Changing the drinking age to 18


Active Member
Has anyone heard about this?
A few California College professors as well as deans are petitioning for this due to the deaths/injuries from underage drinkers binging before goin to clubs.
What do you think about this?
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I think that's a bad idea. If they want to do it then they should change the driving age to 18 (in the usa). I think that'd be fair.


Well-Known Member
well i think that most people will get their hands on it whether its 18, 21 or 75... But to me personally, i'm 19, and when i dont have weed, i still wouldn't drink... i don't like to drink... weed is the only thing i do.. STICK TO YOUR GUNS!!
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Well-Known Member
I think that's a bad idea. If they want to do it then they should change the driving age to 18 (in the usa). I think that'd be fair.
that'd be a BAD combination. better that people have a few years experience driving before they can buy themselves liquor.
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Well-Known Member
If you are old enough to vote. You are old enough to drink.

Same thing goes for enlisting in the military and tobacco. If you are old enough to make those decisions, you are old enough to drink.

18 is the legal age of adulthood. Alcohol should be no exception.


Well-Known Member
that'd be a BAD combination. better that people have a few years experience driving before they can buy themselves liquor.
yeah but it's still a bad idea. whatever they do there will always be underage drinkers getting killed on the road or killing others. atleast legalize marijuana a**holes. you all can drink all the booze you want. :joint:


Well-Known Member
If they can go to war at 18 they should be able to drink at 18. They'll get it if they want it no matter what the age. Maybe if it wasn't such a taboo they wouldn't want to do it. Drinking and Driving at any age isn't cool at all!


Well-Known Member
yeah but it's still a bad idea. whatever they do there will always be underage drinkers getting killed on the road or killing others. atleast legalize marijuana a**holes. you all can drink all the booze you want. :joint:
true that, true that.


Well-Known Member
This is a good idea. For one because of the fairness issue people already brought up...if you can go to war, you should sure as hell be able to drink. But another point is that a lot of kids that are fairly sheltered or weren't "cool" in high school or what have you didn't have opportunities to experiment with alcohol. Then they become freshmen in college and are surrounded by it and go crazy. I've seen it firsthand, I think it was more prevalent at my school because for many reasons sheltered people are drawn here or pushed here by their parents. I've seen a shit ton of innocent girls and guys go crazy and get alcohol poisoning and have to go to the hospital during freshman year. If they had experimented legally a bit before getting into an big party/binge drinking endorsing atmosphere, I'm willing to bet a lot that those kind of things wouldn't happen nearly as much. Plus the illegality itself lends to the coolness of getting trashed. Sounds stupid but that's the way it is.


Well-Known Member
I for got.... when our drinking age in Montana was 18 the Feds stepped in and said they would take away our highway funds if we didn't change it to 19. then 21. Now the same thing happened when we didn't have a speed limit. So as far as that goes I have to say it will probably never change.So sb101 and DroBro are right it ain't gonna happen. Even though I think it should. Damn Feds


Well-Known Member
If you are old enough to vote. You are old enough to drink.

Same thing goes for enlisting in the military and tobacco. If you are old enough to make those decisions, you are old enough to drink.

18 is the legal age of adulthood. Alcohol should be no exception.
Well put johnny if these kids can die for their country they should be able to have a damn beer!


Well-Known Member
If you are old enough to vote. You are old enough to drink.

Same thing goes for enlisting in the military and tobacco. If you are old enough to make those decisions, you are old enough to drink.

18 is the legal age of adulthood. Alcohol should be no exception.
Lets bump all those up to 21. I can't even fathom this current crop of 18 year olds voting........


Well-Known Member
College chiefs urge new debate on drinking age -

^check that out

Oh and it seems to me like my generation is way to into drinking. this idea is preposterous, that's all we need. more and more peers getting drunk all of the time instead of working for a better future. it's different when you can do both at once, but an 18 year old doesn't usually think to do that. most people in our age group just enjoy the partying aspect of college..when we have the chance to buy beer and alcohol then we'll be doing ODing with that shit. every person I graduated with has been doing nothing but getting drunk and high all summer and they think they're awesome for it. they can't wait to get trashed all of the time at college. why aren't we more concerned with education and more important issues then drinking to begin with? it really doesn't matter to me what the drinking age is the only difference is that we'd be able to buy booze. we need to concern ourselves with more important things, this generation should be doing what past generations wish they had done.