Can you live on minimum wage? (Calculator)

i think im hispanic i need more gee i didnt let anyone take my land away from me lolz... it just happend without even being asked.. i want alot more than just assistance i want it all
Why does it matter if she is Hispanic?

Really doesnt matter what she is but,
Hispanics have invaded my small town.

They came here in search of a new and good life which many found.
Then they invited their familias.
Now we have a crime rate like New York city and they live high on the hog selling coke and smack plus collecting free rent, utils and food.
They have destroyed this town in a matter of years.

I'm angry about this because she has a good job though still receives free shit.
white people invaded my land and i made room for your kind no problem
shit sounds like my ancesters lolz dont be selfish american mind..
i think im hispanic i need more gee i didnt let anyone take my land away from me lolz... it just happend without even being asked.. i want alot more than just assistance i want it all

There are also many hard working, home owning Hispanics that pay their taxes in my town.
They don't like the slackers who can't speak English and fuck off all day.
well i work hark white folks and i cant stand slackers but then again thier thier own persons life was gifted to them to each their own.. :)
Really doesnt matter what she is but,
Hispanics have invaded my small town.

They came here in search of a new and good life which many found.
Then they invited their familias.
Now we have a crime rate like New York city and they live high on the hog selling coke and smack plus collecting free rent, utils and food.
They have destroyed this town in a matter of years.

I'm angry about this because she has a good job though still receives free shit.

But what does it matter if she is Hispanic?
Actually wage slavery is only possible where government weilds the authority to protect the private property of the capital class. That's government aid. Ironically, they are the biggest receivers of subsidiary aid and pay very little tax if any.

Yes. But, before that was servitude actual and no all, just hard commons.. All were in servitude. Most Kings feared the Pope.

The very idea of a job is actually quite new in this world. Before the Industrial Age, there were no jobs, only position in society.. Slave to Solider. Milkmaid to Governess. Acolyte to Cardinal. Laborer to Journeyman. Thief to Warlord.

Society, rustled itself, into the "modern world" and becomes a job fair in part, for some, (still not all, by any means.) And the Minimum Wage was birthed only "yesterday" and still for only a tiny fraction of this World.

There is a one way global migration underway, because of it. People brave personal danger, to come to the USA for sanity,... all the while, the the little pee-pees, citizen know nothings, here, take a shit on it.
No. I think all of our problems so far have been solved by migration.

It is all economics but the news-joke never reports on the proportions. All problems are giant to the media since they pick only giant (in their mind) for the advertizing dollars.

All we have seen on SINN for a month is "Da Plane." "Find Da Plane."

To me these days, if you are here, you are here. Good job. Life is too short. People are not stay cats, you know? Cats don't pay taxes. Cats don't have extended families. Despite what the Joke has to say or the Critters, this is what is the real. This is what we are serious about. Porous Borders. There are many, many boring and very good reasons that are never talked about.

Give us your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses, yearning to breath free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door. Emma Lazarus
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There are also many hard working, home owning Hispanics that pay their taxes in my town.
They don't like the slackers who can't speak English and fuck off all day.
White people do invade land. The difference is they usually make it better when they get there. As opposed to a lot of other folks who do no such thing.
we will see how we stand ounce the bombs start landing and the ships start to take this place in a new direction history repeats itself, and no one kingdom has remained in one kings hands over time. ill only see unitie and spelling racism stop to a holt... then.... dont hate on my spelling. united we stand and together we fall. look to make it better not divided.. dont be stoopid..
Actually wage slavery is only possible where government weilds the authority to protect the private property of the capital class. That's government aid. Ironically, they are the biggest receivers of subsidiary aid and pay very little tax if any.

hey im right there with ya. i call it the modern plantation...and call it gubberment not capital class.

actually the libertarian idea of who pays and who does not as the only classes predates marx iirc.