Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

If a worker agreed to work for > minimum wage, would that be acceptable?
If a person agrees to it, then why not?

If I say fix a computer for someone (its a hobby, not my career), and they offer me $100 and I say "Nah it's cool, $50 is enough"...should Govt be allowed interfere?
Let me pose you a question, since Iv answered a litany of your inane ones.

If AnalExcessGay agrees to cut your lawn for $20, should he be allowed tell you while he's cutting that instead you're going to pay him $22.50, simply because you can afford it?

you haven't answered any of my questions, but you have contradicted yourself many times.

everyone should work to improve themselves, unless they are making slightly above min wage. the welfare state is bad, we should give unlimited welfare to corporations for paying low wages.

there is nothing illegal about minimum wage hikes, so your question is meaningless and worthless on its face.

if analexcessgay1 needed $22.50 a week to live on without government assistance and i told him i would only pay him $20, are you totally OK with the government coming in and paying analexcessgay1 $2.50 a week so he could afford his "yummy" mcdonald's french fries?

because from your posting history, you seem completely OPPOSED to that type of welfare state.

but i suppose welfare for people and welfare for corporations are two totally different things, amirite? :lol:

that's the tune that your puppet masters want you to bleat anyway.

In 1948, Reagan gave the speech Obama should have given this week. Ronald Reagan - then a liberal Democrat - Slams the GOP out of the park! He could craft a message.

Reagan campaigns on the radio for President Truman in 1948. He also supports Hubert Humphrey for Senator from Minnesota and opposes the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947 which had been passed by the Republican congress over Truman's veto.

"This is Ronald Reagan speaking to you from Hollywood. You know me as a motion picture actor but tonight I'm just a citizen pretty concerned about the national election next month and more than a little impatient with those promises the Republicans made before they got control of Congress a couple years ago.
I remember listening to the radio on election night in 1946. Joseph Martin, the Republican Speaker of the House, said very solemnly, and I quote,

"We Republicans intend to work for a real increase in income for everybody by encouraging more production and lower prices without impairing wages or working conditions", unquote.

Remember that promise: a real increase in income for everybody. But what actually happened?

The profits of corporations have doubled, while workers' wages have increased by only one-quarter. In other words, profits have gone up four times as much as wages, and the small increase workers did receive was more than eaten up by rising prices, which have also bored into their savings.

For example, here is an Associate Press Dispatch I read the other day about Smith L. Carpenter, a craftsman in Union Springs, New York. It seems that Mr. Carpenter retired some years ago thinking he had enough money saved up that he could live out his last years without having to worry. But he didn’t figure on this Republican inflation, which ate up all of his savings, and so he's gone back to work. The reason this is news, is Mr. Carpenter is 91 years old.
Now, take as a contrast the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, which reported a net profit of $210 million after taxes for the first half of 1948; an increase of 70% in one year. In other words, high prices have not been caused by higher wages, but by bigger and bigger profits.

The Republican promises sounded pretty good in 1946, but what has happened since then, since the 80th Congress took over?

<> Prices have climbed to the highest level in history, although the death of the OPA was supposed to bring prices down through "the natural process of free competition".
<> Labor has been handcuffed with the vicious Taft-Hartley law.

<> Social Security benefits have been snatched away from almost a million workers by the Gearhart bill.

<> Fair employment practices, which had worked so well during war time, have been abandoned.

<> Veterans' pleas for low cost homes have been ignored, and many people are still living in made-over chicken coops and garages.

<> Tax-reduction bills have been passed to benefit the higher-income brackets alone.

<>The average worker saved only $1.73 a week.

<> In the false name of economy, millions of children have been deprived of milk once provided through the federal school lunch program.

This was the payoff of the Republicans' promises.

And this is why we must have new faces in the Congress of the United States: Democratic faces.......

Reagan was a damn fine Democrat, as well.
you keep up those dog whistles and stereotypes and then keep wondering why they don't vote for you.

there are human traffickers and illegal voters of all races, colors, and creeds. to try to pigeonhole hispanics as such is not a winning move, it is a racist asshole move.

fun fact.

hispanics were not pigenholed until your statement.
I would say, most of the human traffic is not Latin.

Good thing it is illegal. Buck's right about that. Good thing.

so he says free market capitalism is that that has failed so we need welfare to combat welfare.

seems legit...and racist of course.
If a worker agreed to work for > minimum wage, would that be acceptable?

An adult should be allowed to work for whatever they want without anyone else getting involved.

