Check out my Ebb and flow system!! This is a GREAT DEAL!!


Well-Known Member
So why can somebody else delete my post but I cant??? Whats going on?? Do people work for rollitup or something??? Im so lost, like my posts


Sector 5 Moderator
I didn't want to say anything but... it's a government conspiracy man. Obama himself is the mod here. :)


Well-Known Member
Damn and I thought being on this website was a way of sticking it to THE MAN but I guess THE MAN has been sticking it to me.


Well-Known Member
No but really, why was somebody able to delete my post??? I want to be able to delete peoples post too. That would make me THE MAN


Sector 5 Moderator
Just click on the "Edit Post" tab on any post you want to change. I think only mods can actually delete a post but you can edit it to say something else. You now have the pow-wah young Jedi, use it well.


Sector 5 Moderator
No, normal cops can't be mods; you have to be DEA, LOL. JK. I think you have to commit a certain amount of time to be on the forum to police it, solve problems and disputes, straighten shit out and so forth. The guys on here are super; some other super ones are no longer active but leave quite a legacy. I'm not saying they are dead, just moved on to a more busy life.