Changing the drinking age to 18


Well-Known Member
I think they should be worried about legalizing mary jane. shes not a real trouble maker, lol. theres to many immature 21 year olds out there who cant handle alcohol. if they did lower the age here in the states. it would just raise violence. just my thoughts...:peace::leaf::bigjoint:
you mean they shouldn't be worried about legalizing weed, right?
if you ask anyone that's ever smoked marijuana, you will get that response, there is really no good reason why it shouldn't!


Active Member
Ya in reality they really do need to lower the drinking age as the laws,
treat the them like children whilst they are taxed, enlisted, able to smoke, drive.

But for God Sakes more support for
HR 5842 & 5843
Legalize medicinal and decriminalize up to 100 grams.
Just a reminder



Active Member
NO! F*ck THAT! Im gonna be 21 in 5 months. That's some bullshit right there. I had to wait till I was 21, so do YOU! Two years from now I'd say yeah it should be 18, but NO! I had to wait, you do too!

And if they do change it, I'm sueing the government for $6000 in emotional damages from making ME wait.


Well-Known Member
NO! F*ck THAT! Im gonna be 21 in 5 months. That's some bullshit right there. I had to wait till I was 21, so do YOU! Two years from now I'd say yeah it should be 18, but NO! I had to wait, you do too!

And if they do change it, I'm sueing the government for $6000 in emotional damages from making ME wait.
Are you waiting? Impressive.


Well-Known Member
Not really... I still drink (actually buy it most of the time) and go to a couple of the home-town bars, but I always gotta be paranoid about getting carded.
So you do not have wait. Should not the laws reflect this reality rather than punish adults for being too young?


Well-Known Member
for all the talk, its never gonna happen! there's just too much in the way of it ever changing so i vote this the wishful thinking thread


Active Member
This is a good idea. For one because of the fairness issue people already brought up...if you can go to war, you should sure as hell be able to drink. But another point is that a lot of kids that are fairly sheltered or weren't "cool" in high school or what have you didn't have opportunities to experiment with alcohol. Then they become freshmen in college and are surrounded by it and go crazy. I've seen it firsthand, I think it was more prevalent at my school because for many reasons sheltered people are drawn here or pushed here by their parents. I've seen a shit ton of innocent girls and guys go crazy and get alcohol poisoning and have to go to the hospital during freshman year. If they had experimented legally a bit before getting into an big party/binge drinking endorsing atmosphere, I'm willing to bet a lot that those kind of things wouldn't happen nearly as much. Plus the illegality itself lends to the coolness of getting trashed. Sounds stupid but that's the way it is.
Co-sign. Good shit man.