Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

you haven't answered any of my questions, but you have contradicted yourself many times.

everyone should work to improve themselves, unless they are making slightly above min wage. the welfare state is bad, we should give unlimited welfare to corporations for paying low wages.

there is nothing illegal about minimum wage hikes, so your question is meaningless and worthless on its face.

if analexcessgay1 needed $22.50 a week to live on without government assistance and i told him i would only pay him $20, are you totally OK with the government coming in and paying analexcessgay1 $2.50 a week so he could afford his "yummy" mcdonald's french fries?

because from your posting history, you seem completely OPPOSED to that type of welfare state.

but i suppose welfare for people and welfare for corporations are two totally different things, amirite? :lol:

that's the tune that your puppet masters want you to bleat anyway.
You avoided the question and ran off on a wild tangent.

The answer you shouldve said was no, it is not appropriate for employees to unilaterally renegotiate their contract.

If an employer decided to unilaterally renegotiate an employees contract then youd bleat like a little bitch sheep about corporate class warfare.

Why is breach of contract OK when you say so?

And Iv ALWAYS stood against corporate welfare, I said let the banks fail in 2008, I also said companies that go down should be allowed fail too.

In short, your post is completely retarded and makes no sense.

Iv also no desire to keep going around in circles with an uneducated, non-tax paying loser in a subject like economics because its like trying to teach a Downer about particle physics.
no i cant thats why i grow i cant get yelled at for minum wage or i cant get yelled at at all i dont suck dick!!! or stoke another mans balls fuck that i rather grow..
The answer you shouldve said was no, it is not appropriate for employees to unilaterally renegotiate their contract.

please tell me more about how the decision of CONGRESS to raise the minimum wage on all employers is even slightly akin to "employees unilaterally renegotiating their contract".

you're missing a very important distinction there, princess.

there is ZERO "breach of contract" if congress decides to up the minimum wage. that's part of employing people in our non-mildew shrouded country. you have to pay employees a basic, livable wage.

if min wage is not a livable wage (indexed to inflation), then there is no incentive to even work. even if you do choose to work, you still have to stand in a welfare line. that's not the full timer's fault for putting in 40 hours every week, that is corporate welfare which you endorse wholeheartedly.

for a whiny little birch who complains about the "welfare state" so much and believes in free market fairy tales, you sure do your part in making sure that a corporate welfare state is ensured. just another win for the free market, right?

take your strawmen elsewhere, thumbelinna.
You avoided the question and ran off on a wild tangent.

The answer you shouldve said was no, it is not appropriate for employees to unilaterally renegotiate their contract.

If an employer decided to unilaterally renegotiate an employees contract then youd bleat like a little bitch sheep about corporate class warfare.

Why is breach of contract OK when you say so?

And Iv ALWAYS stood against corporate welfare, I said let the banks fail in 2008, I also said companies that go down should be allowed fail too.

In short, your post is completely retarded and makes no sense.

Iv also no desire to keep going around in circles with an uneducated, non-tax paying loser in a subject like economics because its like trying to teach a Downer about particle physics.

Emploees can't renegotioate anything without employer approval, thus making it the opposite of "unilateral". However, businesses have a habit of making changes to their standards without informing their workers. That is the epitome of "unilateral".
Emploees can't renegotioate anything without employer approval, thus making it the opposite of "unilateral". However, businesses have a habit of making changes to their standards without informing their workers. That is the epitome of "unilateral".

Don't like it, become an employer?
Of course! Everyone should just become an employer! Oh, wait...

I think you got it! Everyone works for themselves like we used to before the advances in society. Let's go back to when we lost our teeth and needed those wisdom teeth and hid in caves from the scary wildlife. Or, we can put up with some people will get unfair advantages, so in the overall picture everyone will be better off than before.

