Can midgrade bagseeds turn into awesome buds?


Well-Known Member
You know there is no such thing as male bud lmao? males dont flower so they dont have any buds just pollen sacs.
This is not totally true.....If you let a male go long enuff, he will show female flowers, kinda like waiting too long on a female...and she hermies in the end. same principle, except with a male. But noone ever experiments with the males, lol. They all die first.


Well-Known Member
If you grow the seeds under better conditions than the weed you got was grown under, your much more likely too get a better quality bud. you will not be able to change the gene's though.
Ive grown bag seeds before from some outdoor(the smoke was good) but grew them in door under a HID... the bud was definately better.
also out of my four plants i grew in that batch the one that stayed the shortest and had the smallest internode length produced the best stuff of all:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Wheelerman420 u r so wrong . Males dobt grow buds , flowers or anything except pollen sacs.. They dont change in the end. Thunless it was a hermie to begin with. Males are useless unless u breed. And every female i have ever grown stayed a female til i cut them . Like i said unless it was a hermie.. Why do ppl think they know shit and post it .. Ppl like u spread so much misinformation .. But pure females are that and pure males are that . Hermies can be fem dom or male dom (what they are first before hermieing) thats forsure true not what he tried to say.. And ive harvested twelve different grows thus far and i have grown 3 different real strains and many bagseeds. Dont believe everything u read on the internet. there are ppl that dont know their ass from a backyard hole.. This guy prolly never even grew anything.. If he did im almost sure he didnt finish for one reason or another. Prolly stupidity.. Males turn to females haha best thing i ever heard.. If that were true all weed strains wouldnt be possible cause they wouldnt be able to breed them due to inconsistantcies


Well-Known Member
But not every plant hermies 100% of the time.. Ive let plant go to the point they died and it still didnt hermie and thats a month after finishing.. Outside to boot .. And bagseed explain that to me why didnt it hermie


Well-Known Member
Just because the bud you got the seeds from were crappy doesn't mean the seeds are bad, I've grown bad seed successfully twice now. The reason why everyone hates on bagseed so much is for a few reasons. Obviously they aren't as good as seeds from reputable seed banks, but not everyone can go that route immediately. Clones can be amazing, but they aren't always around and there's the risk of them being bad unless you acquire them from someone you know and trust. Now with bag seed, it's not very likely that you'll grow the absolute dankest weed in the world at all. It's hard to find top quality bag seed because everyone growing top quality bud does everything in their power to prevent seeds, but don't let that discourage you.

It's entirely possible to grow with bag seed and it's definitely a lot better than paying for crap mids, just don't expect the absolute dankest weed in the world is all.

And if absolutely nothing else, I'm not sure what you're experience with growing is, but anyone who's wanting to try for their first time should definitely try growing bag seed. This way when it's time to get serious and spend some cash you have experience under your belt. My first grow cost me $350 and it was a colossal failure, I got like one ounce of terrible hay weed and might as well have bought an ounce at the dispensary for how bad I failed. However I got more than my moneys worth in experience, my next attempt was much more successful because I did nothing but research and think about what I could have done differently.

Good luck man.


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17 day old BAGSEED. As with buying seeds at a despensory/seedbank/whatever it depends on the genetics of the product it came from. I.E. god bud seeds, IF you are lucky enough to find a few viable seeds will produce .... God bud. Low mids of unknown origins will produce the same in kind. If it smokes good for mids, it will likly produce the same plant you smoked when you bought it IF you put enough care into your plants. I dont remember what this was called but its obviously some sort of Indica and the quarter it came from cost me $120 and had me grafted to my couch for a few hours 8), But there were 7 seeds total in this bag, 4 ended up viable as you can see lol


Well-Known Member
It will be fresher, and un pollinated, so bingo, higher thc and better overall just with those two facts.


Well-Known Member
just getting into this thread, to answer the title... yes they can have a look for yourself.



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17 day old BAGSEED. As with buying seeds at a despensory/seedbank/whatever it depends on the genetics of the product it came from. I.E. god bud seeds, IF you are lucky enough to find a few viable seeds will produce .... God bud. Low mids of unknown origins will produce the same in kind. If it smokes good for mids, it will likly produce the same plant you smoked when you bought it IF you put enough care into your plants. I dont remember what this was called but its obviously some sort of Indica and the quarter it came from cost me $120 and had me grafted to my couch for a few hours 8), But there were 7 seeds total in this bag, 4 ended up viable as you can see lol
You're one of the lucky ones my man! It's very rare that quality genetics actually have seeds in them but when they do then treasure it! The seed actually has the potential to be much better than the buds you got actually because usually if there are seeds in it then something went wrong with the grow, but if it put you on your ass the genetics are obviously great! That's awesome you got 4 that popped too, you should get at least one female from that and you'll have yourself an awesome mother from seed. Nice looking plants by the way!

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
Sounds like a fun grow to me. Could be a great surprise or could be a let down? Not knowing is part of the fun I guess.


Thanks 8) needless to say, I have taken to sacrificing small animals to the Bud Goddess for her wonderful and insanly rare blessing of a gift, I know these have good genes as I live oh, 20 mins from Michigan which is where my guy gets his medicine from. I am just hoping for a continued blessing and end up with not only an awesome mother plant , but maybe one or 2 more I can flower out. Ill have to ask what the name of this was but I know its an Indica Strain atleast 8) Hell maybe Ill name it Radioactive or something if it turns out like I hope it will lol