But it's illegal to whore yourself out. However, it is legal to whore out your neighbors, let them go to work and pay for your shit while you sit at home and watch day time tv. Millions can't be wrong.
That's the problem, when you raise minimum wages you simply fuck the people very slightly ahead of the increase.

If you make $12 an hour and they increase the minimum wage to $11 an hour, do you think you'll get an incremental increase?

Fuck no, you just got anally raped so a burger flipper with no skills can have an iphone too.

That's why it's a living wage. The person ahead of the curve becomes just like the guy who was behind the curve. All you do is keep shifting the curve forward for burger boy and back for the guy who spent 10 years working his ass off. Until finally you just have a very disproportionate amount of rich to the Kenny poor. There's no such thing as the "middle" class anymore. Yet liberal dumdums complain about the wage disparity. :dunce:

It's more like an intellectual disparity.
An adult should be allowed to work for whatever they want without anyone else getting involved.

It's not "whatever they want", it's "whatever their employer wants to pay them", and if the employer doesn't have to pay them they won't.

Why do you think workers unions were created? Because workers did once work for "whatever they wanted", and their employers royally fucked them over and abused their labor and paid them shit.

And to address the point about if the minimum wage increases it'll "screw over the guy who worked his ass off to get that $2.00 incremental raise over the course of 3 and a half years", you would rather the guy barely scraping by not get a pay increase because you don't, you selfish fuck.

And to address the point about if the minimum wage increases it'll "screw over the guy who worked his ass off to get that $2.00 incremental raise over the course of 3 and a half years", you would rather the guy barely scraping by not get a pay increase because you don't, you selfish fuck.

Prog to reality translator: "I'm a lazy fuck who doesn't want to work my ass off for 3.5 years because I'm super precious. Gimme free shit!"
Prog to reality translator: "I'm a lazy fuck who doesn't want to work my ass off for 3.5 years because I'm super precious. Gimme free shit!"

Work has never been an issue, I'm young and healthy, I would work if I didn't have to. What is life but work?

I don't enjoy selling my labor for less than I feel it's worth.

It's my opinion that our country has the resources to ensure certain basic necessities to its citizens and the problem lies simply with allocation of those resources. That corporations are in control of our government and twist the rules in their favor. I'm not exactly sure why you feel this isn't something to stand up and fight against as it affects all people below a certain income equally regardless of party affiliation. I suspect it's because of your personal biases, overall ignorance and emotional mindset, like it usually is when it comes to these kinds of things.

I work full time, 6 days a week, try picking a better straw man next time you can't come up with something to say...
Work has never been an issue, I'm young and healthy, I would work if I didn't have to. What is life but work?

I don't enjoy selling my labor for less than I feel it's worth.

It's my opinion that our country has the resources to ensure certain basic necessities to its citizens and the problem lies simply with allocation of those resources. That corporations are in control of our government and twist the rules in their favor. I'm not exactly sure why you feel this isn't something to stand up and fight against as it affects all people below a certain income equally regardless of party affiliation.

I suspect it's because of your personal biases, overall ignorance and emotional mindset, like it usually is when it comes to these kinds of things.

I work full time, 6 days a week, try picking a better straw man next time you can't come up with something to say...

I work around 100 hours each week. But my work is fun. I would write even if not paid.

As for the bolded.

What kept me working those 100+ hours a week is very few in my profession make it. Especially those like me who aren't very personable. It's either work really hard, or walk the streets with a misspelled sign.

Personality means little when no one else can do your job and there's a need for it.
Millions of people work harder than you on a daily basis and still struggle financially, so it would seem your solution of "just work harder" is somewhat flawed...
Millions of people work harder than you on a daily basis and still struggle financially, so it would seem your solution of "just work harder" is somewhat flawed...

Then work harder at something others want.

Millions work over 100 hours a week for the past 8 years who actually struggle? Really?
No you're right, you're the hardest working person ever to exist ever

What you're saying is I'm selfish and should work less, or should I keep it up and give some to people like you who don't slave. I have no fucking life. It sucks. But I chose it. You chose your life. There's consequences to your actions. Why do you feel the need to belittle those who actually do? If you want what I do, study your ass off, write your ass off. Never stop. WRITE WRITE WRITE! Otherwise, don't complain your input doesn't get the output you want.

I have no problem with you becoming as successful, and I wouldn't care if you became more successful with less work. What I have a problem with is when you want to force those who are doing, like me, to give you this living wage. You want a living wage, earn it. Don't demand it.