Can someone explain me why are those buds that small at day 36 of flowering (9week flo. strain)

I love this debate, it never gets old. It's seems to me that a plants ability to photosynthesize would have nothing to do with what area of the plant gets the light, as long as it gets the light. Also, the assumption that light to buds will somehow directly relate to that particular bud's growth is exactly that: an assumption.

Plants grow those fan leaves for the very purpose of turning light into energy for you very hungry buds. They need those leaves, that's why the grew them. Mother Nature has this worked out pretty well. Cutting them off seems like a really, really bad idea to me.
I think it is a bit issue with experience. I remember always feeling like I had to be doing something to my plants, but all I was doing was stressing them out.

Your buds look great to me. Don't be a helicopter parent. Let 'em grow.
dude, you've been hyper anxious about the condition of your plants it seems for a good long while. the number of questions you ask wouldn't really be a problem/sore spot for a lot of folks on here if they were more substantive than "hey am i doing a good job?"
I'm guessing the bulk of your plant growing experience is with cannabis--i could be wrong, but it just seems like you're nit-picking and worrying over ever possible thing that you notice.
when you're growing tomatoes, do you worry about the quality of every fruit that you pick, wondering if those dry brown spots are a problem ,normal etc? No, of course not. because after you've grown from seed to harvest, and paid attention to the process, and made thorough documentation and annotation, you KNOW what your experience has been and whether what you're seeing posed a threat etc. and you'll probably go to the library and other repositories of firm, peer reviewed data to find out for sure whether what you're growing is growing alright. So, in short, it seems fairly clear that you are mostly seeking security and approval, rather than information here.
Take it easy, just watch your plants grow. you should be able to instinctively tell by now whether something is normal growth, ok, or bad, because if you've taken a plant this far, you should have done enough research to know these things.
i'm out.
be easy,
I do worry alot cuz i put my hearth in those plants cuz i love em its a hobby that finali came true and i don't know who to ask how i am doing so i came there with this question. Thanks for your time replying to my thread ^^
I love this debate, it never gets old. It's seems to me that a plants ability to photosynthesize would have nothing to do with what area of the plant gets the light, as long as it gets the light. Also, the assumption that light to buds will somehow directly relate to that particular bud's growth is exactly that: an assumption.

Plants grow those fan leaves for the very purpose of turning light into energy for you very hungry buds. They need those leaves, that's why the grew them. Mother Nature has this worked out pretty well. Cutting them off seems like a really, really bad idea to me.
I think it is a bit issue with experience. I remember always feeling like I had to be doing something to my plants, but all I was doing was stressing them out.

Your buds look great to me. Don't be a helicopter parent. Let 'em grow.
Thanks.. If u have experience in growing than im pleased to hear this :)
Dr.J20 thank you for pointing out that this guy is asking the same stupid question about the same stupid plants over and over and over again.

Bobingo, I understand that you are concerned about your plants and if you had a legitimate problem that someone could help with it would not be a big deal but you ask the same question about the same plants THAT ARE FINE !

This was me making fun of you, I am sorry that you don't understand sarcasm.
Thanks dude for saying that the plants are fine.... but may i ask you if u got alot of experience in growing? if so im glad to hear that the plants are doin fine... thanks means alot to me :D I know it was sarcasm what u posted ... ^_ ^
20 degree swings will increase the amount of stretch as compared to 10 degrees. Figured i'd toss 2 cents into the pot.
Doc.. You pointed it out as though it were an issue, if it's a non-issue why bring it up?? Many purple strains require 20 degrees to change.. LOL funny the person who pointed out a 20 degree change is calling me an "anal fucker." You're a joke, 20 degrees is just as "optimal" as 10 so take your 2 pennies and choke on them k? lol Good day simpin..

i'm not calling you an anal fucker, i'm saying that there are anal fuckers over in the hydro area you moron. you're reading comprehension does, however, need work. You seem to be interpreting things way beyond the literal level. re-read the thread please.
be easy.
i'm not calling you an anal fucker, i'm saying that there are anal fuckers over in the hydro area you moron. you're reading comprehension does, however, need work. You seem to be interpreting things way beyond the literal level. re-read the thread please.
be easy.
Why did we switch from weed to anal fuckers? xD
Back to the original discussion - I agree that your plants look fine for 36 days. As long as they keep looking healthy, you are probably in good shape. Start doing research asap on drying and curing. It makes all the difference in the final product. Good luck!
Back to the original discussion - I agree that your plants look fine for 36 days. As long as they keep looking healthy, you are probably in good shape. Start doing research asap on drying and curing. It makes all the difference in the final product. Good luck!
Okay so it means your plants look more or less the same as those on the pics at this stage o flo0wering? Thanks for reply