Naw, I want to pull my bitch's hair and hit her over the head with club! Also, I heard Uk Uk learned how to use this terrible thing called fire. Tomorrow we're pulling together a posse and beating the shit out of him so he doesn't disrupt our great society if he doesn't knock that shit off.
I think you got it! Everyone works for themselves like we used to before the advances in society. Let's go back to when we lost our teeth and needed those wisdom teeth and hid in caves from the scary wildlife. Or, we can put up with some people will get unfair advantages, so in the overall picture everyone will be better off than before.

Naw, I want to pull my bitch's hair and hit her over the head with club! Also, I heard Uk Uk learned how to use this terrible thing called fire. Tomorrow we're pulling together a posse and beating the shit out of him so he doesn't disrupt our great society if he doesn't knock that shit off.
Reductio ad absurdum
Reductio ad absurdum

You mean like how it's absurd an employer who's had many more employees than the employee has had employers would know more how to run their business?

You're the one who took orders to kill and not think for yourself. Why does bossman Uncle Sam get more appreciation than the businesses who keep Uncle Sam in business?

I'm against asshole employers who don't treat their employees with dignity and respect. But I'm also not coming to the aid of a dumb ass employee who just takes it. We have choices. One real quick way to tell if your company is an asshole is if they have a personnel department. But just because human resources is a requirement not sufficient for a proper company.

There's always a choice. When you force a business how it runs, that's no different than when we control other countries with our foreign policy raping.
You mean like how it's absurd an employer who's had many more employees than the employee has had employers would know more how to run their business?

You're the one who took orders to kill and not think for yourself. Why does bossman Uncle Sam get more appreciation than the businesses who keep Uncle Sam in business?

I'm against asshole employers who don't treat their employees with dignity and respect. But I'm also not coming to the aid of a dumb ass employee who just takes it. We have choices. One real quick way to tell if your company is an asshole is if they have a personnel department. But just because human resources is a requirement not sufficient for a proper company.

There's always a choice. When you force a business how it runs, that's no different than when we control other countries with our foreign policy raping.

Ad-hominem and further red herrings.
I just had to throw on those dress blues; you jealous? I didn't tend to point out logical shortcomings. Probably because "I'm a Marine" gets you laid much more often than "I'm a Vegan".

Chicks dig guys who are kind to animals. You apparently have no idea how hot some of those vegan girls are.
Work has never been an issue, I'm young and healthy, I would work if I didn't have to. What is life but work?

I don't enjoy selling my labor for less than I feel it's worth.

It's my opinion that our country has the resources to ensure certain basic necessities to its citizens and the problem lies simply with allocation of those resources. That corporations are in control of our government and twist the rules in their favor. I'm not exactly sure why you feel this isn't something to stand up and fight against as it affects all people below a certain income equally regardless of party affiliation. I suspect it's because of your personal biases, overall ignorance and emotional mindset, like it usually is when it comes to these kinds of things.

I work full time, 6 days a week, try picking a better straw man next time you can't come up with something to say...

youre confused. government is in control of government.
and its a corporation.
corporations are not in control of government...they do not contron the printer.

so raging at the so called fat cat corporations seems a mask for your particular form of communisum resource managment.
Millions of people work harder than you on a daily basis and still struggle financially, so it would seem your solution of "just work harder" is somewhat flawed...

No, both your ideas are flawed.

It is all about who you know, how well, and how quickly you can get to know people and easily and how well you are trusted.

None of that has anything to do with your own self proclaimed "hard work." You think I work hard? I could say I do. You would believe me. It is a lie. I have worked hard at nothing and gone nowhere. Now I cruise on what was essential a geek hobby...learn BASIC,and never worked after that. Now I am the king of engineered systems much caressed by my peers and command the big bucks,

We all need a break. I took every break. Minimum wage is a break. Porous borders are a break. Guarding the sea and space launch lanes gives a break to everyone on Earth.

For real though, those you give a break to, will break you eventually, by taking advantage, if you let them. Everything is a balance.

Thus it is every so.
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I'm talking about a scuba instructor with a bag of weed, got a break to be there.

Sure, she worked her ass off to make her lucky break appear, but go ask her. She got the break.

We all got a break,...or not.