as possible when only vaping oil...the diffusion isn't necessary and again will take away some flavor.

Went outside to paint the greenhouse and this is what i come back to? Your fucking awesome bro!!! I can not turn that down by any means. Nor can i thank you enough.
Now i just gotta find time to get down to you to get it. I will absolutely make it worth it for you!!!

Anyhow thanks soo much for the offer, i have not wanted to just get an adapter for my flower piece, for the exact reasons you speak of, nor do i have the $$$ to drop on a piece like this you are offering.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!
Seriously, it's my pleasure to be able to help somebody else out, particularly members of this particular sub-forum.

It is not often, in this day and time to find peeps that all get along and treat each other respectfully.

I'm honored to be accepted into said group.

Thank y'all....peace.
@True...I want to up-grade the nail for your new rig.

I'm fairly sure I can get quartz and glass for the same price, via the shop we spoke of in the PM.

I don't get the same deal for Ti, as of course he doesn't make the Ti...haha..otherwise I'd just get you an adjustable Ti nail.

Do you have a preference? Glass/quartz?

I hear quartz is superior, but cannot confirm, as I've only used glass and Ti.

I know that quartz should have a longer a life, as it's less vulnerable to dramatic changes of the rapid heating/cooling.

The negatives I've heard of with the must be seasoned, and seasoned properly...if not it will taste like ass.

I would use reclaim to season...

Place claim in nail while cold, heat the walls of the cup and shaft slowly, and let the claim smolder off, and repeat.

I've heard of peeps using jelly to season nails...I personally haven't tried that method, but a couple of solid oilers swear by, to each their
Just wanted to add...

It will also come with two different adapters, one straight, and one angled.

This is fun for