Check out my Ebb and flow system!! This is a GREAT DEAL!!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
you could build that for pretty cheap. Lowes has the 2x3 tray for 12 dollars. the res could be a black and yellow tote for 12 dollars and 27 gallons. The ebb fittings are 9 dollars free ship on eBay. the pump could be a lowes 20 dollar or harbor freight 15 dollar. the stand could be made for 10 bucks with 2 by 4s or 20 dollar saw horses or a five dollar card table at a thrift shop. or dont use one and just put it on the res like a lid. I have done that and works fine. So really this is a five minute build for anyone with a 20 dollar drill. no meaness just I love to save money dudes. :)


Well-Known Member
Yea but I didn't have to think, build, or even leave my house. lol and like I said it pays for itself everyday


Well-Known Member
I signed up to grass city and I posted this forum. today when I went on I was kicked off for spamming. What the hell does that mean?? I found a sweet hookup and wanted to share... whats wrong with that?


Active Member
I guess, you came across as a salesman to someone there, bah.

Good deal that you're doing well with it, I have two ebb/flows (199,149 for complete kits) and I am loving them, very simple to maintain and it feeds in a very natural way. Plus, tough to overfeed using this method, you almost have to do it on purpose :)

Buds looked nice, how did that bagseed smoke?

I signed up to grass city and I posted this forum. today when I went on I was kicked off for spamming. What the hell does that mean?? I found a sweet hookup and wanted to share... whats wrong with that?


Well-Known Member
The bagseed bud that I grew were seeds that came out of a $100 oz of regular bud. When I harvested It was some top doller dank. Tasted GREAT I wish I had pictures of the dried buds but I didnt take any. thats why I took some this time.


Well-Known Member
ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene) pipe or tubs will not leach any liquid material. These materials have been stringently tested by ASTM for approved use in underground plumbing installations. As well as use for containing chemicals. This pipe will outlast the Earth. I am not sure where you got your info from but I would not rely on that source if I were you.

ABS pipe and fittings were originally developed in the early 1950's for use in oil fields and the chemical industry.
According to the ABS institute,ABS pipe was shown to be unaffected by commonly used household chemicals including drain and bowl cleaners, such as; Tide detergent, Soilax cleanser, borax cleaners, Calgon water softener, Ammonia 5% solution, Renuzit spot remover,Drano, Liquid sani flush,Liquid plumber,Lysol bowl cleaner.
So if it can withstand these chemicals it can easily withstand any nutrients organic or chemical.
No disrespect just thought you should hear it from a licensed commercial plumber.:bigjoint:
Do you think it was worth it to buy seeds? I always grow dank from bagseed but am looking for more variety/different strains but seedbanks are expensive and for some drying tips do it as slow as possible up rooting the plant helps it to dry slower wrap up the roots in a plastic bag so you dont soil your product. Hanging them in a smaller space helps to keep the humitidy a little higher so they dont dry to fast too. And i always cure before its crunchy dry (about a week) because IME drying them to fast degrades the taste...Cure in air tight mason jars (about 80-90%way full) in a dark cool room open the jars for 30 min a day or so... cure for 2-3 weeks min. temps more that 90 are no good i like 65-75 plus decreases the chance for mold in colder temps. I usually have very stinky product if I can manage to dry it slow.


Well-Known Member
My first grow (the first picture on this post) I had 4 bagseed plants and one CHEESE runt that I was not going to mother, and Yes even the runt was way more frosted and covered in crystals. Both were very good but the genetics are so clear to see, and its really awesome. I was unsure about paying for seeds at first too but ill never grow bagseed again.


Well-Known Member
First Batch of seeds I germ ed 5 cheese and 7 bagseed 100% rate. Amazingly I ended up with 4 cheese females and 4 bagseed females. The Cheese was from Amsterdam seed bank.
My last order was from the Attitude Seed Bank all feminized I got 6 different strains for like $70 witch I thought was sweet but out of 6 strains/seed only 1 grew. Witch was green house Super Lemon Haze.
Any thoughts on the Attitude??