Changing the drinking age to 18


Well-Known Member
Haha more people are not going to get drunk just because its legal. Legality changes little look at the failed drug war. I lots of places in Europe all you have to do it be able to see over the bar and they will serve you. look at the Dutch marijuana policy they have LESS kids smoking pot than most countries where it is illegal.


Well-Known Member
it's illegal for 14-18 year old's to buy alcohol from a store but it's entirely to easy to get around that. anyone with a desire to get alcohol will get it. kid's around here have resorted to running into the store, grabbing some bottles and running out. until those kid's develop a brain they won't realize that they can just ask a number of students at they're school to sell them alcohol. I'm speaking from personal experience, but thing's like this happen in movies now, I would assume more teenagers are going to get into this. the 18 year old's would make a killing selling bottles to the high school kid's once they can pick it up from the stores legally. then what? high school kid's are getting they're pet's drunk and making they're animals very sick.

now you think about those animals in they're most dire moments of you really want that?


Well-Known Member
probably a bad a idea for the curant generation but might help in the future by removing the stigma on drinking. but it might jus compel 10 an 11 year olds to drink


Well-Known Member
drinking age in switzerland is 16/18 already, your aloud to drink beer with 16 and hard stuff with 18 :D

if it werent i wouldnt be aloud to drink :D


Active Member
Buying age of alcohol is 18 in the UK and Ireland. However if your at home under the guidance of your parents you can drink from the age of 5. If your 16 you can can have a pint of beer or glass of wine if your having a meal in a pub and are with your parents. The idea is to encourage safe family drinking like France. Where huge amounts of alcohol are consumed but far more frequently and in smaller amounts. Many people in the UK do not know this though, they assume it's purely 18.

The way I see it, leave the buying age at 21 drop the drinking age to 16. So parents are the ones to provide the alcohol. Much safer.


Well-Known Member
If you are old enough to vote. You are old enough to drink.

Same thing goes for enlisting in the military and tobacco. If you are old enough to make those decisions, you are old enough to drink.

18 is the legal age of adulthood. Alcohol should be no exception.
Agreed, but you shouldn't be allowed to speak in public until you are 18. Children should be seen and not heard right?


Well-Known Member
Drinking age is 18 in the UK and, unlike the US, the beer over there has alcohol in it. Flavor too. Imagine!


Well-Known Member
hehe, its 18 here anyway. in some places in europe its 16. some places are 16 to drink just beer and 18 to drink hard booze.

its 18 here for all things now. booze, tobacco.

i dont know why america insist 21?


Active Member
Hey! Our beer has flavor too! It tastes like shit.:mrgreen:
To be fair US beer ain't that bad. The guy who made Budweiser purposefully made it bland (not too sweet or bitter) so it could appeal to a mass audience and become an everyman beer. Although US beer is a little crisp and too fresh for me but I wouldn't stick my nose up at it if someone else bought it. :)

Besides since the Anheuser-Bush takeover pretty much the lions share of beer in the US fridges is European owned.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
If you are old enough to vote. You are old enough to drink.

Same thing goes for enlisting in the military and tobacco. If you are old enough to make those decisions, you are old enough to drink.

18 is the legal age of adulthood. Alcohol should be no exception.

I couldn't agree more! If you are old enough to go off to war and die for your Country then you are old enough to have a beer!

If you are old enough to cast a vote to elect our Country's leaders then you are old enough to have a beer!

Unfortunately 18 year olds don't always have the best judgment and there is a problem with minors binge drinking. Sure would be nice if mj was legal (for adults).... I imagine more young adults would use it then alcohol.

Honestly I don't think there's a snowballs chance in hell the drinking age will be changed.... no matter who is in the White House or controlling Congress.


Well-Known Member
To be fair US beer ain't that bad. The guy who made Budweiser purposefully made it bland (not too sweet or bitter) so it could appeal to a mass audience and become an everyman beer. Although US beer is a little crisp and too fresh for me but I wouldn't stick my nose up at it if someone else bought it. :)
Bud was designed to be both bland and CHEAP. They use a lot of cheap grain extracts including rice and millet. Any educated drinker will tell you beer has four ingredients: water, yeast, hops, and malted barley. No rice, no colorings, flavorings, "foam stabilizers" or any of that other chemical shit.

A-B had to develop a different recipe for Budweiser for the European market because (1) too little alcohol and (2) all the weird ingredients they put in their brews meant that they couldn't market it as "beer" in most EU countries.

If the choice is Bud or nothing, I'll cheerfully drink nothing. I can drink Bud all night and just get a headache and no buzz. I'll take a Corona or a Dos Equis any day.

Besides since the Anheuser-Bush takeover pretty much the lions share of beer in the US fridges is European owned.
The takeover of A-B means that SAM ADAMS is now the largest US-owned brewer.


Active Member
Has anyone heard about this?
A few California College professors as well as deans are petitioning for this due to the deaths/injuries from underage drinkers binging before goin to clubs.
What do you think about this?

yeah i heard of it on the news, i say go for it. if your old enough to go to war you should be allowed to buy alcohol.


Well-Known Member
I think that if we get drunk enough we can all agree on something
I doubt it we would probably end up with a lot of fights and some hospital visits . . . . smoke weed THEN we could probably agree and if we did not we would probably just forget what we were talking about :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
haha right. I detest alcohol to begin with. I really love the taste of beer, but hate shitty beer so so much. beer is probably my second or third favorite drink but I don't even have a list. yuengling lager <3

but I agree although it would be hilarious, getting drunk would not be a good idea and I'd assume a violent outcome as well. I hate to be drunk anyway, pass me the weed!