CFL yields


Well-Known Member
wow i really thought i would see some better stuff in this thred....

that didnt look like 94 grams...even so,nice plant. However you can grow some sick plants with cfls. there is just a few rules that should be followed when you do it.
1.)KEEP THE LIGHTS CLOSE AS FUCK like 2-4 inches theres no heat so you will be okay..i even burn my leaf tips at times to get the lights that much closer to the buds.
2.)HAVE MANY ANGELS OF LIGHT, plenty on top and sides is great helps to keep HUGE buds all the way through
3.)DONT GROW YOUR PLANTS TALL, 10-12 inches in veggi is good, they will look diffrent then hid plants, much more bushy and can grow them tall if you like but its not a good idea even if you do plan to have side lighting.

there are also other tricks that make bigger yields with a closet you can have 3 grows in one area...because they lights are so small plants are so small and the space between them is also can fit 3 or more sets of plants, kind of like a light tower.

Sea of green is sick with cfls...there is TONS of good things about cfls that you cant do with hps lights...

finnaly in conclusion...
i do think that HPS is better overall but you DEFITNLY can make it with cfls i have done it...i just moved to GA so i dont have any pics YET but you will see soon enough.

i did just grow a mini with 1 plant 2 65 watt cfls flowerd to 10 inches and budded and got 1.5 ounces... to answer the TS


Well-Known Member
Nice yield Alpha. That's what I'm looking for. Just around an ounce. That'd hold me over hopefully until my second harvest. :D Haha. Thanks kindest buds, I'll ask if I need help with anything. I was going to do a SCROG Grow, and possibly some LST. I was looking at some Hydro set-ups but I just don't understand how the hydro systems completely work, so i will do soil first. Is there a way you can kind of add friends on here, so its like a quicklink to certain people if I want to ask a question, or do I have to surf around the threads to find someone? I had two ideas of how to make my SCROG screen, but I could PM you about that, or post it here. I have to go finish some stuff up, but I'll be back in about 30 minutes. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
dude that yield was with minimal effort..i really did that one just becuse i didnt even use a timer and went off often...i have had pro grows in the past this was just a hold over grow you can get like3 per if you get it right.


Well-Known Member
I just clipped a branch off a bagseeder I have and got over 4g dried. And this was a desperation pruning (I needed herb and can't pay for it).

There's still another 7 branches of about the same size and a ginormous main cola with another 2-3 weeks to go.

I'm expecting over 40g off this one plant that is under 3' tall.

Albeit I have over 325 watts of actual wattage (over 1100W incandescent comparable).

2x42W 2700K, 4x26W 6500K, 6x23W 2700K


Well-Known Member
if you can get 42w , 2,700k (2,700 lumes) bulbs and some 45w , 6,500k (3,000 Lumes) for flowering


Well-Known Member
Oh, well I'm just trying to do a small about 10-12 inch Scrog Grow. I have a light timer, but one of my tabs broke, so it only has an off turn off, any things I can use to re-make a clip to go on it?


Well-Known Member
I just clipped a branch off a bagseeder I have and got over 4g dried. And this was a desperation pruning (I needed herb and can't pay for it).

There's still another 7 branches of about the same size and a ginormous main cola with another 2-3 weeks to go.

I'm expecting over 40g off this one plant that is under 3' tall.

Albeit I have over 325 watts of actual wattage (over 1100W incandescent comparable).

2x42W 2700K, 4x26W 6500K, 6x23W 2700K
over 1100w incan. ??? O.O my 42 and 45 make over around 350w incan. , question , my 45w CFL puts out roughly 3,000 lumes , does the higher amount of lumes meen better growth?


Well-Known Member
Exactly. I have not had a succesful grow, but i've spent a lot of time reading through stuff here, and that sounds right. Why not use the 2 45' and the 42? i don't think 13 would do much.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. I have not had a succesful grow, but i've spent a lot of time reading through stuff here, and that sounds right. Why not use the 2 45' and the 42? i don't think 13 would do much.
well I'm trying to keep my veg and flowering all together under 200w but as of for now I can have around 200w for veg because I'm not even close to flowering. check out my grow setup and let me know what you think , its for veg right now btw oh and I don't have 2 45s I was asking if 2 45w would be better then a 42 and bunch of small CFLs


Well-Known Member
Ya, either that or if you just buy like a 100 or 125 or 150 watt one, it would only need one cfl. But 2 45's would be perfect for 1 or 2 plants. I think at least, I'm no expert I've just done a lot of reading on the forums. Let me go check out your journal.


Active Member
Hey Alka, could I see some pics of your grow setup? I'm just curious.

Heh, yeah, here's one that shows the lights, Its ghetto, tinfoil on my walls, lol, but it works (more to keep light out)... with zero light repositioning i just keep adjusting the height of the pot so that the top of the bud is growing between a few lights.



Active Member
heh, its not as big as it looks... scale is hard to determine in pictures, if i replaced the bulbs with 42 watters my buds would look half their size!


Well-Known Member
Oh really? I thought those we're 42's. I was just judging by how many lights were in it spread out. Those buds look nice. What strain is that? And is it going to stay low enough, so the plant doesn't hit the roof?


Active Member
Yeah i just pull or stack whatever is under them so they are at the right height, the space is about 3x2x1.5. Sometimes i tie em down a bit too if they get too unruly.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Looks good. How far along are you? Do you have a grow journal? And hey I have a question. Under CFL's or Sunlight, how much would a seed yield roughly going 12/12 from seed? Just want rough estimates.