dude, you've been hyper anxious about the condition of your plants it seems for a good long while. the number of questions you ask wouldn't really be a problem/sore spot for a lot of folks on here if they were more substantive than "hey am i doing a good job?"
I'm guessing the bulk of your plant growing experience is with cannabis--i could be wrong, but it just seems like you're nit-picking and worrying over ever possible thing that you notice.
when you're growing tomatoes, do you worry about the quality of every fruit that you pick, wondering if those dry brown spots are a problem ,normal etc? No, of course not. because after you've grown from seed to harvest, and paid attention to the process, and made thorough documentation and annotation, you KNOW what your experience has been and whether what you're seeing posed a threat etc. and you'll probably go to the library and other repositories of firm, peer reviewed data to find out for sure whether what you're growing is growing alright. So, in short, it seems fairly clear that you are mostly seeking security and approval, rather than information here.
Take it easy, just watch your plants grow. you should be able to instinctively tell by now whether something is normal growth, ok, or bad, because if you've taken a plant this far, you should have done enough research to know these things.
i'm out.
be easy,